July 2020 Monthly News and Updates
Essential Employee in Prince Frederick


DDA continues to highlight essential employees that are working during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.  Ryan Aboul-Nasr (pictured below), works at Safeway in Prince Frederick, Maryland and is an essential employee.   Additionally, Ryan begins his shift at 3pm, the hottest time of the day, wearing gloves and a mask.  He never complains and loves his job.  Ryan receives support through the Arc Southern Maryland. His support staff, Sandy Long, stops in to check on him and is so impressed with his hard work and continued dedication to his job, even in an unprecedented time.  
If you have success stories to share, please email 

Technical Assistance Opportunity for DDA Employment Providers
The Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) is excited to announce a new Technical Assistance (TA) opportunity available to 8 selected DDA Employment Providers.

The Maryland Training and Technical Assistance Project (MD-TAP) is a partnership between DDA and Subject Matter Experts (SME) from Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) University of Massachusetts Boston.

By working over 13 months with the SMEs, the desired outcomes of the TA are for the selected providers to transform their services to support people to have meaningful days in their community with a central focus on high quality employment outcomes

Click here to download an informational flyer which includes important timelines as well as links to register for an informational interview and to the application.

Note: The deadline to apply for this opportunity is September 2, 2020 at 5pm.

For questions related to this initiative, please contact

 APSE Leadership Development Program

The Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE) has developed an innovative and immersive leadership development program aimed at creating career pathways and succession planning for provider organizations. 

The program's focus is to train, coach and mentor the correct individuals and managers to enable direct service staff to provide high quality services. The two critical groups that we focus on are:

  • Mid-level Managers (Emerging Leaders)- investment to develop skills necessary to cultivate new leaders
  • Front line Staff (Rising Stars)- Investment to develop skills for career advancement
Want to know more about this opportunity? Check out  with all APSE's dedicated web-page here

Institute for Community Inclusion COVID-19 Publications and Resources

The Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) has released a number of publications and resources aimed at  helping to guide professionals, individuals, and families as new approaches to providing day and employment services, vocational rehabilitation, and supporting community life engagement amidst the COVID public health crisis.  

Providing Quality Services Remotely and Online

Working During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Guide for Informed Decision-Making

Providing Employment Services for Job Seekers Remotely

Supporting Individuals Who are Working

Virtual Community Life Engagement

To access these resources and others click here
APSE Maryland Chapter: Lunch with Leaders

The Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE) is a membership organization with the purpose of improving employment outcomes for people with disabilities. 

One of the Maryland chapter efforts is to launch a collaborative outlet for professionals and leaders in the field to share news, experiences, and efforts on a wide variety of topics, that impact the individuals we both serve and advocate on behalf of called  Lunch with Leaders. 

Join the Maryland Chapter (Virtually)  the second Tuesday of each month, from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. to hear from leaders across the state of Maryland. 

Training Announcement on Behalf of Partners at DORS

The DDA is sharing the below training announcement on behalf of partners at the Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS). 

The Maryland Rehabilitation Association (MRA) presents the Lunchtime Learning Series

Part II: Supporting Individuals with Autism in a Virtual World Presented by: Lee Armstrong, MA, ACAS

August 3, 2020 11:30AM - 12:30PM

The DDA Educational Series Webinar Recordings

Want more information about Employment First?

Maryland Department of Health
201 W. Preston St. | Baltimore MD, 21201
The Maryland Department of Health promotes the health and safety of all Marylanders through disease prevention, access to care, quality management, and community engagement. The State of Maryland pledges to provide constituents, businesses, customers, and stakeholders with quality customer service. Take our Customer Satisfaction Survey.