Staff Corner

We brought the new year in with a flurry of activity by sharing our Spring 2022 Course Semester. The volunteers serving on the Academic Programs Committee, the Class Aide Committee, and the Publications Committee all contributed hundreds of hours of volunteer service to create these offerings. Show your appreciation by signing up for a class!

While we are in between and during the semester, our Special Events provide robust options for becoming engaged in timely topics and insider insights into local and distanced venues.

Staff are excited to see you in classes, each class has an assigned staff host in addition to volunteer Class Aides. We appreciate the course feedback you share and the course ideas you offer. Let us know your ideas. Planning now for Fall 2022 classes!

If you have any questions about membership or registration, please be sure to contact us at and we will respond promptly.

~ Lora 
Lora Pollari-Welbes, Executive Director