Fall 2019 Newsletter
Hello from Generations -

In case you missed it, November is National Home Care and Hospice Month, which has us feeling extra grateful to be a part of our compassionate community of homecare professionals. To recognize you for the important work you do in helping to eliminate social isolation and food insecurity among seniors in our communities, we've made a donation to  Feeding America on behalf of homecare professionals across the United States. Inspired to join us with a pledge of your own? Reply to this email and we'll help you get started.

In that same spirit of helping others, we're pleased to announce new tracking and reporting functionality in Generations. Homecare providers can now demonstrate the value and successful care outcomes their service provides by sharing  anonymized  graphical data related to the reduction of subsequent hospital visits.  Learn how Generations helps agencies worldwide improve an individual's health outcomes using state-of-the-art visualization tools.
Lastly, Decision Health's Private Duty National Conference is just around the corner. We look forward to it every year, as the organizers always line up a terrific assortment of educational sessions. Plus, we love it for the fact that we get to see you in person! Stop by our booth to ask us questions about Generations, share your feedback or to simply say "hello." We'll have a few super soft Generations t-shirts to give away so get yours while you can!

Until Next Time, 

Team G
New Tool: Earn More Referrals
Speak the language of your referral sources

What are your referral sources looking for? Clear and concise data that tells a story about your agency. One story that speaks volumes centers around hospital readmission rates following homecare. Generations clients now have access to sophisticated hospitalization and ER visit reports and much more thanks to a new tracking and reporting feature launched just last month.
Hospitals that can demonstrate fewer subsequent readmissions receive more Medicare reimbursement dollars from CMS. As a result, hospitals prioritize partnerships with providers that can demonstrate low readmissions. Generations simplifies documentation and provides the tools agencies need to prove positive health outcomes.

We have included more details on this new reporting functionality in our latest blog post. Click here to read. 
Supporting Critical Services for Seniors
We saw a big win late last month with the bi-partisan passage of the Dignity in Aging Act of 2019. 

"The Dignity in Aging Act authorizes robust funding increases...which will help expand access to food assistance, transportation, and other basic services that a growing population of seniors need to live independently and with dignity. [Program funding will see] a 35 percent total increase in program funding over the five-year reauthorization period." --Fact Sheet, House Committee on Education & Labor

Generations Homecare System is designed to support seniors around the world by providing homecare agencies with the most sophisticated and secure software available. Features such as Secure Messaging and real-time reporting equip care teams with tools to combat senior isolation through responsive, high-quality, in-home care. Let's make senior isolation a thing of the past.
Everything EVV
Agencies in Colorado - did you know Generations has been selected as a preferred Electronic Visit Verification vendor for the state of Colorado? 

Since our last newsletter, which went out in August, we've added to the growing list of states for which Generations has a Medicaid solution.

We are committed to providing agencies in all 50 states with the solution you need to meet your state's Medicaid billing requirements. Let's make sure your agency is up and running with Generations in time to meet your state's deadline. We are standing by to help you get started.
Questions? Looking for a demo or training? 


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