Our Featured Investor
Main Street Grill
239 West Main Street
Park Hills, MO 63601
Welcome NEW Investors!!
Ribbon Cutting - Parkland Wound & Diabetic Care Centers
Congratulations to Parkland Health Center on the recent completion of their new Wound & Diabetic Care Centers! The Park Hills - Leadington & Farmington Chamber's of Commerce kicked off their Open House Event with a ceremonial Ribbon Cuttin g on Thursday, March 6, 2014, which was attended by several of the hospital's physicians, board members, staff members, and friends, as well as investors from both Chambers. For more information on the Wound and Diabetic Care Centers and the services they offer, call Parkland Health Center at 573-756-6451.
Ribbon Cutting - King Auto Sales
The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce recently celebrated the opening of King Auto Sales!
General Manager, Dan Pinkley, his staff members, family members, and friends, along with Chamber board members, ambassadors, and investors gathered to celebrate of the grand opening of the King Auto Sales with a ribbon cutting on March 17th.
The location at 13 Chat Road in Leadington is one of two King Auto Sales lots; The other is located next to Dairy Queen in Farmington.
Aside from the ribbon cutting, the grand open events included performances by the the Farmington High School Pep Band, live remotes, and in honor of St. Patrick's day, guests were treated to corned beef and cabbage, and cupcakes.
Be sure to stop by and congratulate Dan and his staff on their new location! Contact King Auto Sales at 573-756-0999 or visit their website at www.kingautomo.com. |
Ribbon Cutting - Claddagh Irish Dance
A beautiful day for a ribbon cutting! An incredible group of folks turned out to help congratulate Marianne and Charles Politte on the recent opening of the new Claddagh Irish Dance studio. Aside from family members, friends, and students of the owners, various Park Hills - Leadington Board Members, Ambassadors, and Investors, and several Park Hills City Officials were in attendance to the celebration.
Director of Dance, Marianne Politte, will be teaching students traditional Irish dance for fun and performance, without the stress and cost of competition. At Claddagh Irish Dance, they teach traditional dances, a lovely part of Irish culture passed down through history. Dancers begin learning technique and soft shoe jigs and reels, and then advance to hard shoe jigs, reels and ceili. Adult classes focus mainly on ceili (group dances). Their performances can be enjoyed at local events, parades, and various community functions. They also hold an annual recital.
Be sure to stop in and wish them best of luck on their new endeavor and learn more about Irish Dance while your there!
Thank You Hump Day BBQ Participants - One and All!
We would like to extend a massive amount of thanks to EVERYONE who participated in this year's Hump Day BBQ! To the cooks, the grillers, the servers, the delivery drivers, the assemblers, the order takers, the promoters, the diners, the facility owners, the reporters, the food providers, the bbq grill lenders... If you had anything at all to do with yesterday's Hump Day BBQ, we can't be more appreciative of you and your role! So very many people assisted in selling, distributing and eating the nearly 350 barbecue plates, we won't even begin to name individual names. However, we want each and every one of you to know, YOU ROCK!!! We are successful, because you make us so!
TODAY - Is the Last Day to Renew
To those who have already returned your renewals for 2014 THANK YOU!
If you have not renewed your investment, today is the final day to do so before your benefits expire.
Not sure if your current? Lose your invoice? Have questions before renewing? Contact us, we'll be more than happy to help!
Don't lose your benefits! Call us today!!!
April First Friday Coffee by LocalTek - Friday, April 4, 2014
LocalTek will be hosting the April First Friday Coffee event THIS Friday, April 4th from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. at Main Street Grill in Park Hills!
Join us for hot coffee, tasty pastries and great conversation! Register your attendance here: April First Friday Coffee |
April Investor Meeting Focus on Avoiding Investment Fraud with Guest Garrett Webb From The Missouri Secretary of State's Office
Nearly 6 million Missourians are impacted in some manner by investments and retirement savings. Through outreach and presentations across the state, the Investor Protection Division of Secretary of State Jason Kander's Office seeks to inform Missourians of current threats to investors, the steps our office takes to combat fraud and the resources available to protect citizens from investment scams.
We will meet at Charboneau's A & C Restaurant at 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 15, 2014 for the luncheon.
Our Featured Investor for April is LocalTek.
Register your attendance online now at: APRIL INVESTOR MEETING.
2014 Golf Tournament - Now Seeking Sponsors!
The Chamber will host this 18-hole, 4-person scramble on May 9th, 2014 at Crown Pointe Golf Course and will include dinner, prizes, free ice cold beverages a chance to win a car with a hole-in-one sponsored by Turner Chevrolet-Cadillac Co., Inc. and more! We are currently recruiting sponsors for this fun-filled event. Promote your business big with little cost and effort! Beverage Cart Sponsors Wanted - ONLY TWO SPOTS AVAILABLE! Everyone's most favorite feature of golf tournament day -- the Beverage Cart. Just $200 puts your business name and logo on the cart! But act quickly, there are only TWO beverage cart sponsorships available! Hole Sponsors Needed - A $100 investment puts your business information in front of every player the day of the event and more! Find out more information and teams and sponsors can sign up now by visiting our event page at: 2014 Chamber Golf Tournament |
Park Hills - Leadington Chamber Investors Receive Special Discounts to Social Media Seminar
The Bonne Terre Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Social Media Seminar and you're invited! Come let Karen the Connector, Social Media Expert, show you how to make Social Media "Connect" for your business.
- Do you understand Social Media?
- Are you using it to it's full advantage to promote your business?
- Do you want to learn new tools and new ways to grow your business using social media?
- Are you curious about out how Social Media really pays off?
- Are you using the right platforms for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for your business or organization?
- Want to know what the best social marketers do better than the rest?
You'll learn the answers to all these questions and more!
Heritage Hall 118 East School Street Bonne Terre, MO 63628
Date/Time Information:
Tuesday, April 8, 2014 11:00 am. to 12:30 p.m.
Contact Information:
Bonne Terre Chamber of Commerce: 573-358-4800
$27.00 Per Person for all Chamber Members (Including Park Hills - Leadington Chamber Members!!) $37.00 Per Person for all Non-Chamber Members
Registration is Required! |
Awesome Sunsets
2014 Ole Time Rock N' Roll Dinner & Dance Benefiting the Children's Advocacy Center of East Central Missouri
National Guard Armory, Farmington, MO 63640
Date/Time Information:
Saturday, April 5, 2014, 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Belgrade State Bank
No Tap Bowling Tournament
No Tap Bowling Tournament at Bonne Terre Family Fun Center to Benefit St. Francois County Relay For Life.
Friends in Action Clubhouse
"Supporting Recovery Through Art" - 6th Annual Friends in Action Clubhouse Art Exhibit  Organizers of the 6th Annual "Friends in Clubhouse" Art Exhibit have expanded this year's event to include submissions from artists in our community. If you are on your own recover journey, or if you want to support those who are, please join us!
Mineral Area College
SchoolHouse Rock Live
Any child of the 1970s or 1980s might remember watching Schoolhouse Rock videos interspersed among their Saturday morning cartoons. Now those fun, educational songs about math, grammar and civics will be brought to the stage by Mineral Area College's Little Theatre Guild.
Mineral Area College
Missouri Rep. Kevin Engler to Address 4th Friday

State Rep. Kevin Engler, R-116th District, will address the crowd on April 25 at Mineral Area College's Fourth Friday. The public is invited to attend Engler's Fourth Friday presentation, 10 a.m., April 25, in the Fine Arts Theatre at MAC's Park Hills campus. A Q&A session will follow. For more information, contact Amy McKenna-Jones, (573) 518-2146 or mjones@MineralArea.edu. The lecture is free and open to the public.
Ozark Thunder Outdoor Gun Range
Conceal & Carry Classes

Ozark Thunder Indoor Gun Range LLC is offering a Conceal & Carry (CCW) Class on Saturday, April 26, 2014 beginning at 8:00 a.m. at their facility located at 5157 Flat River Road in Leadington. The 8-hour class is being instructed by Randall Head of Double Tap Training, and will satisfy all Missouri training requirements. All participants completing the course will receive a Course Completion Certificate at the end of the training. Cost is $100 per person.
Parkland Health Center
Parkland Health Center Announces Star Service Team Member for March

Parkland Health Center is pleased to announce that Wendy Govreau has been selected as the Star Service Team Member for March 2014.
Wendy is a Senior Financial Analyst and has worked at Parkland Health Center for four years. When asked what she likes about her job, she replied, "I am a bean counter at heart! I love analyzing data, and I like the algebraic aspect." She went on to explain that her mother was a nurse, and her father and multiple other family members were CPAs, so she enjoys the best of both worlds by being a CPA in a hospital.
St. Francois County Rotary Club
Rotary Presents the Kelly Miller Circus 
Once again the Kelly Miller Circus will be joining us here in St. Francois County. There will be FOUR show times. Thursday April 10th and Friday April 11th. with shows at 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. both nights.
Everyone will be invited to come out and watch the animals be unloaded and fed and watch the elephant raise the big top. Activities begin at 7:30 a.m. Thursday. The tent will be raised at 9 a.m. Guides will be furnished for school groups and anyone attending.
Serenity HospiceCare
Serenity Celebrates McClellan 
This past week, Serenity HospiceCare said goodbye to one of their veteran nurses, Alta McClellan. After seventeen years with Serenity, the Fredericktown native made the decision to retire, saying she was looking forward to spending more time with family and friends.
Serenity's Director of Nursing, Robyn Walton, said at the farewell lunch, "There are good nurses, and there are great nurses. Then, there's Alta." Nursing, however, was not McClellan's first career choice. She worked at Brown Shoe for twenty-one years, until the company shut down in 1991. It was only then, at the urging of her daughter, Michelle Hovis, that McClellan decided to give nursing school a try. "There was no doubt that mom had the heart to become a terrific nurse," said Hovis - a nurse herself. McClellan graduated from nursing school in 1993.
Arianna Huffington: Sleep Your Way to the Top
Think success is defined by the amount of hours you put in at work? Wake up and listen to the many truths about the value of dedicating your precious time to getting enough sleep.

The most basic shift we can make in redefining success in our lives has to do with our strained relationship with sleep.
As Dr. Michael Roizen, chief wellness officer of the Cleveland Clinic, put it, "Sleep is the most underrated health habit." Most of us fail to make good use of such an invaluable part of our lives. In fact, we deliberately do just the opposite.
We think, mistakenly, that success is the result of the amount of time we put in at work, instead of the quality of time we put in. Sleep, or how little of it we need, has become a symbol of our prowess. We make a fetish of not getting enough sleep, and we boast about how little sleep we get. I once had dinner with a man who bragged to me that he'd gotten only four hours of sleep the night before. (I resisted the temptation to tell him that the dinner would have been a lot more interesting if he had gotten five.)
Continue reading here: SLEEP YOUR WAY TO THE TOP
Why Your Business Needs a Spring Break
Offer your employees a team reward--like a Friday off or a week with no meetings--and watch them respond with creativity, cooperation, and adaptability. We could all use a shot of that.

It's that time of year again. Productivity slows down, the freeways clear out, and sunscreen sales begin their summer ascension. It's Spring Break, baby!
One of my greatest high school memories is of Spring Break--and probably not for the reasons you assume. In fact, I would argue that all of our workplaces would benefit from a mandatory Spring Break of sorts, and here's why: 1. Increase in CreativityDuring our Spring Break trip to South Padre Island, Texas, my girlfriends and I filled empty Scope bottles with vodka and green food coloring. C'mon, that's creative! And while I don't condone underage drinking, I do wonder what brilliant ideas might emerge at your company during a week of no meetings, no conference calls, and no one in the office past 4 p.m. Most of my inventive thoughts come when I'm relaxed; never during a meeting or conference call. Continue reading here: SPRING BREAK