April 16, 2021
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana
Hike at Pate Hollow tomorrow!
Join the UU Hikers this Saturday at 1:00 PM for a spring hike at Pate Hollow.  Click this link for all the details and to sign up.  
This Sunday's Service
Sunday, April 18, 2021
10:15 am Livestream
Earth Day: A Celebration of Story
Reverend Emily Manvel Leite
Reverend Dave Clements
Reverend Mary Ann Macklin
UUCB Children's Choir
When did you stop being enchanted by story? Has your work to save our planet felt unending, exhausting, sometimes hopeless? Join us this morning to celebrate the earth and hear a story about persistence, camaraderie, and celebration leading to renewed possibilities. Our children’s choir, directed by Jill Courtney, will be a part of this service.
If you miss the livestream, you can view archived videos on our website.
Early Bird Coffee Hour
Bring your coffee and join us at 9:15 AM to relax with friends and enjoy your coffee before the service. Everyone is welcome!  Click on this link to register for Early Bird Coffee Hour and receive the Zoom link
-- Ann LeDuc, Connections Coordinator
Connect with Our UU Community during
Virtual Coffee Hour
Everyone is welcome to join us after the worship service, until 12:30 pm, for engaging conversation in Virtual Coffee Hour. 

Breakout Rooms this Sunday:
  • Annual Goods and Services Auction Information
  • General Discussion
UU Humanist Forum Meets April 18, 12:45 pm
The UU Humanist Forum will meet this Sunday at 12:45 p.m. via Zoom. Ann Watzel will lead a discussion on "Money." Contact Ann Watzel, awatzel(at)gmail.com to get the link to the Zoom meeting.
Celebration This Sunday!
Sunshine Spectacular Drive-thru
Sunday, April 18, 3-6 p.m. at Church
Come On Over and Make Your Pledge!
Our goal for fiscal year 2021-22 is $675,000 and we have received pledges totaling $250,000 so far. Thank you to everyone who has pledged since Sunday, March 28! Now it is up to you, the rest of the members and friends of this congregation, to decide what we are able to do going forward as a congregation.

There are lots of ways you can make your pledge to the church, right now!

  • You can pledge online at http://bit.ly/Sunshine2122
  • You can mail your pledge card to the church. (We mailed you one!)
  • You can call or text the church mobile 812-287-9615, or send an email with your pledge amount, to Church Administrator Carol Marks, admin (at) uubloomington.org.
On Sunday, April 18 from 3PM to 6PM, you can come to the church for our outdoor Sunshine Spectacular! Turn in your paper pledge card (come on over even if you already pledged online!), partake of delicious sunshine cookies, be a part of an Earth Day plant giveaway, listen to the phenomenal UU Car Choir, and pick up the fabulous Ray of Sunshine CD, along with other excellent surprises (Please check the box on the pledge card if you want the CD, and include the extra $20.00 in your total pledge amount). If you would like to purchase more than one CD, let us know how many at admin@uubloomington.org and we will have them waiting for you.

For more details and inspiration, click here to see the UU Sunshine News!
Ray of Sunshine CD Ready for Pickup on Sunday, April 18
Bring the light and warmth of Spring and Summer into your homes with a brand new CD called "RAY OF SUNSHINE," 21 solo piano tracks recorded this winter in our sanctuary on our piano. These are beautiful selections you've heard our pianist Ray Fellman play in our services over the years. 

ALL proceeds go to the church! $20 per CD. If you have not already let us know you would like one (or more) you can still order them today, if you let us know how many you want today by 5:00 p.m. and you pick them up on April 18 between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m. at church (drive-thru). Buy 10 as gifts! Email Church Administrator Carol Marks at admin (at) uubloomington.org by 5:00 p.m. today, Friday, April 16 to place your order for Sunday pickup. You can pay for them with cash or check on Sunday, or mail us a check next week, to UU Church, PO Box 1158, Nashville Indiana 47448-1158.
UU Online Book Club reads "Uncanny Valley" by Anna Wiener
The Online Book Club is reading "Uncanny Valley" in April for discussion at the May 3 meeting (via Zoom). If you are interested in joining the discussion, please sign up here for the Zoom link: UU Book Club Registration   Discussion questions can be found here.
Adrienne Summerlot and Martha Nord invite our 4th-6th graders to join them via Zoom on Sunday, April 25th for a Virtual Slime Party during the coffee hour from 11:30 am-12:30 pm.  Sign up to request your slime kit before April 20th and let us know if you need us to deliver it, or if you would prefer to pick it up from the Portico entrance at your convenience. 
--Adrienne Summerlot, Director of Religious Education
dre (at) uubloomington.org
Congregational Read: Discussions & Resources

Facilitated groups will be reading Part Seven and the Epilogue this coming week. 

The Congregational Read Resource page is updated regularly with information that may be of interest to all who are reading the book.

The 8th Principle Commitment: Where Do We Go from Here? below has information on upcoming opportunities to gather and continue our journey of learning and action.

8th Principle Commitment:
Where Do We Go from Here?

Many of you are participating in the church-wide read of the book “CASTE”. We will be finishing our church-wide read in a few weeks. Hopefully reading this book has been a good experience for you. Many of you are wondering where can we go next? What can we do as a congregation? How can we respond to what we have learned from reading CASTE? We want you to be aware of what our next steps are and invite you to join with us.

  1. Come to our churchwide meeting on Sunday, May 2nd on Zoom at 11:30 (more information will be coming in the next few weeks).
  2. Participate in our 21-day Racial Justice Challenge which will begin in May.
  3. Be thinking of opportunities and projects that the congregation could get involved with.

Stay tuned for more information.

Ruth Aydt and Martha Oakley, Racial Justice Task Force co-chairs
Reverend Dave Clements
Reverend Emily Manvel Leite
Becoming Your Best Self
April 24, 10:30-12:30
With metaphor, a vision board, and shared stories, we will create your vision for your Best Self. Then, we will set your Best Self in motion by deciding actions/dreams/goals that align with that inner voice of wisdom that we all have. You know the one? The one that embraces Inner Child. The one that creates, doesn’t doubt, and moves boldly forward. Join UU Member Suzanne Fodor for a fun, creative session on Designing Your Best Self. This free workshop is sponsored by the Leadership Cultivation Committee.  Click this link to register. Room is limited, so sign up today!
The 2021 Annual Goods and Services Auction
All Online April 25-May 2!
This year's auction will feature amazing artwork for your collection, wonderful outdoor events, delicious treats of all kinds, and more! There will be something for everyone. Watch your email for the link to the online auction. Questions? Visit our breakout room in Virtual Coffee Hour this Sunday or email Debbie Fish schoolofdfish (at) gmail.com.
Vaccinations available for age 16 and older!
People age 16 and older in Indiana are now eligible for the covid-19 vaccine. Visit this website or call 211. Extra vaccines may be available in adjoining counties. https://vaccine.coronavirus.in.gov/
Community Justice & Mediation Center
Virtual Fundraising Event, April 21, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Please join CJAM for an important community conversation about the Housing and Eviction Prevention Project at their virtual fundraising event on April 21 at 6:30 p.m. Click here for information.
Reproductive Justice Task Force Raising Money for Hoosier Abortion Fund
The Reproductive Justice Task Force's annual campaign to raise money for the Hoosier Abortion Fund is underway!! Women from all over IN apply for assistance from All Options Pregnancy Resource Center here in Bloomington. Help close the inequality gap in abortion care and donate today. Click here to help: https://fund.nnaf.org/team/350371
Sleep Out on April 30
So Others Don't Have To
This is a fundraiser to help keep Friend's Place, Beacon's overnight shelter, open for another year. Friday, April 30 at 8:00 p.m. through Saturday, May at 8:00 a.m., they are asking folks to sleep out to raise funds and awareness for people experiencing homelessness. Get your friends and family to sponsor your sleep-out with a financial gift. To participate:
1. Register for the sleepout at www.givebutter.com/sleepout2021/join
2. Contact friends and family to sponsor your sleepout
3. Sleep out (or on your living room floor!) on April 30
More info, contact Alan Backler, Homelessness Task force, abackler(at)aol.com
Beacon Winter Shelter
From now until May 1, the winter shelter needs the following supplies:
Drop off bins are at the church, near the Portico entrance, north side. Thanks, from the UU Homelessness Task Force
Green Sanctuary Task Force Weekly Tip

Even when your computer is sleeping it still uses energy. Turn it off at the end of the day.
Deadline for submissions to the Order of service and Friday UU Update
Thursday, 9 am, to office(at)uubloomington.org
Masthead photo by Jack King.
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana
Mailing address during covid:
UU Church, PO Box 1158,
Nashville, Indiana 47448-1158