Your ISBT Connection | November 1, 2020
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Data Key Communications has introduced low cost, high impact videos to help ISBT members deliver a message to the ISBT membership. Data Key can assist you in the preparation and delivery of a short (2-3 minute) video message where you can deliver a new product announcement, significant marketing launch, or introduce someone/something to the membership. For more information on these video offerings, click here
Featured News
Meet ISBT's 2020-2021 Scholarship Recipients

ISBT is pleased to announce the ISBT scholars for 2020-2021. Learn more about our two traditional scholarship recipients and our Emeritus Scholarship recipient by clicking the button below!
Presley Huelskamp

Presley Huelskamp is a junior in the Michigan University School of Packaging and is a first-year ISBT Scholarship recipient.
Javier Cruz-Padilla

Javier Cruz-Padilla is currently pursuing an MS degree at Purdue University and is a first-year ISBT Scholarship recipient.
Eboni Thomas

Eboni Thomas is a sophomore at Georgia Southern and is a second-year recipient of the ISBT Emeritus Scholarship.
ISBT Publications and Technical Information

A driving force behind the formation and growth of ISBT over the years has been our focus on creating and sharing technical information. In the Society’s earlier days, members gathered to hear and discuss presentations of technical papers. Over time, our Technical Committees distilled those concepts and information into publications, which we now call guidelines.   Today the Society manages 46 different publications, which address a wide variety of topics pertinent to the beverage industry, and more are being created every year. Managing our library has become a significant effort, and the Board of Directors is implementing steps to evolve our publication management practices. The purpose of this article is to provide an update on that process and the benefits it will bring to our membership.
With the goal in mind of better managing publications now and in the future, the decision was made to group our library of guidelines and technical information into 3 distinct types. To learn more about this change, click the button below.
ISBT Call for Volunteers - WE NEED YOU!
As a volunteer organization, ISBT is always seeking those individuals who want to give back. There are many opportunities available for such people and the time commitment is minimal. It’s a great networking experience, a career enhancement activity, and can offer leadership skill development as well.

Marketing Committee

Needed are website analytics reporting, receiving and reviewing website data to spot trends, and noting points of interest. You would work with the committee co-chair and the ISBT webmaster. Committee meetings are one hour each month and there you will present your findings.

The co-chair for this committee will assist the chair and committee members with monthly activities and provide insight for other ISBT ventures. This person will need to run the monthly committee calls when necessary, and will oversee some of the committee projects. The co-chair works closely with other ISBTcommittee chairs, the ISBT executive director, and ISBT administrators.
Beverage Institute by ISBT®
Pack Expo – On the “Innovation Stage”:
  • Lana Giddings will be presenting her PET Preforms and Bottles presentation from the Packaging Technology Seminar on Thursday, Nov 12, at 12:00 pm CST.
  • Tom Reimer will be presenting a Beverage Industry Overview on Tuesday, Nov 10, at 2:00 pm CST.

Beverage Operations and Processing Seminar
  • Planned for 2021 and led by John Mojonnier
  • Topics will be presented by recognized industry experts in Blending, HTST Flash Pasteurization, Aseptic Filling, Cold Filling, Hot Fill, High Pressure Systems, Retort, Tunnel Pasteurization, and other operational aspects.
  • Please click this link and check Beverage Institute: Beverage Operations & Processing Seminar 2021 if you wish to be notified when registration starts and we have more information about the course (such as date, fees, format, etc.).
Complete Gases Course is Now Available
  • Special discount pricing of $150 until February 1st.
  • Click Here to enroll or find out more.
Current Beverage Institute Offerings

Beverage Institute Needs Your Help
  • Volunteers are needed to create materials for the Corrugate and Labeling modules of the Packaging Technology course being developed.
Committee Profile
Beverage Gases Technical Committee

Bob Yeoman is the Technical Committee Chair of this diverse group, which also includes subcommittees for Bulk Carbon Dioxide Quality Guidelines, Education and Beverage Institute, and Nitrogen from On-Site Generation. Their goal is to provide a forum for the free flow of information related to beverage gases and their uses, where questions, ideas, and problems related to beverage gases and their utilization can be openly presented without apprehension, with the expectation of receiving a satisfactory discussion, answer, or solution. A forum where beverage gases manufacturers, beverage producers and other industry members can share mutually beneficial technologies, i.e., technical advantages, breakthroughs, concerns, etc., that will enhance the beverage industry without disparaging direct and indirect competitors or others in the beverage gases and beverage industry.
Click the button below for more information about the Beverage Gases Technical Committee, including a list of officers, current activities, and more.
Beverage Gases Technical Committee Chair Bob Yeoman, B&R Compliance Associates LLC
Welcome, New Members!
ISBT is proud to announce we have gained 7 new members since October 1. Please join us in welcoming them to the association! (To view the list of new members, click the button below.) For information about joining ISBT, click Join ISBT below.
Upcoming Events
  • November 9 - 13 - PACK EXPO Connects in a virtual event like no other! Live chats, live product demos, and enhanced lead generation are just a few of the many items offered to maximize opportunities for industry connections.
Industry News
*If you have news (i.e., new hires, personnel promotions, facility changes, etc.) that you would like to see mentioned in the ISBT Connection, please email The deadline for submission for the next issue of the ISBT Connection is October 28.
Coke is Canceling 200 Drink Brands - Coca-Cola is saying goodbye to 200 brands, or half of its portfolio. Reducing the portfolio will allow Coca-Cola to focus on its most profitable offerings, the company explained. 

From Higher Ed to PepsiCo CLO - In 2018, PepsiCo, the global food and beverage giant, was on the verge of major change. It had just named Ramon Laguarta as its new chairman and CEO, taking over for Indra Nooyi, who is credited with making PepsiCo one of the most successful food and beverage companies in the world during her 12-year tenure.

How the Viral Ocean Spray TikTok Video Transformed a 90-year-old Company Overnight - Ocean Spray continues to ride the wave of a new viral TikTok video put out by Idaho potato worker Nathan Apodaca. 
Sponsored Resource Guide News
*The Beverage Industry Resource Guide contains information from Beverage Industry Supplier Members from a promotional standpoint. It is for advertising purposes and does not reflect the opinions or position of ISBT.
Detect Residual Moisture in Beverage CO2 Cylinders Without Any Inversion. Save Time & Money - CryoVation’s MasterSense System is designed to detect residual moisture in carbon dioxide cylinders. This unit was developed primarily for the beverage industry but is applicable to all CO2 cylinder re-filling.
Wastewater Treatment Automation with Laser Refractometry – Brix-to-COD measurement in Real Time! - ACM has collaborated with Gelsenwasser, a German provider of wastewater treatment technology, in the development of a laser refractometry application.
Ocean Spray surprises Tik Tok star with a New Cranberry-Colored Truck After his Video Goes Viral - Ocean Spray is giving back after a TikTok video featuring one of their products exploded online.
If you have sponsored content (i.e., new products, case studies, white papers, etc.) that you would like to see mentioned in the ISBT Connection, please email or upload to the Beverage Industry Resource Guide by October 28.