
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday filled with family and friends. 2024 is here, and the Restoration Committee is excited about the year ahead.

First, we hope you all will join us at the Kent-Valentine House in Richmond for our biennial Restoration Maintenance Workshop. This is a great opportunity to enjoy time with your fellow gardeners as well as gather new information about the care of historic landscapes. Restoration Committee members Sally Travis and Meg Turner have put together a terrific morning of speakers for you. See below for details and a link to online registration. There is no charge for the program, and lunch is included.

This past year of strategic planning and the search for our new GCV landscape architect has served to strengthen our commitment to GCV’s mission of preserving historic landscapes in the commonwealth. We are grateful to partner with all of you as we build on our legacy, and we look forward to sharing some very exciting news with you in the upcoming weeks.

Thank you for your dedication to the future of protecting Virginia’s treasures.

Wishing you a very Happy New Year,