Fun Projects, Contests, and Education for the "Whole" Family!
A Note from President and Founder
Nada Cory
Farewell Flip Flops, Welcome Pumpkin Spice!

We just experienced the Fall Equinox, casting an ecological influence upon us in our natural world. If you live north, it is the time when Mother Nature displays herself in a cloak of rich warm colors and fiery reds, as if wanting to hold on to the last bits of summer’s heat. The word equinox comes from the Latin words "aequalis" and "nox," meaning equal night. On the autumnal (and the spring) equinox, day and night are both roughly 12 hours long in most of the world. 

For some, the time has come to harvest mature crops and implement storage procedures for the cold winter months to come. In our earthy domain close to the equator, we are full of opportunity, as we prepare to cultivate fresh abundant gardens of fruits, herbs and vegetables, mostly lost to us from the intense summer climate. Soon Green Markets and local farm stands will be bursting with nutritious produce, beautifully colorful displays, and seasonal treats. 

Did you know that there are many edible flowers, and certainly fragrant and lovely herbs, that not only find a place in your garden, but can enhance your entire landscape? This is an opportunity, as you plan and plant in the fall, to make the most of your personal “farm to table” space.

I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and start creating a nutritious and visually pleasing garden of health right in your backyard, patio or simply a hydrophobic garden tower. As you can see there are so many alternatives, and endless means of support for success.

You will find loads of information throughout our newsletter.  Engage your mind, body, and spirit, and be fearless in creating a vibrant and healthy you, with a most colorful and nutritious garden of your own conception!

In good health!
Vacation is over for your garden, it is time to rejuvenate and get ready for a season of delicious homegrown food to eat and drink. Below are helpful tips to help you "look ahead" at what you can do now, and continue to move forward towards success.
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