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COVID-19 information for Lincoln Park residents and businesses, including press releases, news articles, and more.
City of Lincoln Park Announces the Reopening of City Facilities
The City of Lincoln Park is announcing that city facilities will reopen to the public on June 8, 2020. City facilities will reopen with limited capacity Monday through Thursday during the months of June and July. City facilities will be closed on Fridays.
The closure of public facilities on Fridays is an attempt to combat the looming budget shortfalls the city is facing due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The city is expected to save approximately $60,000 during these two months.
Since March 13, 2020, the city has closed various facilities. Most facilities were closed to the public on March 13. On March 26, 2020 the city closed playgrounds in public parks. on May 1, 2020 the city closed public parks due to visitors neglect at following social distance guidelines. On June 2, 2020 city parks were reopened though playgrounds continue to be closed.
Due to COVID-19, the City of Lincoln Park has cancelled all City-sponsored events, programming, and activities at all city buildings with the exception of Meals on Wheels at this time.
Residents can continue to utilize the drop box located on the west side of City Hall (near the wheelchair access ramp), postal mail, and online services available at
for transactions.
Lincoln Park Public Library Announcement
To help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and to continue to serve our community, Lincoln Park Public Library will be opening in stages as we begin to make our services available again. Below is an outline of our initial plan as well as some FAQs.
Starting Monday, June 8th, patrons are encouraged to return items via our library book drop at the back of the building (all items will be fine free through June & July). Patrons may start to place holds on Lincoln Park Library materials – items from our co-op of libraries will be available as individual libraries open up services.
Starting Monday, June 15 at 12 p.m., you will be able to pick-up filled holds via our curbside service. The hours of operation for the curbside service is Monday – Thursday from 12 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Patrons can place holds through our online catalog or by calling
381-0374 during the hours listed above.
Q: How does curbside pick up work?
A: First, place items on hold through our catalog. Select Lincoln Park Public Library as your desired pickup Library. You will be notified by phone, text or email when your item is ready for pick-up. Call (313) 381-0374 a half hour before you plan to arrive. Items must be picked up the same day service is requested. When you arrive to pick up your holds, pull into the Library Parking Lot. Call (313) 381-0374 to let them know you have arrived and pop your trunk so staff can place the items in the trunk. A vehicle is not required to use this service.
Q: Can I place holds over the phone?
A: Beginning June 15th, patrons can call
531-5960 to request items be placed on hold through their accounts during curbside hours.
Q: Can I make a payment on my account?
A: In-person payments for lost or damaged items will not be available at this time. Patrons can make payments through our website.
Q: What if I need to renew my card or don’t have a card?
A: Library card expiration dates have been moved forward to at least September. If you do not have a library card, you can apply for one by calling
Parks and Recreation Announcements
We are happy to announce that city parks have re-opened as of June 2nd. However, playscapes will remain closed until further notice.
There will be no concerts in the park during the months of June and July. There is a possibility that we will have them twice a week in August.
Please continue to practice social distancing and stay safe.
Information will be posted to our
website and it becomes available.
Unless otherwise noted, Council Meetings are the first and third Monday of every month. They are held at 7:30
p.m in the Council Chambers at City Hall.
If you are unable to attend a meeting, you can watch the live stream on YouTube or watch the rebroadcast on channel 12 (Comcast) and channel 10 (WOW!).
In addition to our bi-weekly newsletter, the city of Lincoln Park also publishes a quarterly newsletter, “The Happenings," which contains additional information about citywide events, activities, and recreation. Click the button below to learn more.
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and most public buildings on shut down, we are unable to provide dates for our classes at this time. Please be assured that our classes will resume once this crisis is over and will begin on a “to be announced” basis.
For updates, please watch our
website or see our
Facebook. We hope you continue to enjoy everything that is offered through our facility
The city of Lincoln Park has partnered with GFL Environmental, USA to bring a new comprehensive recycling program to all Lincoln Park residents.
The program officially started during the month of October with all other services remaining unchanged.
All items for pick up (including trash, recycling, and yard waste) must be out by 7:00 a.m.
- Plastics - containers with codes 1 & 2
- Metal - cans, pots, pans, etc.
- Paper, newspaper, phone books, magazines, and brown paper bags
- Cardboard - cut into 2' x 2' pieces and tied in bundles
- Paperboard and box board - cereal, tissue, and shoe boxes - flattened and bundled
- Rinsed milk or juice cartons
- Packing materials
- Garbage
- Propane tanks
- Paint cans
- Medical waste
- Flammable Liquids
- Household cleaners
- Dry or liquid chemicals
- Wood items
- Batteries
- Plastic Bags
- All Glass
Curbside Etiquette:
Why Was My Rubbish Collection Not Picked Up?
One of the most common reasons why our rubbish collection contractor misses pickups is because they simply did not see it!
It is important to place your cart so that the opening faces the street with the lid completely closed to avoid rubbish from falling in to the street. Be mindful to make sure the cart is not blocked by a vehicle or other curbside items.
Yard waste must be placed in designated paper yard waste bags or properly marked containers. Yard waste stickers are available at City Hall.
The yard waste truck will not stop to look in unmarked containers. All branches and twigs need to be cut in 3 foot lengths and bundled with twine. Filled bags must be less than 50 lbs. Please remember, dirt is not considered yard waste and will not be accepted.
Reminder: Residents can only put out ONE bulk item per week.
An example of this would be only ONE of the following items:
a mattress set, a couch, carpet cut and rolled into 3 foot sections, or two additional 35-gallon size containers or bags weighing 60 lbs. or less.
If your trash, recycling, or yard waste was not picked up please contact:
Lincoln Park Department of Public Services
(313) 386-9000 or
Lincoln Park City Management
(313) 386-1800 ext. 1231
Reporting Issues Within The City
Before reporting a pothole, please ensure it's on one of our local City maintained roads.
Wayne County maintains the following roads: Fort Street, Outer Drive, Dix, and Southfield
DTE makes reporting nonfunctional street lights and downed power lines easy with their report tool.
City of Lincoln Park Phone Directory