A 12-year-old Oregon student who has dyslexia recently wrote this moving poem.
We were given permission to share his poem on the condition of anonymity.
You are wrong
Red line
It’s you’re not your
Red line
It’s there not their
Red line
It’s their not they’re
Red line
It’s science not sience
Red line
Friend not freind
Red line
It makes me sad
I try so hard
I feel powerless
I feel like I’m letting people down
Everyone else is doing really good
I am the only one that isn’t doing good
If I ask for help they’ll think I’m dumb
There is nothing I can do
I’m not good enough
This is stressing me out
I don’t think I can get it all done
I’m not going to do good on the spelling test this week
I won’t be able to get my reading done
There is still math to do
And On
And On
I was going into a downward spiral
I’m not good enough
I’m crying
I can’t even talk
But then
I saw a light at the end of the tunnel
I told people what was going on
How hard everything was
Then one day
I went to a person’s house
They took different tests
Told me to move tiles
Told me to spell certain words
After several times
We were done
My mom told me
You have dyslexia
I felt sad at first
It felt like people were telling me I was dumb Then I started to realize
I am not dumb
I just need a push in the right direction
I remembered that other people I know have dyslexia
I looked at them and thought they were really smart
I am getting help
I’m learning new tools
I’m not dumb
I am good enough
It’s never going to go away
But you can learn to overcome it
You are good enough
* Electronic documents underline misspelled words in red