Gifted & Talented eNews October 2018
Personalized Learning
For a fair selection everybody has to take the same exam: please climb that tree.
You may be hearing the term "personalized learning" quite a bit lately. But, what does that really mean? What does it look like? How does personalized learning benefit your child?

First..... take a step backward for perspective.

"Start With Why" - Simon Sinek
"Don't limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in another time."
Rabindranath Tagore
Ian Byrd
"Creating Tomorrow’s Innovators"
~Ian Byrd~

November 7, 2018 - 6:30-7:30 pm
Mountain View HS - Auditorium

21st century technologies have opened up new paths for success, and gifted students' curiosity and intense interests make them uniquely suited to blaze these new trails. At the same time, gifted characteristics such as perfectionism and impostor syndrome can hold them back. Parents can support students, empowering them to become tomorrow's innovators.
Learn about Ian Byrd at Byrdseed
"If you wante a better answer, ask a better question!"
As the world changes, hopes for our children change.
For all students to find and fulfill their potential, we must design a system that is built for learning.
"Every student deserves to be treated like the miracle that they are—with personalized, individualized education that addresses that 'world within'.”
Ken Robinson - Read more EdSurge
The Thompson School District began the journey to personalized learning for three primary reasons:
  1. Local businesses had long been requesting graduates who are creative problem-solvers, effective communicators and eager collaborators.
  2. District leadership noted a chronic gap between high school and college, often leading to remediation on college campuses.
  3. Leaders, teachers and parents recongnized the need to boost the relevance of classroom work and learning for students.
Every day can be different if we want it to be.
Promoting personalized learning requires educators and parents to shift how they think of school.
Competency Based Education in 60 Seconds
Why Competency Based Education?
Click below to find out.
Let's Teach for Mastery
Sal Khan
What is the Definition of Personalized Learning?

Click below to find out.
A Parent's Wishes for His Child's Teachers

Chris Kennedy, Superintendent - West Vancouver School District.
How Personalized Learning Can Benefit Your Child

Click below to find out.
The teachers and staff in Thompson School District are dedicated to working with students and families to design a personal learning pathway for each student based on their passions, strengths and needs. We care about students having meaningful learning that is not based on seat time and gives students more choices in what they want to explore at a deeper level. 
No two schools using personalized learning will look exactly the same.
Below are endorsed personalized learning models. Each of these models sets high expectations for all students and aligns their learning to a set of rigorous standards.
Flexible Learning Environment

Mr. Riedel made amazing changes to his classroom. His students love it!
Project-based Learning

How much do you know about project-based learning, or PBL? 

"A playlist is basically like a road map..."
Learning Profiles

What does differentiation for learning profiles look and sound like?

What's your learning profile?
Personalized Learning Pathways

Personalized learning pathways empower students to pursue their passions while taking more responsibility for their education.
Self Agency

Our students are being taught to be self agents. Does your child know what that means? Do you?
At the heart of personalized learning in Thompon is a focus on four work habits. The four attributes are a part of Colorado graduation competencies:
  1. Collaboration
  2. Communication
  3. Creative Prolbem-Sovling
  4. Self Agency
Did you note overlap between the models?
It's not an accident that many of these models overlap.
Personalized learning and its many components blend to create a holistic set of educational tools.
To get an idea of what personalized learning is, try to picture a classroom that doesn’t have a “one size fits all” approach to education. The teacher doesn’t lead all students through the same lessons. Instead, the teacher guides each student on an individualized journey. The what, when, where and how of learning is tailored to meet each student’s  strengths , skills, needs and interests. Continue reading at Understood
Personalized learning is not:
What personalized learning is and what it is not.
Shifting one’s view of personalization to encouraging students as active, co-decision makers in their learning can feel like a breath of fresh air.
Personalized learning has the potential to be different for every learner; however, it would be beneficial to take a look at some of the misconceptions and what personalized learning is NOT. Continue reading at EdSurge
Golden Circle
Want to incorporate the Golden Circle into your family's life?
Download the graphic today and apply it to the many aspects of your life.