The Inside Scoop - For Members Only
Dear Encore Learning Member,
Welcome to The Inside Scoop, our electronic newsletter for members only. Please enjoy this issue, and share your feedback by email. We always look forward to hearing from you.
This is the June/July edition of The Inside Scoop. You will receive the next edition at the end of August.
Fall 2021 is Just Around the Corner!
We will be offering 20 new courses this Fall! Mark your calendars for registration on August 30, 2021. The Fall 2021 course catalog, offering 34 courses, will be online in early August. Based on a strong response rate of our recent member survey, there is an interest in both in-person and virtual classes this fall:
- 30% of members prefer in-person,
- 32% prefer virtual, and
- 38% have no preference/would participate either virtual or in-person.
Watch our website for the updated course calendar in the mail and the status of courses - whether they are virtual or in-person at our website. Here's a sneak preview into three new courses you can explore.
American Women Writers will be taught by Janet Gebhart Auten. Auten will give you a introduction to some well-known writers such as Harriet Beecher Stowe, Sojourner Truth (pictured to the left) and Louisa May Alcott, and to landmark works such as Susan Warner’s bestseller, The Wide, Wide World; Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl; and Life in the Iron Mills by Rebecca Harding Davis. This course will also survey a variety of other women’s works, many of which have faded from attention but were once widely read.
Urban Green: Great New City Parks will be taught by Peter Harnik. Since most city land is already spoken for, creating new urban parks is not easy. But it can be done and is being done, through innovative thinking and bold redevelopment, even in crowded places like Seattle, Chicago, Atlanta, New York and — yes — Arlington. This course looks at a wide array of new parks, including decks over highways, community gardens, rail-trails, parks built on old landfills, parks sharing land with stormwater ponds, schoolyard parks, even cemeteries as parks and rooftop public gardens.
Universe in Music will be taught by A. Scott Wood, the music director of the Arlington Philharmonic and the Amadeus Orchestra. Wood will explore how composers throughout the ages have been inspired by the natural world and will musically traverse the stars and the solar system before returning to our own planet. You will hear famous masterpieces and unknown works composed from the Renaissance to today about glaciers, deserts and all kinds of weather.
Encore Learning Course Led to Publishing Two New Memoir Books
Bob Gibson and Pete Taylor were long-standing members of Cherie’s Gang, a memoir-writing group created after the men took Encore Learning’s 2014 course Writing a Memoir taught by Cherie Bottoms. Bob and Pete both passed away in 2020. In collaboration with their daughters, Marty Suydam, current instructor for the Writing a Memoir course taught each fall, assembled the writings the men produced with the group for bi-weekly writing group meetings.
The men led very different and productive lives and their stories can now be shared. Bob spins great tales of his experiences as a WWII B-29 navigator, and Pete presents his knowledge for a text he wanted to use showcasing his knowledge of Native Americans. Available through Amazon, Bob Gibson's and Pete Taylor's, proceeds will go to their favorite charities.
Calling You to Volunteer
Encore Learning has over 150 volunteers who plan, teach, and assist courses. They also brainstorm special event ideas and secure speakers. Volunteers coordinate clubs and craft enticing messages. We always need more volunteers.
Right now, we are seeking more class aides, both for virtual classes and for in-person classes as they are offered. We are interested in creating opportunities for our members to connect in-person and need volunteer coordinators to make that happen. We are launching a revised website and welcome volunteers to help to do functional testing. We also need volunteers to distribute flyers about the fall semester. If you live in a building with a lobby or know a church or doctor's office where you can share flyers, please let us know. If you are interesting in getting more involved, please email and we will connect you with the right committee chair.
Repeat After Me: Encore Learning
Several Encore Learning volunteers have been working with staff to redesign the website. This has brought us into conversations about branding, our logo, and our messaging. Our name was changed from Arlington Learning in Retirement Institute (ALRI) to Encore Learning in 2012 after more than a year-long project of surveys, focus groups, consultants, and much discussion.
Did you know? We don’t have TV show reruns anymore. Heard on NBC: “You are watching an encore presentation of the 2021 US Olympic trials.”
We have also been reminded about the importance of the Learning in Encore Learning. Do you know if you google Encore, that you may be brought to a Las Vegas hotel or a Disney TV show? If you add Arlington to your search you will first be brought to Encore Stage and Studio or a recovery center. Nationally, there is an Encore organization that claimed the; it works to brings older and younger changemakers together to solve problems, bridge divides, and create a better future for all. They have been around a little longer than we have, and we applaud their work.
But that Encore is not us! If you tell your friends about Encore, they will likely never find us! Please, tell your friends about Encore Learning (two words) and direct them to We also welcome your suggestions about our messaging and branding as we bring our updated image forward in the months ahead.
But Wait! There's More to Encore Learning!
More classes, more events, more learning! Last year, despite the pandemic, Encore Learning hosted over 60 courses and 40 special events. And our clubs and their members kept meeting.
Now, just wait until you see the Fall lineup of courses, you will see the details in August and watch the instructor previews. You will be able to choose from a tremendous range of courses led by top-flight instructors.
Plus, don’t miss the clubs and events. From 10 clubs to an array of special events, Encore Learning offers many ways to expand your world and your friendships. Many clubs are beginning to meet in-person.
That’s why right now is a great time to check your membership. Don’t wait! If your membership has expired, jump online today to renew.
If you are not a member—join us! Membership is open to anyone 50+ years old. We are an equal opportunity organization without regard to sex, race, color, religion, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin.
Invite your friends! It’s fun to take a class with a friend. Forward this Inside Scoop to someone you know who might be interested.
Renew or join today! It’s easy. Just go to and click on “Join.” Membership is $65/year and classes are only $55/person. Events and Clubs are free.
Should you have any issue with joining or renewing, please contact the Encore Learning staff at
Enjoy the summer. We can’t wait to meet you!
Say Hello to Two New Board Members
With the beginning of our new fiscal year, we bring two new members to the Encore Learning Board. Karen Darner and Kate Mattos were recently elected to the 2021-2022 Board of Directors at Encore Learning. We want our members to get to know our volunteers, staff, and members of the board! We asked Karen and Kate a few questions about volunteering with Encore Learning and what the organization means to them. Here's what they had to say:
Karen Darner, Encore Learning’s new treasurer, stated that since the beginning of COVID-19 she found it easy to attend classes due to Zoom. Now she is excited to catch up with the friends she has made over Zoom during the previous semesters. “The virtual turned out to be terrific. I was very surprised and I understand that overall people have had great support of Zoom. Partially because they don't have to go out when the weather is bad or when there is a concern about not getting there on time.”
When asked how Encore Learning impacted her life Karen stated that, “Encore Learning expands it, it's absolutely amazing, you learn so much. It leaves you wanting to learn even more.” Some of her favorite courses have been Gandhi and the Soul of Religion and Chemistry's Cooking. Not only because of the subject matter but also the people she has met along the way through taking many classes through Encore Learning.
Karen described Encore Learning as “seeing the world without leaving your house and even if you did leave your house you didn't have to go far but you would learn an awful lot.”
Kate Mattos, Encore Learning's newest co-membership chair, shared “ I have many favorite things about Encore Learning but if I had to boil it down I would say the energy of Encore Learning. The members are energetic learners and they are inventive. The quality of the classes is way higher than I even knew about.” Kate explained that she wanted a position and to feel involved within the organization. She said “I did feel like it was important to do something, for a volunteer organization it’s important to participate in some way. Especially the volunteer organization that offers so much, so I was looking to do some type of activity."
When asked about her goals for her future position on the board she stated, “Membership is a challenging position but it is a lot of fun. I am interested in getting members, keeping members, and making members happy." She explained, “It’s also a way to connect with people while thinking of new ways of bringing people into Encore Learning.”
For the upcoming academic year we are looking forward to bringing our membership back to pre-pandemic levels and ensuring our courses are the best for the members. Kate also wants to focus on thinking about our members' current needs coming out of the pandemic.
A big factor for Kate in joining Encore Learning was its ability to help shape her retirement life. “Encore Learning gave me a framework to think about my retirement. The framework of being a continuing learner as well as an aggressive learner. Seeking out courses and clubs and new ideas and new people. As a volunteer organization there is a service ethic that is important in retirement. How do you create a meaningful retirement that helps other people and Encore Learning is the vehicle.” Kate explained, “Every club I've been in or meeting or class I am in I meet someone who has a fun and interesting idea and has been terrific and a new aspect in my life.”
President Tom Adams and Executive Director Lora Pollari-Welbes were delighted to meet with Karen and Kate in June to provide an orientation to the board (pictured above). If you want to get more involved like these two new board members, read more below.
Staff Corner
We have been discussing our format for Fall 2021 courses regularly. We really hope we can offer some courses in-person for those who favor that, and we know that many members still prefer being virtual. We anticipate a select number of in-person offerings this fall and our website will be updated with the most current information in early August.
This summer is still busy with Encore Learning Special Events and many clubs meeting. If you find yourself without something to do on a hot summer day, checkout what is coming up by looking at our calendar or upcoming events. The Encore Learning staff was happy to all meet in-person for the first time to celebrate the end of our fiscal year.
Encore Learning is about you, what do you want to learn about, how do you want to engage. Explore with us, get involved. Watch our website for our updated look and navigation coming soon!
~ Lora
Lora Pollari-Welbes, Executive Director
Save the Dates:
Fall Course Preview, Thursday, August 26 at 10:00 AM (virtual)
Fall Course Registration, Monday, August 30 at 10:00 AM (online)
Welcome New Members
In May and June 2021, the following new members joined Encore Learning. Please be sure to give these folks a warm welcome.
Amel Ben Abdesslen
Rosemary Jann
Deborah Kaplan
Michele Milden
Richard Romney
Jose Sacin
William Schneider
Nan Shepard
Scott Taylor
THANK YOU to Laurie McManus and all of you who kindly refer friends.
Remember that many of our virtual Encore Learning Presents events are recorded and may be found on our YouTube channel.
Donations are Always Welcome
Encore Learning is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Any donation is a charitable contribution deductible from income tax to the full extent permitted by law. Members, friends and organizations wishing to support Encore Learning may direct contributions to our General Fund to support our sustainability or to the Arthur W. Gosling Youth Scholarship Fund.
We hope you enjoyed this edition of The Inside Scoop. If you would like to submit an article or share some photos of members participating in Encore Learning activities, please email us at
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Teach, Learn, Share, Grow, Explore with Others 50+