May 2017

California Consulting LLC: "Putting Clients First"

California Consulting client, Whittier City School District, recognized as a CABE Seal of Excellence School

California Consulting is pleased to announce that Whittier City School District has been recognized as California Association for Bilingual Education(CABE)Seal of Excellence School. 

The Seal of Excellence Award was inaugurated in 1996 to honor exemplary bilingual education programs throughout the State. This prestigious award honors schools that have established effective programs for their English Learners.

To receive the CABE Seal of Excellence Award each school must meet the established rigorous criteria by providing:

* Substantial evidence of the bilingual language proficiency (English and other language) and academic achievement for students in the program;

* A description of (a) the comprehensive and enriched instructional program that includes English Language Development, primary language instruction, and specially designed academic instruction in English; and (b) how it provides continuous and coherent services for all grade levels;

* A description of the professional development plan for certificated staff and how staff use effective, research-based instructional strategies;

* A description, with examples, of how the comprehensive curriculum for English Learners is aligned to the standards at all grade levels;

* An effective school-home-community collaboration that empowers parents to become active participants in their children's education.

Congratulations to California Consulting's grant writing team and Whittier City School District staff on the successful application. 

                     GRANT AWARDS:

California Consulting is pleased to announce our client, San Bernardino City Unified School District has recevied a grant award for the 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) grant that was funded for $2,084,400. Congratulations to San Bernardino City Unified School District and California Consulting's grant writing team on the successful application.

California Consulting is pleased to announce our client, San Bernardino City Unified School District, was awarded a 21st Century Community Learning Center grant for $1,059,400. Over $1 million for our client sbcusd! This award will incorporate 10 schools in the district. Congratulations to San Bernardino City USD staff and California Consulting's grant writing team on the successful application.

California Consulting is pleased to announce our client, Azusa Unified School District, received round 2 of The California Department of Education Preschool Expansion Grant for $741,410. Congratulation to Azusa USD and California Consulting's grant writing team on the successful application

California Consulting LLC is pleased to announce, William S. Hart Union School District, has received the California Health Science Capacity Building Grant for $60,000. Congratulations to William S. Hart USD staff and California Consulting's grant writing team on the successful application

California Consulting is honored that we have been invited to conduct grant writing presentation in San Bernardino. We hope you can attend. 

Join California Consulting for the State of the State of Transportation Funding  with Malcolm Dougherty, Director, California Department of Transportation, on June 15, 2017 at 10:00am!  

California Consulting Welcomes Stephen Sanger as New Associate-Bay Area

California Consulting is pleased to welcome Stephen Sanger as our newest Associate for the Bay Area. Stephen Sanger has over 20 years of substantial public sector experience working as  a consultant and public employee.  Mr. Sanger's expertise lies in the areas of  fiscal and economic impacts of development, economic development, community development, public finance, housing, and land use planning. His expertise is a result of having authored well over 50 complex analyses for various California cities, counties, school districts, and special districts.  His studies have provided the basis for federal and state grant applications for economic development, community development, and housing for municipalities and special districts across California.   

Mr. Sanger also has a background in housing policy analysis, housing development,  and community development. Mr. Sanger has conducted demographic and  fiscal projections, as well as legislative and policy analyses for local governments  and elected officials. In previous positions, Mr. Sanger has completed sales and use  tax, property tax, and demographic projections, analyzed proposed legislation and  existing codes and regulations relating to property tax, land use regulations, and  development impact fees, analyzed bond issuances and budgets, and conducted  nexus studies for school impact fees and school enrollment forecasting. 

Mr. Sanger holds a Master's Degree in Public Administration (M.P.A.) and a Bachelor' Degree in Social Sciences (B.S.) from San Jose State University. Mr. Sanger is a  member of the Urban Land Institute (ULI), California Redevelopment Association  (CRA), California Association for Local Economic Development (CALED), Association  for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM), and the American Society for
Public Administration (ASPA). Mr. Sanger is the past Chair of the City of Oakland  Housing, Residential Rent, and Relocation Board (7 years), and Chair of the Alameda  County Parks, Recreation, and Historic Commission (10 years), and served as an  Intern to United States Senator Dianne Feinstein.  Mr. Sanger resides in Oakland, CA with his wife and three young children.  

California Consulting Welcomes Christina Gonzalez as New Project Manager

California Consulting is pleased to a welcome Christina Gonzalez as our newest project manager. 

She has written grants for 20 years with a focus on efforts in medicine, minority health, workforce and community development. Chris is familiar with Federal and State funding as well as private and public foundations. Located in the Inland Empire, Chris works with agencies within Southern California. 

She attended UCLA and Anderson @ UCLA where her MBA field study introduced her to fund development and grant writing. 

California Department of Parks & Recreation: Habitat Conservation Fund

Deadline: October 2, 2017

Amount: $2 Million allocated to entire program

Match: 50% dollar-for-dollar match from local, private, non-State sources

Eligibility: Cities, counties, and regional park or open-space districts

Established by the California Wildlife Protection Act of 1990, the Habitat Conservation Fund Grant provides funds to local entities to protect threatened species, acquisition and development of wildlife corridors and trails, and to provide for nature interpretation programs which bring urban residents into park and wildlife areas.  Eligible projects must follow one of several topic areas, including: Deer/Mountain Lion Habitat; Rare, Endangered, Threatened, or Fully-Protected Species Habitat; Wetlands; Riparian Habitat; Anadromous Salmonids and Trout Habitat; Trails; as well as Wildlife Area Activities.  

California Department of Parks & Recreation: Outdoor Environmental Education Facilities Grant Program

Deadline: September 1, 2017

Amount: Up to $500,000

Match: Optional.  Including a match counts for 5 out of 100 points and consists of the applicant agreeing to pay for all Non-Construction costs.

Eligibility: Cities, Counties, regional park districts, open-space districts, 501(c)(3) Non-profit organizations

The intent of the Outdoor Environmental Education Facilities Grant Program is to provide assistance to local agencies and community-based organizations with regard to the development of outdoor environmental education facilities.  Eligible projects include development of public outdoor structures and exhibits that facilitate focused learning. The focused learning must take place in a natural outdoor setting, with native vegetation. The learning must encompass the natural environment, and inspire environmental stewardship and an appreciation of the natural world. The learning must include an understanding of how humans interact with, and are dependent on, natural ecosystems. These structures and exhibits may provide outdoor education on their own (such as signs, kiosks, nature trails), or facilitate providing outdoor recreation (such as campfire centers, amphitheaters, group campgrounds).

Welcome, New Clients!
California Consulting welcomes the City of Dorris, Surland Companies, PV Jobs and Opportunities, City of Canyon Lake, City of Calexico, and the Encinitas Education Foundation  as our newest clients. We look forward to working with you strategically to meet the needs of your communities.

Thank you for your renewal!

California Consulting is delighted that Orange County Water District, City of Coachella, City of Maywood, and Cosumnes Community Services District  have renewed their contract. Thank you for your continued confidence in our services!

Municipal Grant Opportunities: 

Education Grant Opportunities: 


4/28/17- California Consulting Associate, Francine Castanon, attended the League of California Cities Channel Counties Division Dinner. 

4/26/17- California Consulting Associate, Holly Bachman, attended the California State University, Los Angeles Pat Brown Institute's 2017 Annual Dinner Millennium Biltmore Los Angeles marking  #30Years at  #CalStateLA...An amazing group of distinguished guests attended the event including, Master of Ceremonies -Marc Brown of ABC7,  #KaylaStamps, President of Associated Students, Incorporated at Cal State LA., #CalStateLA President,   #WilliamACovino#RaphaelJSonenshein, Executive Director of Pat Brown Institute and a sincere congratulations to the honorees,  #DrDrewAltman of Kaiser Family Foundation and Speaker Anthony Rendon!! Holly is pictured with Speaker Anthony Rendon. 

4/26/17-  California Consulting LLC's Central Valley Team met with Steve Samuelian Wednesday evening. Steve is pictured here with Tristan Shamp and Ann Vermel. 

4/26/17- California Consulting CEO Steve Samuelian was the guest speaker on April 26, 2017 at a grant workshop hosted by Congressman Jeff Denham in Modesto. Steve is pictured here at the workshop with Congressman Denham's District Representative Teresa Kinney. California Consulting is proud to provide grant writing services for cities, school districts, and special districts across the Central Valley.

California Association of Latino Superintendents and Administrators (CALSA) Regional Representative Ruben Diaz and California Consulting CEO Steve Samuelian at the CALSA reception held on April 25, 2017 in Fresno. California Consulting is a sponsor of CALSA and we provide grant writing services for many school districts across the San Joaquin Valley and across the State. We are proud to support the good work conducted by CALSA!

4/22/17- San Gabriel Valley Civic Alliance President Ed Rendon and California Consulting Associate Holly Bachman at the SGVCA Annual Awards lunch in Baldwin Park.

4/22/17- U.S. Congressman Ed Royce and California Consulting Associate Dan Rodriguez at the San Gabriel Valley Civic Alliance Annual awards lunch.

4/22/17- California Consulting CEO Steve Samuelian was the guest speaker on the topic of "Grant Opportunities" at the Accord Education spring summit held on Saturday, April 22, 2017, in Costa Mesa. The summit was attended by more than 100 education leaders from across the several Western States. 

4/21/17- California Consulting CEO, Steve Samuelian, and Senior Associate, Southern California, Holly Bachman, attended Forecast LA at Loyola Marymount University hosted by the Center for the Study of Los Angeles. Congratulations to one of the keynote speakers Larry J. Kosmont. Excellent speech by Herb J. Wesson Jr. leading the L.A. City Council with distinction and stewardship. California Consulting was delighted to be part of this visionary and forward thinking event packed with leaders from government, labor, education, and business.

4/20/17- California Consulting Associate, Dan Rodriguez, attended the ACSA Region 12 San Bernardino annual dinner. California Consulting is proud to support ACSA and our clients Fontana Unified and San Bernardino City Unified both in Region 12 

4/10/17- California Consulting CEO, Steve Samuelian,  was honored to introduce L.A. City Council President and former Assembly Speaker Herb Herb J. Wesson Jr. at the BizFed Leadership Roundtable on Monday at the Councilman's office. A team of BizFed leaders held a very productive ninety minute public policy discission with Council President Wesson. BizFed continues to be a leading voice for business across the State.

4/6/17- California Consulting LLC Associate, Matthew Park, attended the Region XI ACSA meeting April 6, 2017 in Bakersfield, CA. Pictured is David Bowling, ACSA President. California Consulting is pleased to provide grant writing services for school districts throughout the State and Matthew is very active working with Kern County districts.
Issue: 17
In This Issue

Client Spotlight: Cosumnes Community Services District

The Cosumnes Community Service District (CSD) provides award-winning parks, recreation, and fire protection services to an estimated 190,680 south Sacramento County residents. Providing a number of community programs that include:
  • Disaster preparedness programs
  • Emergency Medical Services
  • Fire and life safety education
  • Fire and rescue response
  • Preschools, after-school programs, and year-round camps
  • School and business safety inspections
  • Specialty classes for children, teens, and adults
  • Sports leagues, classes, camps
  • Swim lessons and aquatics programs
CSD is goal oriented and will make sure of its financial stability and accountability, ensure transparency in all District operations, make safety a priority in all operations, provide exceptional customer service, provide quality facilities, parks, and apparatus, and provide services, programs, and facilities based on the district needs of the community.

CSD is dedicated to making its constituents healthy and happy for now and many years to come.

California Consulting is pleased to be the contractual grant writing company for this wonderful district.

Team Member Spotlight: Dr.  Julie High

Dr. Julie High is a Project Manager for California Consulting. Julie has over twenty-five years experience in grant writing for education. She has secured more than $35 million in educational grant funding, with over $25 million for one school district.

Julie has experience working in many roles in public education: high school teacher, staff development specialist, middle school instructional coach, preschool director, after school program director, elementary principal, and director of program evaluation and IT. Throughout all of these primary roles Julie focused on improving education for traditionally underserved populations with successful Federal and State grant funding. In 1994 Julie organized a community collaborative of private businesses and social service agencies to improve services to the outlying community. This collaborative continues to meet and promote community health through its current family resource center base.
Julie earned her Bachelor's degree from UCLA, Master's degree from San Jose State University, Professional Administrative Credential from the University of Santa Clara, and her Doctorate in Education from Fielding Graduate University.

When she's not writing grants, Julie can be found riding and competing in upper level dressage with her Lusitano gelding, Cefiro do Ceu.

Upcoming Grants: 

Municipal Opportunities:

California Water Commission: Proposition 1 Water Storage Investment Program (WSIP)

Deadline: August 14, 2017

Amount:  Varies by project.  $2.7 Billion allocated to 
WSIP from Proposition 1 bond

Match: TBD

Eligibility: Public agencies and proponents of new water storage projects in California

The California Water Commission announced that starting March 14, 2017, proponents of new water storage projects in California may submit applications for funding of public benefits under the water bond approved by California voters in 2014 through the Water Storage Investment Program (WSIP). Proposition 1 - the Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act - a $7.5 billion water bond for investments in the state's water management systems, includes $2.7 billion for public benefits related to new water storage projects.  Through the WSIP, the Commission will fund the public benefits of water storage projects that improve the operation of the state water system, are cost effective, and provide a net improvement in ecosystem and water quality conditions.  The program will support the California Water Action Plan and its call for more reliable and resilient water resources. The WSIP represents the state's largest investment in new water storage projects in decades.

California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (IBank): Infrastructure State Revolving Fund (ISRF) Program

Deadline: Continuous

Amount: $50,000 to $25 million or more (with IBank Board approval)

Financing Terms:
The interest rate benchmark is Thompson's Municipal Market Data Index. Staff may adjust the interest rate based upon factors that include: Unemployment, Medium Household Income, Environmental, and Other special circumstances.  The IBank Board has final approval of the interest rate. Maximum 30 year term Open application process 

Eligibility:  Any subdivision of a local or state government. Applicant may also be a company, corporation, association, partnership, firm, or other entity or group of entities organized as a public benefit not-for-profit entity engaged in business or operations within the state

The ISRF Program provides financing for public infrastructure projects such as: environmental mitigation; port facilities; power and communications transmission or distribution facilities; public transit; solid waste collection and disposal; defense conversion; as well as military infrastructure.  A project must promote economic development and attracts, creates, and sustains long-term employment opportunities.  Eligible uses include, but are not limited to, construction or modification of the following:
  • educational, cultural, and social facilities;
  • public infrastructure, purchase and install pollution control or noise abatement equipment;
  • parks and recreation facilities;
  • docks, harbors, piers, marinas;
  • facilities for and/or transmission or distribution of electrical energy, natural gas, and telecommunication;
  • air and rail transport of goods, including parking facilities;
  • transfer stations, recycling centers, sanitary landfills, waste conversion and recycling facilities;
  • facilities for successfully converting military bases;
  • facilities on or near a military installation that enhance military operations acquire land in conjunction with such project

California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD): Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2016 Drought Lateral Grant

Deadline: May 31, 2017

Amount: $150,000 - $2 Million

Match: None.

Eligibility: Non-entitlement CDBG jurisdictions in California only: Counties with fewer than 200,000 residents in unincorporated areas and cities with fewer than 50,000 residents that do not participate in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) entitlement program.

The Department of Housing and Community Development (Department) is pleased to announce the availability of approximately $5,000,000 in federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding for direct relief and mitigation of the effects of the 2014 California Drought Disaster, as declared by Governor Brown. This NOFA applies only to the installation of CDBG-eligible water lateral connections to new or existing public water systems for single- and multi-family residential structures that have no running water as a result of having a dry or contaminated well. Also included are water meters, system connection fees and the abatement of existing dry wells. The CDBG-eligible activity is Housing Rehabilitation.

FEMA: 2016 Fire Prevention & Safety (FP&S) Grant

Release: April 17,2017
Deadline: May 19, 2017
Amount: Varies by project. $34.5 Million is allocate for the entire 2016 program cycle.
Match: 5% match typically required
Eligibility: Fire Department; state/local/tribal  volunteer fire deprtments 

The purpose of the FP&S program is to enhance the safety of the public and firefighters with respect to fire and fire-related hazards by assisting fire prevention programs and supporting firefighter health and safety research and development. FP&S Grants are offered to support projects in the two following activities: 

  • Fire Prefvention and Safety Activitiy: FP&S Activities are projects designed to reach high-risk target groups and mitigate the incidence of death and injuries caused by fire and fire-related hazards.  The four project categories eligible for funding under this activity are: Community Risk Reduction (formerly General Education/Awareness); Code Enforcement/Awareness; Fire & Arson Investigation; and National/State/Regional Programs and Studies.
  • Firefighter Safety Research and Development (R&D) Activity: R&D projects are aimed at improving firefighter safety, health, or wellness through research and development that reduces firefighter fatalities and injuries. The five project categories eligible for funding under this activity are: Clinical Studies;Technology and Product Development; Database System Development; Dissemination and Implementation Research; and Preliminary Studies.

Educational Opportunities:

Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation" "Together Counts" Grants

Deadline: Varies by program/continuous

Amount: Prizes ranging from $1,000 to $30,000

Match: None

Eligibility: Schools

The Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation promotes ways to help people achieve a healthy weight through energy balance-calories in and calories out. It focuses its efforts on two critical areas - families and schools. There are 3 ways to win: "Find Your Balance Challenge," "Healthy Playground Makeover Sweepstakes" and "Smart from the Start." 

Annenberg Foundation

Deadline: Continuous

Amount: $10,000 - $100,000 

Match: None

Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations in California and primarily the five-county greater Los Angeles region  

The Annenberg Foundation primarily supports nonprofit organizations in the five-county greater Los Angeles region of California. The Foundation provides grants in the following programmatic areas: education; arts, culture, and humanities; the environment; military veterans; civic and community; health and wellness; and, animal welfare. Equal consideration is given to applications for awards for general operations or program support.

California Community Foundation Education Pipeline Program

Deadline: Letters of Interest must be received no later than May 26, 2017. Upon review, selected applicants will be invited to submit a full application in July 2017.

Amount: Up to $150,000

Match: None

Eligibility: Childhood education centers in Los Angeles County

The California Community Foundation believes that Los Angeles County's prosperity depends on future generations and a well-educated workforce. All too often, however, underrepresented students lack access to quality pre-kindergarten learning experiences, highly qualified teachers, and the kinds of sufficient educational resources that can help them to thrive. The foundation's goal is to address disparities in student achievement by increasing performance in math and literacy for low-income, minority, and English-learner students, from pre-K to fifth grade, countywide.  To that end, CCF is accepting Letters of Interest from for its Education Pipeline program. 
Through the program, grants of up to $150,000 will be awarded to provide support for convening and coordination activities aimed at amplifying the work of early-learning advocates, providers, and parent networks; ECE policy advocacy aimed at building public support for early-learning programs; and parent education, engagement, and advocacy efforts aimed at developing and building the leadership skills of parents so they become stronger advocates for their children and communities. The program also supports quality, professional development that provides teachers with the instructional strategies needed to meet the learning needs of diverse student populations. 
To be eligible, applicants should be an early-childhood education center that provides high-quality, research-based education to low-income children and emphasizes parent engagement by requiring parent participation on a weekly basis. It also should be an organization that teaches parents of preschool and K-5 students how to become an integral factor in their children's educational and academic achievement.

Arthur Vining Davis Foundations

Deadline: Continuous

Amount: $100,000-$200,000

Match: None

Eligibility: 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations and educational institutions

Projects may cover a wide range of initiatives intended to improve teaching. For example, projects might be designed to improve professional development for in-service and pre-service teachers, strengthen teaching skills, support practical research in teacher and high school education, or encourage innovative use of technology and new techniques for presentation of classroom materials in high schools.



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