Your Newsletter for January
Running the Distance Reading at Annie Bloom's Bookstore with Jared Blank
Please join us virtually on Thursday, February 4th at 7 pm as Annie Bloom's welcomes Oregonian Jared Blank for a livestream reading from his book Running the Distance.
Jared will be talking with Miguel De La Rosa of Vadela, and Jane Cooper, past President of The International Dyslexia Association–Oregon Branch. Jared Blank was only five years old when he realized something was wrong. He could already tell that he wasn’t like everyone else. He was having trouble learning to read, holding a pencil, using scissors, and tying his shoes. As it turned out, Jared had dyslexia, and he still does. With the help of his family, friends, teachers, and mentors, Jared learned to see his learning obstacles as opportunities. He also pursued sports and running as a way to excel, express himself, and help others. In writing this book, Jared hopes that sharing his challenges and experiences with school, work, and the World Marathon Challenge will inspire others who struggle to run their own distance and know that they do not have to do it alone.
Please join us on February 4th by registering HERE.
Oregon Dyslexia Professional Network
Regardless of where in the world you live, please accept our cordial invitation to join us virtually at the Oregon Dyslexia Professional Network. ODPN is a live, monthly chat space for adults living with dyslexia to connect, learn from each other, and share resources.
Build your network and connect with others to help further your goals whether that be as a student, employee, or a job seeker.
Moderated by two individuals who have dyslexia, Jesse Rapport, and Jared Blank, we welcome you and hope you can join us by signing up HERE
Interested, and want more information? Ask HERE.
Running the Distance Audiobook Available
The IDA - Oregon Branch is pleased to announce that Running the Distance is now available as an audiobook on both Google Play, and on Learning Ally.
If you would like to "read with your ears," Running the Distance is available for download on Google Play HERE, and on Learning Ally HERE.
Learn more about Early Literacy Screening
Research continues informing us that early literacy screening, combined with appropriate interventions, is a a critical educational investment for our society. The AIM Institute for Learning and Research's Symposium Topic for this year is "Early Literacy Screening: The Role of Early Identification and Its Implication for School-Based Interventions."
Scheduled for March 15th, you'll learn more about screening and interventions from preeminent researchers in the field of dyslexia, including Dr. Nadine Gaab, Dr. Fumiko Hoeft, Dr. Tiffany Hogan, and Dr. Yaacov Petscher.
For more information, and to sign up for this FREE symposium, register HERE.
What does it take to be an advocate?
Please join us on Monday, January 11th at 7 pm on Instagram Live as Jared S. Blank talks with Danielle Thompson, President of The International Dyslexia Association - Oregon Branch.
Danielle is a dedicated High School teacher and Dyslexia Specialist. She says: “I am striving to improve the life of the next struggling student in my classroom. I also work with IDA-Oregon Board members to empower educators, specialists, parents, students and adults with dyslexia, with high quality information and support. We need to transform our collective practices!”
Purchase Running the Distance Gear to support IDA - Oregon Branch scholarships for local students.
Support Safety of children with dyslexia in school, at the Rare Gem Talent School. Kenya
As we begin the New Year, and celebrate our 45th Anniversary, please accept our most sincere Thank You for continuing to support our collective goal of ensuring that EVERYONE can read.
Thank you for your continued support of our branch in 2021.
Thank you for all you do to support literacy development for all students in such challenging circumstances.
Thank you for the special care you show those with dyslexia and other learning differences.
On behalf of the IDA - Oregon Branch, we wish you and your family a healthy and safe New Year!