Eblen Charities Newsletter: June 30, 2022

June has been a month to celebrate! We raised funds for our work at the Brad Johnson Celebrity Golf Tournament presented by Wicked Weed at the beautiful Cliffs Community, welcomed new staff member Kathy Soule, and were happy to be the featured charity at Mission Health Partners Provider Meeting at Highland Brewing.
We continue to see a significant increase in the number of people requesting help from us with basic needs. The sharp increase in gas prices has hurt many of our neighbors, and we’ve helped a steady stream of neighbor’s travel to doctors’ appointments, job interviews and with the gap between securing a job and receiving that first paycheck!
June also brought the first taste of sweltering summer temperatures. A lot of the clients we serve are living in housing without air conditioning – so the fans we distribute can make the difference in preventing heat related injuries. We helped 40 households with fans already and have just received the next shipment to help another 40.
As always, we are grateful for your partnership and support in this work. If you’d like to get more involved, please don’t hesitate to contact us – your gift of time, treasure or talents would be helpful in serving our neighbors.
Wicked Weed Brewing / Brad Johnson Celebrity Golf Classic to benefit Eblen Charities
Hosted by: The Cliffs at Walnut Cove 
Wicked Weed Brewing / Brad Johnson Celebrity Golf Classic to benefit Eblen Charities
Hosted by: The Cliffs at Walnut Cove 
The Wicked Weed Brewing/Brad Johnson Celebrity Golf Classic was held on Tuesday, June 7th at the Cliffs at Walnut Cove. Now in its 33rd year, this event is our largest annual fundraiser and this year we raised almost $34,000!

Once again, we are grateful to Wicked Weed Brewing for being the Tournament Sponsor for the sixth year along with Brad Johnson, who has been supporting the tournament for the past 18 years! We also thank all of our sponsors and participating teams.

Round Sponsor: Pepsi
Corporate Sponsors: First Citizens BankMB HaynesRed Bull • Walnut Cove Realty
Team Sponsors: Susan & Robert Ableidinger • Louise & Scott Hickman •
Meet Kathy Soule!
A quick Q&A with Eblen's new Developments and Events Director
Tell us about yourself?
My name is Kathy Soule and I have raised 4 children in Asheville with my husband Bobby. We have lived in Asheville over 17 years and spent the last 3 years in Winston-Salem. We are thrilled to be back home! I have spent most of my time volunteering in the Buncombe County School System and have served as a 5-time PTA President.

What do you do for Eblen?
I am the Development and Events Director. Now that the children are grown, I want to give back to this wonderful community of WNC. 

Why Eblen?
Eblen Charities is a homegrown local charity that truly helps people with essential needs. It always has been a favorite of mine. I am excited and honored to be a part of this team. 

Fun Fact:
I am left-handed!

*editors note: the "e" in Soule is silent.
Do you want to volunteer and help with Development & Events?
Please call Kathy Soule (828) 255-3066 Ext. 7214
Or email Kathy at [email protected]
Eblen Charities Mission Health Partners
Community Partner Award
We were honored to be part of the Mission Health Providers Annual Provider Meeting held at Highland Brewing where we were the recipient of the Mission Health Partners Community Partner Award.

Read the full story here.
Tools for Schools season has begun!
The tools for Schools season officially began this week when our good friends at Biltmore came by to pick up 15 collection boxes!

We are very thankful to them and all who are ready to help!

You can also start shopping from our amazon wishlist

If your office, club or neighborhood organization would like to collect school supplies please contact Kathy Soule at [email protected] and we will be happy to provide you with a collection box!
Eblen Charities FANtastic Fan Project
When temperatures rise, something as simple as a box fan can potentially save a life!
If you’d like to help us keep our neighbors cool this summer, visit this link to help!
Christmas in July - Smoky Mountain H.O.G Chapter
Saturday, July 16, 2022
Rain Date: July 23, 2022
Christmas in July Charity Ride
Palmer Morris RC. SMHOG will host a charity Ride to support WNC Toy Run. Exact details to follow

Visit the official site for details here
Moonshine, Motors
& Outlaw Music
Friday, September 9th
at Elevated Mountain Distilling Company inn Maggie Valley NC
Proceeds go to Helping Haywood and Eblen Charities.

"Let's come together as a community and help raise donations for a great cause while enjoying your Friday night with the best music that Maggie Valley has seen in a long time, featuring Country Legend Whey Jenn."

Visit the official site for details and tickets here
Helpful Resources
- - - - - - - Contact Us - - - - - - -
Susan Riddle
Operations Director [email protected]
Kathy Soule
Development & Events Director
Eddie Gumm
- - - - - - - Volunteer - - - - - - -
Contact Volunteer Coordinator
Mary Ann McMinn
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If you are a new subscriber you can catch up on previous editions at the links provided here on our website: eblencharities.org/blog