Greek Ancestry Newsletter
December 2022, V.I Issue 10
We love our Greek Ancestry community and want to keep you up to date!
Besides, who does not need company in their family history journey?
Happy New Year - Καλή Χρονιά!
Message from Gregory Kontos
Historian - Founder of Greek Ancestry

Χρόνια Πολλά! On behalf of Greek Ancestry's team I send you our best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year! May you and your families be blessed with health and happiness!

To all the genealogy fans and family historians out there we wish lots of sucesses in their research! Greek Ancestry is always here to provide advice and assistance, to facilitate research and advance the field of Greek genealogy!

2022 was quite a challenging year, indeed. However, thanks to your trust and keen interest we accomplished quite a lot! We worked on dozens of genealogy cases, we released more than 1/2 million records, published several educational articles, hosted a conference, webinars etc. We promise the new year will bring lots of new fascinating Greek genealogy developments... Stay tuned!

Happy New Year - Καλή Χρονιά!
I. Michalakakos, "Goblins in Maniot Tradition"
The tradition of Mani is rich of stories and poems referring to mythical and supernatural creatures. Many of them concern the goblins known by various names in the region of Mani. They are little, black creatures in the size of a mouse! They have antlers, hairy legs and goat tails. They are particularly playful and naughty. They are not capable of doing great harm to humans, but they enjoy mischief and causing trouble…

Search Engine Upgraded!
Zeus PowerSearch is a search engine especially developed to answer the needs of Greek genealogical research! Greek Ancestry’s team combined linguistic, historical and technological knowledge, and developed the most advanced tool to search through a database of Greek records!

Zeus PowerSearch enables you to conduct searches with the combination of several search fields. At the same time, even when there is a challenging spelling, Zeus’ broad search will definitely help you find what you are looking for!
G. Zimmar, "AHEPA"
"My dad’s 60-year-old Uncle Gus Zumaras also owned a cleaning shop on 855 North Ashland Avenue in Chicago. Leo Proch, along with two other intoxicated men, one evening tried to enter the shop after hours to steal the undeposited weekly cash."

Greek Adoption Files Digitized
On August 29th, Greek Ancestry and the International Social Service (ISS) - Hellenic Branch inaugurated their collaboration to digitize the invaluable archival collection of the ISS!

Covering the years from the 1950s up to 1985, our project aims at preserving the history of Greek children adopted by families abroad. In the adoption files we are discovering amazing stories and incredible documents: letters written before mothers put their children up for adoption, letters of the adoptive families, photos and drawings of children, newspaper articles etc.

On Dec 3rd, ISS - Hellenic Branch and Greek Ancestry hosted a webinar. Our guest speakers Mary Cardaras, Linda Carol Trotter (Eftychia), Gonda van Steen and Katerina Bakogianni talked about the significance of the preservation of ISS' historical archive!
Over 1100 cases have already been digitized! Click on the button below and help the ISS preserve its archive! Your contribution is greatly appreciated!
Greek Genealogy Guidebook
By consulting this Guide, one can navigate the complexities of Greek genealogy and find the correct resources to both access and request relevant documentation for his or her ancestors. It is the beginning of an exciting journey of discovery—and love.

Greek Ancestry