We know many have been concerned by the sad closure of Debenhams in the Arding & Hobbs building – however, we have been in regular contact with the owners and are very encouraged by their plans to refurbish this iconic building and attract in new retailers as soon as they can.
Our thanks to those who responded to the initial survey by the owner on this, we understand they had over 1000 responses.
We’ve been told that the developers plan online webinar presentations of the latest proposals, specific virtual events for residents of Ilminster Garden residents, and ground floor hoardings showcasing the building’s magnificent history and setting out the owner’s plans for the future.
Three online webinars have now been announced by the developers, and are scheduled for the following times:
Session 1: Tuesday 21 July from 11am to 12pm
Session 2: Wednesday 22 July from 6pm to 7pm
Session 3: Thursday 23 July from 6pm to 7pm
To attend, please
The team and let them know your questions beforehand.
(Please note that, at the moment, no planning application has yet been submitted but we will let you know when it is).