Our current limited shelter space does not offer an environment that meets today's industry standards. Many community members have never stepped foot in the current Clarke Road shelter, and those who have find it eye-opening.
Strik Baldinelli Moniz; Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical Engineers (SBM), who are integral partners of HSLM in the planning of Old Oak Animal Campus, have provided an elevated philanthropic contribution of $100,000.
For 13 years he's been caring for the most vulnerable animals in our region, and even on the hardest days, he leads through. Meet Matt Truesdale, HSLM's lead Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT).
Three guinea pigs were recently born in HSLM. Check out an educational video hosted by RVT, Matt, for fun and helpful information about these critters.
Ivey Business School MBA students took time out of their busy schedules to give back to the local community for their annual MBA Social Impact Day on August 9.
Shared comfort in the animal community as people paid tribute in the name of their beloved pets. Over $15,000 was raised for shelter pets in the recent Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day appeal.