Our High School Career Programs


27- Mini Dance Marathon- JBC (All Day)


2- MCCTC Job Shadow Day #2

4- VEX Robotics Competition - Cafeteria (All Day)

9- Parent Teacher Conferences (3-5PM)

9- MCCTC/STEM Open House (6-8PM)

10- Teacher Waiver Day- No School for Students

11- 2nd Annual Kids Career Fair- JBC (10AM-2PM)

17 & 20- No Classes- Presidents Day Break

23- STEM Family Night (5:30-8:00)- *only those new students enrolled next year are to attend.

School Board Recognition Month

In honor of School Board Appreciation Month, we would like to recognize our new board president, Mrs. Beth Donofrio and vice president, Mr. Jeffrey Good. We would also like to thank our entire school board for all they do for our district and their constant support!

Mrs. Beth Donofrio

Mr. Jeffrey Good

Mr. Ronald Shives

Attorney Kathi McNabb Welsh

Mr. Richard S. Scarsella

Mrs. Marie Dockry

Mr. Michael Stanko

Reserve a table for the Kids Career Fair!

2nd Annual Kids Career Fair

Come be a part of the fun! Reserve your table for the 2nd Annual Kids Career Fair today! All local businesses and organizations welcome! Spots are filling up fast!

WKBN Story!

Business Journal Story!

Directors Report....

Valley STEM PBIS winners!

Behavior: Rigdon Windsor (9th) and Chloe Holt (10th)

Attendance: Victoria Donatelli (9th) and Caden Zion (10th)

In addition to the winners listed above, there were 22 (10th grade) and 41 (9th grade) blue tickets earned!! 

Cosmetology and Anatomy

In Anatomy, Cosmetology juniors have been studying the integumentary system. This week students researched their daily skincare products and created their own Vlog based on their skin needs (oily, dry, or combination skin).  Students had to include what the product is used for along with the ingredients and what those specific ingredients do for the skin.  


Students in Mr. Cooper's Electricity program have been very busy around the school retrofitting the hallway lighting with LED lighting. The difference in the lighting quality is remarkable!! 

Building & Construction

Mr. Smith's seniors in Building and Construction are currently working on a project on behalf of the ESC. They are in the process of building an outdoor shed in order to store some of ESC's maintenance equipment for improved access.  

Allied Health & Pre-Nursing

Several students in the Allied Health and Pre-Nursing program have passed their EKG, Physical Therapy, and or Phlebotomy certification tests in recent weeks. Congratulations everyone!  

Mr. Bellotta and Mr. Parker Team Up!

Mr. Parker's and Mr. Bellotta's students recently participated in a "Torts in Sports" mock trial. Students learned about the judicial process along with the professional responsibilities required in Sports Medicine. Topics such as malpractice and standard care were covered as part of this collaboration. 


Machine Team instructors are working hard to ensure our students obtain as many credentials as possible. In some cases, students may earn up to 50 points!

Valley STEM students in Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Capan's Algebra classes participated in a Project Based Learning activity that focused on systems of equations utilizing Robotics, English, Math, History, and Science.   

Spring 2023 classes are enrolling now. 

Click to register

The Adult Career Center offers customized training designed for our local workforce. Recently, Fanuc ArcTool students completed training. 

Both students are employees of Gasser chair in Liberty and earned their Certificate of Completion: CERT Level 1

MCCTC Governing Board Members

Beth Donofrio, President

Jeff Good- Vice President

Marie Dockry, Board Member

Michael Stanko, Board Member

Ronald Shives, Board Member

Richard S. Scarsella, Board Member

Attorney Kathi McNabb Welsh- Board Member

Valley STEM +ME2 Board Members
Ashley Totin. President
John Kuzma, Board Member
Dr. Stephen Rodabaugh, Board Member
Craig Hockenberry, Board Member
Dr. Karen Larwin, Board Member
7300 N. Palmyra Rd.,
Canfield, OH 44406
(330) 729-4000
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