During lockdown, we’ve been continuing our work as Councillors through regular virtual meetings with other Councillors and Council Officers – with regular photo bombs from Talulla, Louise’s cat and official Northcote Councillors mascot.
Dear neighbours,
We hope that this finds you well during these uncertain times.
This is a quick update to let you know what’s happening locally. Read on for:
- A simple guide to the updated social distancing guidance for England.
- A reminder about the Wandsworth Community Hub, where you can get advice and support during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
- How you can support our local businesses who are open for business with new takeaway options.
- An update on waste and recycling centres and garden waste.
- Information on the Council’s special offer on composters.
- Information about the Wandsworth Arts Fringe – like the rest of us, they’re doing things differently during lockdown by showing performances online. The Fringe ends this weekend, so make sure you check out some of the final performances.
- Want to learn more about Wandsworth Common? The Friends of Wandsworth Common just turned 2 years old – read more about them and the Common below.
- More details about how we have been representing you at the (virtual) Town Hall – with links to videos of committee meetings for when you’ve watched the entirety of Netflix!
As ever, if there is anything we as Councillors can help with, or if there’s anything you would like to share with us, then please just drop us a line by clicking on our names in blue above.
Best wishes
Aled, Louise and Peter
Stay Alert - Control The Virus - Save Lives
Again, we want to say a big thank you for following the Public Health England and Government advice to Stay at Home as much as possible, and if you need to go out, to abide by the “social distancing” guidelines of keeping at least 2 meters apart. Please see the latest advice above.
Wandsworth Community Hub - Need Assistance during the Covid-19 outbreak?
Wandsworth Council was one of the first councils to establish a dedicated Community Hub to offer advice and support during the pandemic and to help coordinate the support offered by the Council working in partnership with Wandsworth’s many voluntary organisations.
Support our local businesses
Many of our local businesses are adapting as best they can to the crisis, with many offering takeaway services or restricted opening arrangements. You can find out what’s on offer at the
The Junction
website, which is regularly updated by the Clapham Junction Business Improvement District (BID) – do check it out and support our local businesses.
Waste and Recycling Centres
The Waste and Recycling
Centres at Smugglers Way and Cringle Street have reopened. Check for latest details of arrangements and opening times at
Western Riverside Waste Authority
This is
a return to normal operations, and measures have been put in place to keep residents and staff safe and to reduce queues. Please check these carefully before planning your trip.
Please note
that garden waste collection restarted from this week on our normal collection days.
Get composting and involve the whole family
To help reduce food and garden waste, as well as ease pressure on our weekly waste and recycling collection during the COVID-19 outbreak, residents can take advantage of special offers on composters. Discounted compost bins, water butts, bokashi bins, wormeries and more can be purchased by residents via our partnership with
This means people with small gardens, or even no garden, can compost much of their food waste, by using a bokashi bin, which is suited to small spaces and can be used indoors.
Walking and cycling
Some of you may have seen the announcement by the Government that they will be making funds available to encourage people to walk and cycle more as they start to return to work.
The Council’s wide ranging proposals
for Wandsworth will be discussed at the Strategic Planning & Transportation committee on 9th June.
If you have any ideas for Northcote that you think Wandsworth Council should be exploring - perhaps ideal locations for pop-up cycle lanes - please get in touch.
Wandsworth Arts Fringe runs until May 24th
WAF in our Living Room with a packed programme of online arts and culture is now live! Visit
Wandsworth Common - are you a member of 'The Friends'?
Living “Between the Commons” has always been a special part of our area, but with lockdown, we appreciate having our own piece of countryside more than ever.
With many of us enjoying the delights of Wandsworth Common for our regular walks, have you considered joining 'The Friends of Wandsworth Common'? Now celebrating their 2nd birthday, they continue during the COVID-19 restrictions to organise online talks and publish leaflets including on wildflowers & butterflies and a Nature Discovery Trail for youngsters (so that’s a home-schooling activity sorted as well!). For 2021 'The Friends' are planning ways to celebrate the Commons 150th Anniversary.
The (virtual) Town Hall – our work as Councillors continues
The Council’s new virtual Town Hall kicked off in April with the
Grants Committee
, chaired by Louise. We had over 50 applicants for our emergency COVID-19 fund that Wandsworth had created, all demonstrating the amazing community spirit that we have seen during this challenging time. The Council has also been helping source both food and PPE for voluntary organisations to help ensure our most vulnerable residents get the help they need.
Then all three of us attended an important meeting of the
Finance Committee
where we scrutinised the Council’s emergency response to the pandemic. Aled chaired the meeting, and asked questions about the Council’s efforts to source PPE for Wandsworth care homes and to make sure that children from disadvantaged backgrounds didn’t fall behind on their education during school closures.
Louise asked about domestic abuse support, the readiness of the Government’s forthcoming COVID-19 tracing app and about the Council’s partnerships with the various voluntary groups across Wandsworth who are doing amazing work in supporting people during the crisis.
Peter asked about ensuring the statutory Safeguarding of vulnerable adults and children being identified by the network of voluntary groups and through the Community Hub. Also he asked about the possible role of the Council’s experienced Public Health and Environmental Health Officers in relation to future testing and tracing programmes.
You can watch the committee meeting by clicking on the link above.
To join our circulation list, please email:
This will ensure you receive the latest information on combatting COVID-19 and any changes to Council services like waste and recycling, libraries, schools, and leisure centres as part of the emergency response.
We hope you find this E-Bulletin useful. Please do feel free to share it with your friends, neighbourhood and community groups.
We also post important information on social media, please click the buttons below to take you to Wandsworth Conservatives social media pages and website to help you stay up to date with what's going on in Wandsworth.
Published and promoted by David Jones on behalf of the Wandsworth Conservative Group, all contactable at 1-3 Summerstown, London, SW17 0BQ