Your Embryo Adoption and Donation Story can be full of Change, Challenges and Charm!

Let's face it...anything worth doing in our lives is probably going to change and stretch us. During the autumn season in many parts of the world, nature is showing us how beautiful it is to change, and as the leaves fall from the trees, to let go. How are you doing with change? With letting go?

It's not easy. But without it, the hibernation and rest of winter and the new life of spring would not happen. 

What can we do to celebrate change? To welcome challenges? and ultimately to explore and dance in the charm that change and challenges bring to our lives?

Take time to consider and discuss these questions with someone you trust.

Every Fertility Treatment Under the Sun!

We had always dreamed of having children. A year into our marriage, we started to try on our own. As months passed and nothing was happening, I started to consult our doctors. They all said the same thing: “Just keep trying, this should be easy!”

As we approached the one-year mark, I finally got the referral to see a fertility specialist. After some initial testing, we learned that David had poor morphology and I had a diminished ovarian reserve. Our doctor told us (yet again), “You’re only 28 and 38, this should be easy!”

Read the rest of the story here

An Adopting Dad's Perspective

Choosing an

Embryo Adoption Agency

"Your embryo adoption journey is infinitely more rewarding with the right agency you can trust to guide your decisions. Proven success stories involving babies are a great sign, too." 

Adopting Families Stories i

Snowflakes is Celebrating 25 years and over 1,000 babies born!

Celebrate Snowflakes!

Since 1997, the Snowflakes program has helped over 2,000 placing families use an adoption model to place their embryos with an adoptive family. 

And now, over 1,000 frozen babies have be born!

"I fell in love with little Phoebe minutes after her birth. Well, that's not entirely true. I had actually fallen in love with Phoebe much earlier, when Julie and I decided to pursue embryo adoption. But hope had finally become reality."


September Snowflakes

This month we welcomed 6 Snowflakes babies and received a photo of Magnolia born in August.




D & P welcomed their daughter Magnolia Jo

S & B welcomed their son Colton

R and P welcomed their daughter Audra Anne

B & B welcomed their daughter Rayna Jane

T & C welcomed their son Evan

B and J welcomed their son Elijah


Sweet Magnolia Jo has been prayed for continuously.

Adorned with her snowflake tiara, Rayna's arrival is celebrated!

Elijah is thinking about his first fishing trip with his family!

Stay current on Facebook or Instagram!

Celebrate Snowflakes!