It's officially December, friends.
Whether your already settling in for the holidays or trying to wrap up year-end activities, this is a reminder to take a few minutes before the end of the year to answer the question, "What does a Wake Up Eager Life look like for me?"
It might look like enhancing your professional work and skillset like our newest Certified Professional DISC Analyst, Sarah Shapiro. Congratulations to Sarah!
It also might look like spending a little more time on the golf course next year. Just be sure to watch out for your DISC style on the range!
You might want the lowest score on the course, but when it comes to your leadership scorecard, don't forget these fundamentals.
And if you're in performance review season or reflecting on feedback from this year, consider how you navigate that process using the S.A.R.A Framework.
I'll be back in your inbox in the new year with another round of insights and updates. If you want more weekly doses of this content, follow Priceless Professional Development on LinkedIn.
Until then, happy holidays and may you have a wonderful start to your new year.