November 2015
In This Issue
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Don't miss our networking event on 11/19/2015 5:30 - 8:00 pm - Free Food, Fun and a chance to talk about your business - Keep checking our website for more details
Spreading the joy of dance

Get your dancing shoes on for the holidays! Edwin Rhodes is spreading the joy of d ance in the Toledo area with his new business, Showtime Urban Ballroom Dance Productions.  
"Dance brings people together from all walks of life," says Rhodes. "Anyone can learn and it's a relaxing way to socialize and get some low impact exercise."
Showtime offers a dance class every Monday evening from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the University of Toledo's Scott Park Campus. The cost is just $7 per session and those interested can show up with or without a partner.

Marketing Matters: Learn Best Practices

Your marketing strategy can make or break your business. "If you don't market, you'll die. It's that simple," says Dr. Sonny Ariss, professor of management and entrepreneurship at the University of Toledo. Developing a winning marketing strategy, however, is both an art and a science.  Two local marketing experts share best practices for small business owners.

Dr. Ariss and Carol Sullinger, owner of Vendita Technology Group and lecturer in UT's College of Business and Innovation, stress that when it comes to marketing, there's no easy formula or one size fits all approach. Every small business owners needs to invest in a marketing strategy that's unique and targeted.

Portia Ash 
Northwest Ohio MBAC Director 
Get your Personal Finances in Shape
As a small business owner, especially one just starting out, your personal savings and credit most often determines your access to capital and the rates that you will pay. Therefore, it's incredibly important for a business owner to have an excellent personal credit history.
Let's assume you're not a Fortune 100 business, independently wealthy, or lucky enough to have wealthy friends and family members. Then you'll then need to make sure that your personal credit is in tip top shape if you need a bank loan for working capital or funds to purchase business assets.

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