An Online Newsletter Showcasing Our Programs for the Month of June, 2022!
Memorial Day typically marks the start of summer and for many students that means the the end of school. For many teachers, this has been a very hectic year and the time off coming up will be a welcome time to recharge and prepare for the upcoming school year.

We just completed the two month run of Tanagokoro and will be working to bring you another exhibition soon. Our Kansai Dialect workshop was a big success the last time we organized and later this month, we will be doing it again so mark your calendars and keep your eye out for the registration because it will be a hit. Finally, our digital library system, Libby, will be open to everyone so forward the information to anyone you think will be interested in joining.

As always, we will be keeping our subscribers mentally and physically fit with our trio of virtual wellness events every Wednesday on Facebook so make sure to join us during your lunch break. We hope Your Japan will bring you a relaxation in June!
General Invitation to Join JF USA Digital Library
We started our digital library back in April in coordination with our New York and Toronto offices. During the last month, we received many applications to join and now we are ready to open our digital library to the general public. If you know anyone who is interested in a digital library that specializes in Japanese language and culture related books, please forward them this newsletter and they can find more information at the link below. Applicants need to be 14 years or older and confirmation emails will be sent out at the end of the day on Tuesdays and Thursdays with directions on how you can login to the system and start checking out digital books on your phone or computer. If you have any questions, please reply to this email. We hope you will enjoy this new service from the Japan Foundation, Los Angeles!

Thursday, June 30, 2022
7:00PM-8:30PM (PT)
まいど!(Maido! = Hi!) , おおきに!(Okini! = Thank you!)…

Does it sound familiar?  These are examples of Kansai dialect, spoken in the Kansai region (central-west area of Japan comprising Osaka and surrounding prefectures). You may have heard it when watching Japanese movies or while traveling in Kansai area. Now it is your turn to try speaking Kansai dialect! This popular workshop’s details and registration are coming soon. 
Wednesday, June 1st & 22nd
12:30PM PT (15 Min Session)
Meditation with Japanese Singing Bowl will be offered this month via JFLA Facebook LIVE!

The singing bowl used for this program harmoniously combines the healing qualities of the Tibetan singing bowl and its Japanese traditional singing bowl. Relax and feel your stress dissipate into thin air as the sounds of the singing bowl lead you into a meditative state.

There will be one session starting at 12:30pm. Just go to JFLA's Facebook page. Stretch and refresh yourself with us at home!

Wednesday, June 8th
12:30PM PT (15 Minute Session)
Whether at work or at home, let's refresh yourself for 15 minutes on your lunchtime together with us! Karate Exercise will be offered via JFLA Facebook LIVE!

World class instructors from Kyokushin Karate of Los Angeles will give you a set of beginner’s level exercises from their basic movement with their English instruction.

There will be one 15-minute session starting at 12:30pm. Just go to JFLA's Facebook page. Achieve the unity of body and spirit!

Wednesday, June 15th
12:30PM PT (15 Minute Session)
Bilingual Yoga will be offered this month via JFLA Facebook LIVE!

No need to change clothes or use a yoga mat; you will be seated in a chair at home and receive an instruction from our instructor in bilingual (English and Japanese). Easy and relaxed!

There will be one session starting at 12:30pm. Just go to JFLA's Facebook page. Refresh and recharge yourself with us at home!

2022-2023 Japanese Language Grants Now Available!
Grant for Nationwide/Statewide/Region-wide Events for LEARNERS
(Examples: Speech Contest, Quiz Contest, Japan-themed Festival for Learners, etc.)

Deadlines: 9/1/2022

Grant for Nationwide/Statewide/Region-wide Projects for TEACHERS
(Examples: Conferences/Seminars/Workshops for Teachers, Teaching Material Development, Research Projects, etc.)

Deadline: 2 months before the project start date

Deadlines: 9/15/2022

Advocacy Support Letter
If your Japanese language program is in danger of being cut due to COVID-19, we will send a support letter to stakeholders (Superintendent, Principal, Dean, etc.).

Please contact
[email protected] for details.
Japanese Language Education Update 102
The arrival of June means that the school year is over for most students and for others, their summer vacation will be starting shortly. That is why it was so disheartening to read about the school shooting Uvalvde, TX, last week. This tragedy is just one of a long list of attacks on our community and there are no words to describe the pain and suffering by the victims of this terrible tragedy. As Howie Berman, Executive Director of ACTFL says, we should look out, support and be nice to each other.

This month, the Aurora Foundation will be hosting the 18th Annual All-USA High School Japanese Speech Contest on Sunday, June 5th from 1PM (PDT). We have been supporting this program for a while now and our Director will also be a judge at the event. This event will be an exiting experience for all the participants and we wish them all Ganbatte!
The Japan Foundation, Los Angeles