Chapter Events
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January 2025

President’s note:

Happy new year and welcome back to all our snowbird dual membership players.

We are completely revamping, our sponsorship brochure, and are looking forward to a new and updated website.

Stay tuned for 2025 updates!

Patty Gift 

LPGA Amateur Golf Association

SWFL Chapter President

2025 LPGA Amateurs SWFL Chapter Board Members

Welcome New Members!

Debbie Cline

Johanna OHagan

Katharine Parris

Alison Clemens

Rhonda Stewart

Ann Jamison

Save the Date(s)


Monthly Event - Sunday, January 26th - Quail Run Golf Club - Tee time starting at 12:00 PM - Registration email should be in your inbox


Sugar Bowl - Saturday, February 22nd - Clewiston - 10:00 AM Shotgun - Registration information is on the calendar and on the EZ Events Calendar.

Jingle Bell Open 2024

What a great turn out for the 2024 Jingle Bell Open at

Cypress Woods Golf and Country Club. 


It was great to see so many new members participate in this annual FUN event. 


We had 80+ players participating this year. Players were trying their luck putting with a Candy Cane, hitting a tee shot with a baseball bat or tennis racket, trying to hit the same club from tee to green, really trying their luck hitting the tee shot with oven mitts on or making Eagles or Birdies with Santa's Helper hitting the approach shot. 


In the Ladies Division scores were very close and a few score card playoffs were required: 

We paid out 6 places and our annual perseverance price ( *score card play off) 

Here are our top 3 winning teams:

1st       place – Mia Palumbo, Lynn Robbins, Pam Dionese, Linda Creps *

2nd     place – Patty Gift, Barb Mutagh, Jennie Taylor, Kerstin Koenig

3rd       place – Paula Congiu, Vickie McGregor, Mary Ford, Carol Felner 


In the Mixed Division: 

1st place – Lesley and David Corydon, Deb and Mike Hincewicz*

2nd place – Gretchen and Bart Andersen, Christine Fabretti and Al Atinson

Our closest to the pin winners: 

Landy Labonte # 5

Mary Ford #8

Paula Congiu holes # 12 and #16


We saw some great costumes in the Spirit of the Season - with the Holiday Tree team of Linda, Lynn, Mia and Pam claiming this year's best team and Bonnie the best individual outfit. 

Another highlight was the Heads and Tails "competition" to win a Summer Foursome at Cypress Woods. Congratulations Judy Kotarak and a Big Thank You to Jennie Taylor for facilitating. 


Players, thank you so very much for your participation and your support of the Pace Center of Girls. 


Not only did we send Marianne Kearns, the Executive Director of Pace Center for Girls, home with a car full of items from the girls' wish list, gift cards and member cash donations, but we were also able to donate a total of $3130.00 to their Holiday Fund! Your generosity makes such a positive difference to the girls, and we greatly appreciate it.  

A special thanks to ALL the volunteers who helped to make this event such a success and to Cypress Woods for hosting the 2024 LPGA Amateurs SWFL Chapter Jingle Bell Open. 

From your LPGA Amateurs SWFL Handicap Chair

 Biggest Loser 2025

We hope you will join us this year for yet another edition of the

"Biggest Loser Handicap Challenge"

2025 GHIN Handicap

If you like to renew, switch or establish a GHIN handicap through the SWFL Chapter, for the annual rate of $30.00, please use this payment link.


There is no need to register with us, if you are renewing with your Club, the USGA or your State's Golf Association. 

 Fun Fact - take a look at your 2024 GHIN Rewind on the app for some interesting information about your game this past year. 


Current Chapter GHIN members:

if we do not receive your renewal by 1/15/25 your GHIN account will automatically change to inactive with us. 

Social Events

Thank you to all who attended the Sip & Shop event on December 12 at Naples Lakes.

We would like to Thank Laurie for keeping the Pro-Shop open for us to shop for last minute Christmas items or just looking for a good holiday bargain. We had some new members attend and it was nice to see them out for their 1st social event.

February Social Event is currently TBD

Word from LPGA Amateur Golf


Keep the FUN Going - Renew Now!

WE want YOU to be part of all of the incredible events we have planned for 2025. We value your friendship and membership - if you haven't renewed yet, don’t miss the opportunity to network and participate with the other LPGA Amateurs members at these fun events. Renew today!

Register Now for The LPGA Women in Golf Summit! 

Take advantage of the early bird registration for the 2025 We are the Women in Golf Summit presented by Titleist! Check out the Schedule of Events here and Register Now!

Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of this historic event that will be held on May 17-19, 2025, by registering now! Secure your spot today and be part of this transformative experience that will empower and connect you with the best in the industry! See you in Daytona Beach!

Winter Golf Leagues -

Let the Season Begin!

Please make plans to join us for winter league play
  • Tuesdays @ Hibiscus - Sandy Bologna will be the Tee Captain for this league. The plan is to begin play on Tuesday, November 19 with tee times beginning around 2:30pm. In November this will be a Nine & Dine league but Sandy will be talking with the players about some possible 18 hole play - To Be Determined.

  • Thursdays @ Quail Run - Peggy Meyerowitz will be the Tee Captain for this league. The plan is to begin play on Thursday, December 5 and tee times will begin at noon. 

  • Saturdays @ Stoneybrook - Mary Kaye Rueth will be the Tee Captain for this league. The plan is to begin play on Saturday, November 9 with tee times beginning around 12pm

  • Saturdays @ Quail Village - Kerstin Koenig will be the Tee Captain for Saturday play on January 18, February 1 and 15, March 1 and 15, April 5 and 9

Please watch for weekly emails to get registered for these leagues. 

And, as always, please bookmark the following website to see what play is upcoming:   LPGA Amateurs SWFL Event Calendar.
Thank You to our SWFL Chapter Sponsors
We Appreciate Your Support

Important SWFL Chapter Reminders!

Cancellation Policy:

Cancellation received before event registration close date: Refund, less $10 admin fee

Cancellation received after event registration close date:  Non-refundable

Chapter Event Cancellation:  Full refund/credit issued

Please note that we closely track Tropical Weather and league coordinators work closely with the courses to determine if a golf event should be cancelled or rescheduled due to inclement weather. The determination will be made & communicated the day prior to the event and if cancelled, you will be issued a 100% refund or a credit for the rescheduled round.  

We do not typically cancel for general rain forecasts because in Florida it may or may not impact the course being played.  If you have rain / weather concerns, call the Pro Shop for course conditions but note that for a 100% refund, golf event cancellation must be made by the event coordinator.  

*Request for Cancellation should be sent to the league/fun play event coordinator *

Hole in One Insurance - Just $5!

Feeling Lucky!? The odds are 12,500 to 1 for an amateur golfer to get a Hole-In-One

The long standing tradition of celebrating with your fellow players includes picking up the bar bill for that celebratory round of drinks!

Don't risk it - your next round may be the one! We encourage you to purchase SWFL Chapter Hole-in-One Insurance for just $5! You can elect to participate at any time, and pay at any Chapter related event.

Names on THIS LIST have paid for the insurance

If your name is missing, please contact:

Credit Card Charges - IMPORTANT - Please Read!

All Event or League Play registration credit card charges

will appear on your credit card statement as:


When a Member 'disputes' a registration charge,

the Chapter is charged a $25 fee for each disputed transaction 

We ask you to please be mindful of this - going forward, the $25 fee for disputing a legitimate charge will be passed on to the member

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