Untitled Design

Dear Neighbors, 

My office is considering putting forward legislation to allow the construction of accessory dwelling units (ADUs) throughout the Bellevue-Hale neighborhood, including parts of Western Mayfair.

An ADU is a small, single apartment located at the back of a property separate from the main house, or built adjacent to a main house such as a basement unit with a separate entrance. ADU's are also commonly known as granny-flats, in-law units, casitas, carriage houses or guest houses. 

We have already had several successful single property rezonings to allow ADUs in the Montclair and Mayfair neighborhoods. By rezoning the entire neighborhood at once, it would save residents time and money, and create the ability to add to the diversity of housing stock in a District 5 neighborhood. Learn more about this potential rezoning by visiting the Bellevue-Hale and Mayfair ADU website.


Please share your feedback by taking the community survey, which closes September 29. As always, please don't hesitate to reach out to our office with any questions.


Councilwoman Amanda Sawyer

District 5

Share your feedback

Click here to visit the Bellevue-Hale and Mayfair ADU Website 
Register for the September 12 Virtual Town Hall
Register for the September 19 Virtual Town Hall
Click here to take the survey
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