September 2022
Dear Danielle,
As we prepare for the new Fall season and another academic year, I am filled with optimism and drive in this work we do at The International Dyslexia Association - Oregon Branch.
To support all of our members and mission crusaders, this Fall we focus on connection and inspiration. Whether it's through our virtual film screening, fun run, the national conference, or getting some new dyslexia swag, I hope that you will feel connection with our community and be inspired to keep up your important work.
Please check out our Local Support Groups to foster an ongoing sense of community, including the TEACHlexia Educator Network, Adult Dyslexia Network, and Student Empowerment Panel.
I love hearing from you, so feel free to share your suggestions and stories of inspiration with us at
Until Everyone Can Read
Dyslexia, We See You
Danielle Thompson