Here's what's happening at . . . .

Worship & Education
Classes begin at 9:10 a.m.

Elementary School children will begin with music in the choir room, then return to Room 3 for a Godly Play story. 

On January 19, the confirmands will attend a worship service at UUTC with Jackie Jenkins.

Intersections will provide space and time for people to reflect  on stories for the Lenten devotional booklet that our congregation and others are invited to help create. 
Members and friends of Good Shepherd are invited to write brief devotionals to share with our congregation and others during Lent. This year, we will focus on the passage from Philippians known as the Christ hymn (2:5-11). You are asked to share a story from your life that relates to one of the five themes pulled out of the Philippians text. (Click here for more information.)
Maybe your story will illustrate how someone showed humility or obedience in a difficult situation. Or maybe your story will share a time when you witnessed others praising Jesus or when your mind was like Christ's. We all have stories to share, and they can support those around us as we travel together on our faith journey.

Your story should be around 300-400 words. If you would like, you can include a question at the end of your story that prompts the reader to further reflection and/or a prayer. You are welcome to submit more than one story. Please send in your story contributions to Kimberly Dunbar in the church office ([email protected]) by Friday, February 21, or contact her with any questions. Thank you.
At Good Shepherd
At the special congregational meeting held on January 12, members voted to extend a call to Pastor Ken Albright as Good Shepherd's new permanent Pastor, and then subsequently approved the proposed compensation package that was prepared in accordance with Synod guidelines. Pastor Ken's first Sunday with us will be February 2. His formal installation will be at a later date to be scheduled by the Synod office. A special "thank you" goes to our dedicated Call Committee members who spent many long hours working to vet and recommend the best candidate to fulfill our congregation's needs. Be sure to take a minute to personally thank Roy Larson (Call Committee Chair), Judy Caldwell, Dave Carlson, David Gresham, Kate Reinke and Caroline Smith for their efforts.
The hope-filled and enlightening season of Epiphany, the old guy (me) leaving and the new guy (Pastor Albright) arriving, an 11 month period of transition changing to a period for new beginnings, a new year, a new decade... that's where LCGS finds itself; and this is an exciting time! Mark Twain is attributed with saying, "The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you found out why." Perhaps the two most important times in the life of a church are when it is organized and when it fully realizes it is the Body of Christ to witness to and live out his Gospel here and now. 
Years ago I read a book by H. Richard Niebuhr entitled, The Purpose of the Church and Its Ministry. In it, he cited the teaching of Jesus to say our purpose as "Church" is to increase among humankind, love for God and for each other. I wrote a paper in seminary over 55 years ago entitled, "Changing Lives for the Better: Our 'Product' as Christ's Church." I think Niebuhr's "purpose" and my "product" are together what Jesus calls and expects his disciples to do; what he came to do. Through faith and love in the God revealed by Jesus we change our lives, and through care and service growing out of that faith and love we change other's lives. And the world, God's world, becomes a better place. When Jesus taught us to pray, "(God's) kingdom come on earth...," that's what he taught us to pray for.
Will 2020 be a year of true epiphany for LCGS? It can be. You may not "fully" realize your purpose to be the Body of Christ here and now, but you can see it - a light in darkness - and become more like Christ than ever before. That's my fervent prayer for you and every community of believers embracing the name, "Christian." That's being faithful to The Way, The Truth, and The Life that is Christ!
Live it up!
Pastor Graf 
The Congregation Council elected 2020 officers at their January 14 meeting in accordance with Chapter 11 of the LCGS Constitution & Bylaws that became effective December 11, 2019. Per section C11.02., "The Congregation Council shall elect its officers and they shall be the officers of this congregation. The officers serve for one year. The term shall begin on January 1 and end on December 31." Council is pleased to announce the following officers for 2020: John Colflesh, President; Lorel Durlak, Vice President; Bob Schuld, Treasurer; and Barb Jackson, Secretary.
According to section C13.09.01. of Good Shepherd's Constitution & Bylaws, "The Chairperson of each standing committee...shall be approved by the Congregation Council. The term of appointment shall be for one year. Chairperson shall be eligible for reappointment." The Constitution & Bylaws also require that the members of several committees must be approved by Council each year, including Audit (section C13.03.), Finance (section C13.09.07.), Memorial Gifts (C13.06.), Mission Endowment Fund (C13.07.) and Memorial Garden (C13.08.). To this end, the Council approved the following committee chairs and members at its January 14 meeting:
  • Audit:Chair - Ruth Lentz; Members - Bob Landwehr and Gloria Larson
  • Fellowship: Chair - De Carlson
  • Finance: Chair - Hal Galloway; Members - Tom Brim, Bill Johnson, Jane Madsen, Bob Milligan, Robert McKeown and Bob Schuld
  • Memorial Garden: Chair - Lorel Durlak; Members - Mark Madsen and Donna Aiken-Colflesh
  • Memorial Gifts: Chair - Jody Schuld
  • Mission Endowment Fund: Chair - Roy Larson; Members - Mark Madsen, Zia McConnell, Dwight Meyer and Bill Moore
  • Property: Co-Chairs - Don Rumph and Fred Weed
  • Safety and Security: Chair - John Colflesh
  • Stewardship: Chair - Bill Johnson
  • World & Community: Chair - Kimberly Dunbar
  • Worship & Music: Chair - Laurie Johnson
Council thanks all our ministry team leaders and members, as well as those working quietly behind the scenes, who dedicate many hours of their time, skills and talents supporting LCGS' daily operations and enhancing our collective worship and fellowship experiences.
On  Sunday, January 26, at 12:00 p.m., please join us for our annual congregational meeting and to vote on the proposed 2020 budget. We will be holding a potluck luncheon. If you are able to bring a dish, please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board. Thank you!
Do you have pictures of Good Shepherd activities or celebrations? We need them! Efforts are underway to build a library of digital pictures that can be used for various communications initiatives, including updating our web site, revising our documented church history, on bulletin boards, etc. Any pictures you are willing to share - especially those taken in the past 2 to 3 years - would be greatly appreciated! Please email them to Donna Aiken-Colflesh at [email protected] or, if you have a large quantity of pictures to share, contact Donna to determine the best way to transfer them. Thank you! (Note that parental permission will be obtained prior to using any pictures of our children.)
The Annual Fish Fry to benefit Sharing House will be held on Friday, February 29 at Good Shepherd. The evening will include delicious food and music. Tickets will be on sale beginning Sunday, February 2. 
All 2019 Year End Contribution Reports will be mailed out on or before Monday, January 13. The mailings will be to each giver's address of record with the church office, unless you have already advised Jane Madsen otherwise. Your contribution report should be retained by you for tax purposes, if applicable. Contact information:  [email protected] or 828-489-7667.
Note: After the YE reports are mailed, all previous quarterly contribution reports remaining in church mail slots will be removed and destroyed. If you want these for any reason, please check your mail slot before noon on Sunday, January 19.

Sunday, January 19, 2020
  8:00 a.m.  Worship (Sanctuary)
  9:00 a.m.  Coffee Hour (Fellowship Hall)
  9:10 a.m.  Elementary Children's Sunday School (Education Wing)
  9:10 a.m.  Intersections Class (Room 6)
10:30 a.m.  Worship Service ( Sanctuary)
11:30 a.m.  Coffee Hour (Fellowship Hall)

Membership & Evangelism
The "Community Care Corner" feature in the weekly newsletter allows us to update you on people for whom we are praying or to submit a new prayer request. If you have an update on someone or a new prayer request to share in the Corner, please email or call the church office ([email protected] or 883-3680) by noon on Thursday. 

Jonathan Bankhead, cousin of Margarette Kennerly , died this week from a brain tumor.  A memorial service was held in Columbia, SC. 

Russ Sena  was hospitalized earlier this week for an infection. He responded well to treatment and is being released home today.

Bill Reed, friend of Karen & Mike Anderson, has been suffering with a difficult case of pneumonia. 

Interim Pastor.................................................................................Rev. Dr. Richard Graf
Minister of Music ..................................................................................... David Gresham
Organist ......................................................................................................Vance Reese
Outreach Ministry Coordinator..............................................................Kimberly Dunbar
Assisting Minister ...................................................................Jody Schuld / Bill Johnson
Readers......................................................................Debbie Cooper / Suzanne Barrett
Ushers ..............Debbie & Paul Cooper / Ken Aarsund, Hal Galloway, & Jack Gresham
Acolytes ..................................................................................Jody Schuld / Yuri Emaus
Greeters .........................Henry Dixon & Darrell Dixon / Heidi Bullock & Parker Dickens
Elementary Sunday School Teacher.......................................................Heather Merritt
Doorkeeper for Sunday School..................................................................Heidi Bullock
Nursery Care during Worship...................................................................................TBD
Altar Care & Communion Bread ...........................................................Suzanne Barrett
Tellers .........................................................................Mike Anderson & Jane McKeown
Doorkeeper of the Day ............................................................................Mike Anderson
Coffee Hour.......................... Debbie & Paul Cooper  / Heidi Bullock, Zia & Frank McConnell,                                                                                                                & Susan & Mike Whitaker
World & Community
Sharing House is offering another Getting Ahead series,  designed to help people imagine and create a more stable financial future for themselves and their children. The class will meet on Wednesdays, beginning on January 15, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Brevard Wesleyan Church, and will include about 12 people. 
Sharing House needs help providing snacks and drinks for the class (i.e. breakfast or lunch foods such as casseroles, fruit, coffee cake, sandwich trays, cheese and crackers, soups and salads, chips and dip, brownies, cookies, etc.). Sharing House will supply the paper goods and utensils.
Providing refreshments may not seem like a worthwhile thing to do, but it is a meaningful and tangible way to accompany others, and is always greatly appreciated by class members.

Consider providing snacks with a friend. If you'd like to help, please sign up on the bulletin board or contact Kimberly Dunbar (883-3680 or [email protected]). Deliver the snacks around 9:45 a.m. to Brevard Wesleyan Church on the scheduled day (enter the second door down in the parking lot and go up a few stairs into the fellowship hall). Thank you! 
For many years (more than 26!), the LCGS "Road Warriors" have been caring for God's creation by picking up trash and litter along a stretch of Asheville Highway. We thank them for their dedication and hard work. They are always looking for volunteers to help continue this ministry. 
The group picks up trash on the third Tuesday of each month, and will next meet on January 21 at 9:00 a.m. at church. Come join them!
In Our Community
You are invited to join others from Brevard who will travel to Montgomery, AL from October 22-24, to visit the Equal Justice Initiative Legacy Museum and the National Memorial for Peace and Justice. Individuals from Brevard College, Center for Spiritual Wisdom, our local NAACP chapter, and various congregations have helped to plan this trip.  Read more here.

To learn more about this pilgrimage or to be on the list of persons interested, please  contact the Rev. Bill Livingston ( [email protected] , 828-577-9325) by February 7.
The Church sings because there is so much to sing about, and singing is the deepest way to embody the sacred story we share.  The Minneapolis-based National Lutheran Choir, winners of Chorus America's Margaret Hillis Award  for Choral Excellence, sings this sacred and spiritual story in a way that is guaranteed to soothe your soul.  This eclectic program celebrates the depth and breadth of the Lutheran choral tradition.  Led by Artistic Director, David Cherwien, the program features choral works by Felix Mendelssohn, Ola Gjeilo and Ralph Vaughan Williams set alongside new arrangements of familiar tunes, including Kenneth Dake's "Sweet Hour of Prayer."

The 60-voice National Lutheran Choir seeks to strengthen, renew and preserve the heritage of sacred choral music through the highest standards of performance and literature. To learn more about the Choir, visit and connect on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube @NLChoir and Instagram @nationallutheranchoir.

National Lutheran Choir on tour - 
Saturday, February 22,  7:00 p.m.
FREE Admission (Please c onsider bringing a donation of new or gently used clothing for Crisis Assistance Ministry.)
Christ Lutheran Church -  4519 Providence Road,  Charlotte, NC 28226
STEP WNC is looking for volunteers to be LEADERS in our organization!  Home Repair and Firewood Ministry for low income, disabled and/or elderly Western NC neighbors is our mission, and we are eager to find volunteers who have a heart and interest for tasks like data entry on the computer, organizing work teams, writing and designing newsletters, inspecting homes for repairs, measuring and assessing building projects, etc. If you are interested in working with STEP WNC, contact Carolyn Smith at [email protected] or call  828-237-1029 and leave a voice mail message. God bless, and thank you!
ELCA, NC Synod, & LWF News
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." (Matthew 5:9). 

The current crisis between the United States and Iran is worrisome for many of us in our church, in our nation and in the world. Our country and Iran need urgently to find ways to resolve our differences through a de-escalation of the current crisis, using diplomacy and other peaceful means.


From now through spring 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court is deliberating on several lawsuits stemming from termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Lutherans have long supported young people who have come to the United States, known as "Dreamers." ELCA Advocacy activity has supported the American Dream and Promise Act of 2019, which passed in the House and includes a path to citizenship for DACA recipients. 

The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
(828) 883-3680     [email protected]
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