We are pleased to say that the trial period for weekend closure of Northcote Road (and 7 day closure of Abyssinia Close) will continue until the end of British Summer Time on the 25th October.
We’re thinking of this as our own “Northcote Summer Time” - whatever the autumn weather might throw at us!
The initial weekend closures have helped many businesses, especially our beloved cafes and restaurants, to reopen safely and comply with social distancing guidelines. Several businesses have told us they were on the point of closing if this support from the Council and our local community had not been forthcoming.
Together with Rishi Sunak’s “Eat Out to Help Out” scheme in August, this support meant staff were brought back from furlough and additional staff recruited. Other retail businesses have benefited from the increased, more leisurely footfall along Northcote Road.
We have worked hard to make sure that the pedestrianisation trials work for everyone. Though there was a delay by Transport for London in diverting the G1 and 319 buses onto Bolingbroke Grove during the weekend closures, this has started in recent weekends and will continue during the extended weekend closures. There are now temporary bus stops at the weekend outside the Bolingbroke Academy, near the Bolingbroke Grove junction with Belleville Road. The weekend security and stewarding operation provided by the Council has also ensured that things have run smoothly.
We will also be guided by events: if the weather deteriorates badly during October, or other considerations (such as a rise in Covid-19 cases) come into play, then the closures may end before this date.
Feedback from you and other residents has been generally very supportive, with many of you enjoying the “al fresco” ambience that the scheme created and expressing support for our local hospitality industry. Feedback has also allowed the trial to be tweaked along the way. As your councillors, we have endeavoured to respond to your suggestions and comments during the course of the initial trial period so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us as well as emailing SocialDistancing@wandsworth.gov.uk (please include "Northcote Road" in the subject header.)