Your Link to Latin America | November 14, 2022
Advancing in Mission

The Free Methodist Church, known as the Iglesia Metodista Libre (IML) in Spanish, participates with God in the restoration of Latin America by developing healthy leaders, multiplying committed disciples, and empowering transformational churches. 

We link arms with superintendents, mission district leaders, local pastors, lay leaders, men, women, and children to advance the mission. God is moving men and women, girls and boys to share the Good News of Jesus within their families, with their neighbors and friends, and with complete strangers. God is healing broken hearts and lives. And He is at work through the local churches, helping them to see their communities with eyes of compassion and hands ready for action.
Missions Mondays
Over the next 5 weeks, we will share brief videos like this (1.5mins) with you each Monday on what we are calling “Missions Monday”. We ask that you watch and then share these videos with your churches, small groups, prayer groups, family and friends. 

The videos contain highlights from 2022, and goals for 2023. And as you know, without prayer, we cannot accomplish anything. Please join us in prayer each week as we share specific prayer requests. 
Three Ways to Pray:
  1. Please pray for the transformation of Latin America.  
  2. Pray that God will continue to work in and through each FM leader and member in ways that bring about Kingdom Transformation!
  3. Pray that many will respond to the invitation to make a one-time, year end gift to the Latin America Strategic Initiatives Fund to be used where needed most in Latin America.
Thank you!
You are a crucial part of the team! Through your faithful prayers and generous giving, you too link arms with the team in Latin America. Thank you! 
  • Thank you for carrying the needs of the IML before God in your prayers.
  • Thank you for responding to the movement of God in your heart to support the work in Latin America, through your financial support.
  • And thank you for sending teams to partner with local churches. (We are excited to begin receiving VISA teams again in 2023!)
LINKED together we are STRONGER!
Year End Giving Campaign
Finally, we ask you to link arms with us by making a one-time, year-end gift to the Latin America Strategic Initiatives Fund to be used where needed most in Latin America.

Our goal is to raise $200,000 through this campaign to take the pressure of fundraising off of our key leaders and international missionaries so that we can all focus on the ministry to which God has called us.

Linked together we are stronger!
Dr. Ricardo Gomez, Latin America Area Director & The Latin America Area Connections Team
"The Free Methodist Church-USA commits to making every effort to honor your requested gift designation. In the event this is not possible, or funding exceeds the need, your gift will be applied to a similar ministry area that best meets the needs of the church."