Your Essential Northcote Update
Dear neighbours,

We hope you are well and keeping safe. Although lockdown has brought its considerable challenges, there is some hope on the horizon as case numbers fall locally and the vaccination programme is continuing at pace. 

We wanted to send you a quick update about some of the things we delivered for you last year, and some things to look forward to:

  • Helping Northcote through COVID - repeating our popular street pedestrianisation.
  • Roll out the read carpet - we're getting a new library!
  • Improving air quality and our playgrounds.
  • Wandsworth in 15 years time - have your say!

As ever, if there is anything else that you’d like to raise with us as your local councillors, please don’t hesitate to email us at:

Best regards,

Aled, Louise and Peter

P.S. The photos below were not taken during lockdown.

STOP PRESS: In these tough times, Wandsworth Conservatives have frozen Council tax this year. We will increase the social care precept by 3% to support our care workers. The Council will also set up a charitable trust so that residents who would like to contribute more can do so. Please see below for more details. 
Helping Northcote
Through COVID

Pictured: Louise, Peter and Aled enjoying coffee al fresco at Pintus.

From July until October last year, we pedestrianised Northcote Road at the weekends, making it safer for residents to shop and dine as well as providing our businesses with a lifeline after the first lockdown. For many it was a chance to eat, drink and catch up with friends outside in a covid-safe way. It also brought a bit of escapism - sitting outside Opa Opa with a chicken souvlaki in the sunshine, we nearly thought we were on holiday in Greece!

The pedestrianisation also helped our businesses which had been hit hard by the pandemic - on average, businesses reported that they were up 30% on takings compared to the previous year, and many were able to de-furlough staff and even take new staff on. 

Our plan is to repeat the pedestrianisation this summer (covid permitting) so that residents and businesses can benefit once again after a tough lockdown. 

We also delivered on our promise and introduced a 20mph speed limit, so that the street is safer all week.
Roll Out The Read Carpet

Pictured: Louise reading “The Gruffalo’s Child” for Wandsworth Council’s summer bedtime stories series.

With apologies for pun (well, sorry not sorry!) we’re thrilled that, at a time when many places are closing libraries, Wandsworth is building a new library and community centre on Northcote Road.

The final plans to open the library around summer 2022 have now been approved. We want your views on what the new library should offer – so look out for engagement events in 2021.

Improving Air Quality And Our Playgrounds

Pictured: Peter and Aled next to the hedge’s new location bordering St Mark’s Playspace.

After a tough year, our outdoor spaces and playgrounds have never been more important. That's why we've been working to preserve and improve them. 

We’ve secured £120,000 for a project to promote biodiversity and air quality, which includes a fume-blocking hedge at St Mark’s Playspace, and we’ve secured £150,000 for improvements to Lady Allen Playground for disabled children and their siblings.
Wandsworth in 15 years’ time
Wandsworth Council is looking forward 15 years to plan how we are going to live, work, travel and play in the future. 

Consultation on the draft Local Plan is now open. This is the key document identifying where developments will take place and to enhance and protect what is good and special about the borough. 

Read the Wandsworth Local Plan Clapham Junction Area Strategy and find out how you can contribute your view. Please give your views by 1 March 2021:
Wandsworth becomes first council in London set to freeze tax to support residents through COVID
Conservative-run Wandsworth is set to become the first and possibly only council in London to freeze council tax to support hard-pressed residents through COVID-19. 

Already having the lowest average council tax in the country, Wandsworth is proving it is possible to deliver top quality services for less. 

Wandsworth once again is leading the way showing local authorities can freeze tax when taxpayer’s money is managed responsibly. 

Cllr Ravi Govindia CBE, Leader of Wandsworth Council commented: 

“We’re freezing council tax in Wandsworth to support everyone in our borough through COVID-19.  

For over 40 years we have led the way in delivering quality services for less. Making Wandsworth a special borough that many take pride in calling home.
Our careful financial management over many years enabled us at this critical juncture to go further and as a caring council, support our community in its hour of need.

Freezing council tax, providing thousands of laptops and free school meals to children, continuing our weekly bin collection and delivering work match programs to help people get back into jobs.  

All this, at a time when many Labour councils across London are cutting services and hiking tax – putting hard pressed families under pressure. 

We have stood shoulder to shoulder with Wandsworth residents throughout this pandemic, rolling out the most comprehensive COVID-19 support package of any Council in London.  

We’re delivering on our promise to Wandsworth residents to keep council tax low which for many years has stood at one of the lowest rates in the country. Almost half of what Labour-run Lambeth and Merton charge.  

Financial freedom has always been at the heart of our Conservative ethos in Wandsworth, and we believe that we should take as little tax as possible to deliver the quality services Wandsworth is renowned for - giving residents the freedom to decide how to spend their hard-earned cash.” 

We recognise that some people will be in a fortunate financial position and will want to contribute more to the Council above and beyond their Council tax. Wandsworth Council is currently setting up a charitable trust to allow those residents to do just that, and further details will be announced shortly. 

To find out more about Wandsworth's tax freeze and how it will affect you click here.
If you need support
If you need support you can contact:

Wandsworth Council's Community Hub by phone on: 020 8871 6555 or by e-mail by clicking here.

Your local Councillors by clicking on their names above.

In emergencies only call the emergency services on: 999
Are you concerned about crime? 

If so, join the Wandsworth Crime Watch Facebook group which provides a useful forum to discuss crime in your local area. 

You can click here to join.
P.S. Click the social media icons below to share this e-mail with your friends so they know how to access support from Wandsworth Council too.