Your Newsletter for September 2023

September 2023

As we say goodbye to our summertime season and hello to the start of another school year, I am inspired by my recent contact with community organizations, school districts, other IDA Branches, and individuals who are all working to provide an optimum space for those with dyslexia. To each of you who seeks to smooth the path and to light the spark of inspiration, I see you and I thank you! 

This newsletter is a long one, take some time to scroll through the various resources and events that we hope support your learning or need to connect with the community around dyslexia.

Thank you for all you do!

Until Everyone Can Read

Dyslexia, We See You


Danielle Thompson


Don't Miss The 2023 Annual IDA Conference 

In-Person or Virtual Access

The IDA Annual Reading, Literacy and Learning Conference is THE can't miss event in the field of dyslexia and structured literacy! This year’s DyslexiaCon23 will be packed with education sessions tailored specifically for professionals, families, and those affected by dyslexia. Our 3-day conference begins with the General Opening Session, Special Tracks and Symposia, followed by concurrent breakout sessions. This year we are offering three experiences to choose from!

In-Person, In-Person Advanced Certificate Experience, or Virtual On-Demand!  

And Congratulations to our Cherida Collins Smith Fall Conference scholarship winners: Cassandra C., Michele K., and Katelyn D.


School Districts: Funding for Literacy Professional Development

Oregon School Districts have access to funding for professional development through Regional Education Networks (RENs), but many don’t know it. 

This video explains how La Grande SD partners with their REN and Eastern Oregon U to provide science of reading aligned teacher training to improve their practices. The REN provided thousands to the district to pay for facilitators, materials and teacher time. 

As districts write their literacy plans and apply for funding from the new literacy grants, RENs can be an important partner to leverage funding so that even more teachers can receive the PD they deserve. 

Learn more about RENs, ESDs in your region.

Thank you to Jennifer Schuberth, Ronda Fritz of EOU, Decoding Dyslexia Oregon, and Oregon Kids Read for this helpful information.

Choose Team Oregon for Dyslexia Dash 2023

Dyslexia Dash 5k Run, Walk & Roll Fundraiser

Join the IDA-Oregon Dyslexia Dash virtual team this October.

Cost is $35 per person and funds raised will support our student empowerment group.

Choose your own date to race your own way and post your time on our team page.

As soon as you register you can run the race. The Dyslexia Dash website will be open to receiving posting of times on October 1, 2023 and will remain open until October 21, 2023. Participants will have the option to post their times via the Dyslexia Dash website, using text message or sending an email.  Virtual race participants will receive their race t-shirt through the mail during the week of October 23. 

Choose Group: 


Join Team IDA-Oregon

Rock for Dyslexia

Rock For Dyslexia

October 10th 4:30PM Pacific Time on Zoom

Join us for an evening of friendship and dyslexia awareness!

Our Student Empowerment group teams up with IDA-Georgia to create a virtual party for students, with conversation and rock painting!

Bring a rock, paint, and paintbrushes.

Create a rock, send us the picture and then hide the rock for someone to find.


Student Resources for School

Check out our student-recommended resources for helping teachers to know which accommodations and technology help each student succeed in the classroom.

Visit our Website

Dear Dyslexia, Postcard Project

Dear Dyslexia: The Postcard Project is an opportunity to showcase the diversity of the dyslexic experience. The project invites dyslexics of all ages — from students to professionals — to depict their relationship with dyslexia on postcards using words and images.

Dear Dyslexia was launched locally in San Francisco in 2022 as part of an exhibit featuring artwork by high-profile dyslexics. The postcards were all created by dyslexic individuals in response to a simple prompt: What is dyslexia to you?

Many of our students in this area contributed their artwork to the San Francisco exhibit.

The contributions kept coming long after the exhibit ended. Now, more than 500 postcards from all over the world can be found in the online gallery.

This year's postcards will be featured in an upcoming exhibit coinciding with Dyslexia Awareness Month (October 2023) as a way to inspire and educate the next generation of dyslexic thinkers.

How to Participate

1. Download the postcard template.

2. Print out the template on card stock or paper.

3. Describe and illustrate your dyslexia.

4. Send it back to:

Gershoni Creative

Attn: Gil Gershoni/Dear Dyslexia

3145 Geary Blvd, PO Box 510

San Francisco, CA 94118

Dear Dyslexia Webpge and Gallery

Meet Krista Weltner

author, illustrator, filmmaker and puppet maker

Join us for a virtual talk on How A Picture Book Gets Made with Krista Weltner on Tuesday, November 14th at 7:00 pm Pacific Time. All ages are welcome.

Krista's debut picture book series, Everyday Adventures with Molly and Dyslexia, was inspired by her own experience growing up with dyslexia. The little girl struggling to put together a simple word wouldn't believe that, she would be calling herself a published author. Everyday Adventures with Molly and Dyslexia will hit the shelves in early 2024.

In this virtual talk, Krista will share behind the scenes information and images of the entire picture book process and tips for getting published.

Sign Up Here 
Pre-order Everyday Adventures with Molly and Dyslexia 

Thank you for being a member and supporter of IDA-Oregon!

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