Your Input Needed: Town of Herndon Budget
Dear Friday Night Live! fan,

We are in the process of working with the Town of Herndon to bring Friday Night Live! back to the Town Green this summer. Aside from the current health crisis, some other factors have to fall into place for our popular free summer concert series to return including Town Services support from the Town.

The Herndon Town Council is currently in the process of completing the Town's budget for FY 2022 which begins July 1, 2021. It is critical that the Town Council hear from Town of Herndon citizens about your priorities.

Friday Night Live! is produced by the Dulles Regional Chamber of Commerce and not a Town of Herndon event. However, Friday Night Live! cannot happen without incredible support from the Town. As we are sure you have seen the event has support from the Town of Herndon Public Works Department as well as the Police Department. Both of those departments have budget line items for that support that have to be approved every year in the Town budget process.

This year more than ever your input will be critical to ensuring that not only Friday Night Live! but other community events in Town occur. They are also deliberating pay increases for the Town Staff that has worked so hard to keep the Town running during this difficult season.

If you are a Town of Herndon resident, we encourage you to watch the past budget discussions at, sign up to speak at the upcoming public hearings (4/13 & 4/27), and email the Town Council through the Town Clerk at

These discussions are happening now so please don't delay letting your voice be heard.

On our end, we are working hard to engage with our sponsors, bands, and volunteers to do our part to bring Friday Night Live! back to the Town Green this summer!

Take care,
Laura B. Poindexter
Chairman, Friday Night Live!

P.S. We would like everyone's support but if you are a Town of Herndon resident please make sure to mention that and ask other residents for their help as well. If you have a positive story related to FNL about anything, including discovering Downtown Herndon or a new business or restaurant you found because of FNL please share that as well. Feel free to copy us at