March 2016 Volume 20  Issue 2

Our Featured Investor

Missouri Job Center
403 Parkway Drive
Park Hills, MO 63601
Phone: 573-518-2431

Mike Campbell & Everyone at the Missouri Job Center for Hosting an Extra Special First Friday Coffee this month!!

We had a WONDERFUL time!

Inside this Edition
Sweetheart Trivia 2016
March Investor Meeting
First Friday Coffee
Investor News
Investor Events
Investor Job Listings
Investor Deals
Seminars, Training, & Workshops
What Bosses Should Never...
How to Raise Successful Kids

Welcome NEW Investors!!

Thank You for Re-Investing in 2016!!

null Parkland Pregnancy Resource Center
Since 2009

Southeast Economic Development Fund
Since 2014

City of Leadington
Since 2005

Country Mart Country Mart
Since 1997

Culligan Soft Water
Since 2012

Better Bodies of MO, Inc.
Since 2014

Casey's General Store #1075
Since 2009

Casey's General Store
Since 2009

Congressman Jason Smith
Since 2014

Mineral Area College
Since 1984

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Chamber News   
Stay on top of all the Chamber happenings between newsletters by regularly visiting the Chamber website at or following us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Pinterest!
Sweetheart Trivia 2016 Proves to be the Biggest Trivia Night Yet!

With 18 teams, 80+ door prizes, 24 desserts, and three 1st Place winners, this year's Sweetheart Trivia Night was slated as the biggest and best yet! This year, we had three teams actually tie for first place!! Because there could only be one team named first, judges analyzed the pregame number guesses, and determined that the winners were as follows: Sweetheart Chocolates was named 1st, The Sweet Tarts were named 2nd, and The Goonies placed 3rd. Congratulations to each of you!

Regardless of titles, you all took first place in our eyes!
As always the meal was incredible, the door prizes were phenomenal, the desserts were irresistible, and the fun was unforgettable! We even awarded 5-$100 cash prizes to various teams throughout the night thanks to our ten round sponsors: Belgrade State Bank, Central Methodist University, C.Z. Boyer & Son Funeral Homes, First State Community Bank, Heartland Memorial Services, Isagenix, Mineral Area Office Supply, Moss Media, O.D.A.C.S., Inc. & Parkland Flower Girl! Thank you all for your contributions!

The Chamber's Annual Sweetheart Trivia Night is one of two annual events that help fund the Chamber's Scholarship Fund. Your participation helps us to annually grant one Central High School Graduating Senior a $2,000 scholarship to their choice of the three local community colleges... Mineral Area College, Central Methodist University, and Missouri Baptist University. Thank you to EVERYONE who participated and is helping us fund this very valuable project!

Discussions have already begun for next year's event! Be sure to keep us in mind when planning your 2017 Valentine's Day Date... we promise, you won't be disappointed!!

March Investor Meeting - Bob Boles of St. Louis SCORE -  Crucial Strategies, Essential for Success & Profit in Small Business
Please join us for the March Investor Meeting on Tuesday, March 15, 2016, at 12:00 p.m. at the North College Center at Mineral Area College.
Lunch to be Catered by MAC And will be $10.00 per person.

Mr. Boles is a volunteer with SCORE, the largest non-profit business organization in the country, providing NO-Cost counseling and mentoring to small businesses.  SCORE is a partner with the SBA.  SCORE Stl. offers a variety of workshops, seminars, trainings, and webinars all at little to no cost.  Many of they courses are listed on the Chamber's Events Calendar.  You can also find out more about the classes and services they offer at .

The topic for our March meeting is "Crucial Strategies, Essential for Success and Profit in your Small Business".  From this meeting, you will take with you simple, but powerful, tools that you can begin using immediately to help solve many business challenges you may face today, or in the years ahead.
Our March Business Spotlight is on     The Missouri Job Center

Monthly investor meetings provide Chamber investors with a variety of information through guest speakers.  Topics range from small business information to governmental issues and assistance to community interests.  Monthly meetings keep investors abreast of current chamber happenings and provide an excellent networking opportunity.

Register Your Attendance Here:    March Investor Meeting
April First Friday Coffee to be Hosted by American Home Care

Join us at  American Home Care  located at 905 East Main Street, Suite B, in Park Hills, beginning at 7:30 a.m. on Friday, April 1, 2016 for coffee and doughnuts!

First Friday Coffee Events are held the first Friday of each month at various investor locations. 

This is a relationship building event for Chamber Investors, clients and potential clients.

Visit with other investors and members of the business community and learn about the sponsoring business or organization and their products and/or services while enjoying coffee, a light breakfast provided by the sponsoring business or organization.

Register your attendance here:  FFC April 2016

Investor Announcements
Share your News, Events, Job Openings and Deals with us and we'll share them with others! Login to your member center and add as many as you'd like!  In a hurry? Email your announcements to or drop the information off at the Chamber office, and we'll help put it in front of thousands!
Investor News
Investor Events
How often do you check the Chamber Events Calendar?
Looking for something to do?  One of the best places to get you event fix is on the Chamber's website.  Click the event link to find out more about some of the great events coming soon:
And this is only a few of several events coming in August!  See the entire list on the Chamber's Online Event's Calendar !

Investor Job Listings
Your fellow Chamber Investors have Employment Opportunities available now!
Are you, or is someone you know, looking for employment?  We've got the low-down on some of the area's current job openings!  Look who's hiring right now:

Find out what other local companies are in need of employees on the Chamber's Job Listings page!  


Investor Deals
Have you checked out this month's Hot Deals
on the Chamber's website yet? 
Don't miss out on these Chamber Investor's "Hot Deals" available on the Chamber's Website!
Check our Hot Deals page often -  New Deals Added Regularly!!

Would you like to receive notifications each time new deals are added to the website?  If so, CLICK HERE and subscribe to the "Hot Deals eNewsletter" and we'll send you an email each time a new Hot Deal is available!

Seminars, Training & Workshops  
Are you looking for opportunities to improve on something old or learn something new?  We have several learning opportunities, business and personal interests, for you and your employees listed on the Chamber's Event Calendar!
Various training opportunities are offered by Chamber Investors and the St. Louis SCORE ( St. Louis SCORE offers free business counseling and resources, low-cost workshops, and free business scan services. ) See what benefits YOU
Find out more about these and other upcoming seminars, training opportunities and workshops on the Chamber's Seminars, Training, and Workshops page!

All About Business 
Interesting business related articles to help exercise your brain, peek your curiosity, increase your knowledge, or simply to make you smile; all intended for finding ways to enhance your business.
What Bosses Should Never Make Employees Do: The 7 Lamest Moves

By: Jeff Haden, Contributing Editor, Inc.
Image Credit: Getty Images
At least one you'll disagree with, but hear me out.

Yeah, you're in charge. Yeah, it's your way or the highway.

And, yeah, your employees might hate you.

As a boss, you have a lot of power. But you need to be smart about how you use it. Here are seven things you need to avoid:

1. You make employees evaluate themselves.

I know. "I've done self-evaluations before," you're thinking, "and I found it to be a very helpful period of self-reflection."

Um, BS.

Most people rate themselves as above average, even though that's statistically impossible. (There's even a term for it: illusory superiority.)

So here's what usually happens. Employees who do a great job always question why they need to evaluate themselves. Shouldn't you already know they do a great job? On the flip side, employees who do a poor job rarely rate themselves as poor, and that turns what could have been a constructive feedback session into an argument.

Self-evaluations may sound empowering or inclusive but are almost always a waste of time. (And can lead to employees thinking some fairly dark thoughts.) If you want feedback from an employee, ask what you can do to help develop that person's skills and career.

2. You make employees evaluate their peers.

I've done peer evaluations. They suck.

Peer means "work together." Who wants to criticize people they have to work with afterward? Plus, you can claim evaluations are confidential all you want, but people figure out who said what about whom.

You should know every employee's performance inside and out. If you don't, don't use his or her peers as a crutch. Dig in, pay attention, and truly know the people you claim to lead.

Continue reading here: Bosses Shouldn't Make Employees..

How to Raise Highly Successful Kids: 7 Questions to Ask Every Day

By: Bill Murray, Jr. - Executive editor Inc.,
, and founder,
Image Credit: Getty Images
There comes a moment when your kids' success means more to you than your own. Here's what to do next.

You want to be successful and independent. We all do.

When you have kids, though, it's funny how quickly your aspirations become all about them. What will they do in life? Will they be happy and successful?  (I'm just six months into this "being a father thing," but it's already my experience.)

Dr. Leonard Sax is a forceful and controversial pediatrician with a national reach. In his new book, The Collapse of Parenting, he spells out several things that parents of truly successful kids need to do every day. (I added two of my own.) To stay on top of them, here are seven questions to ask yourself every day:

1. Do my kids know that I love them?
Everything else flows from this. It's why you care more about their success than your own. It's tricky though--this doesn't mean simply telling them each day (although that's a good idea), and it certainly doesn't mean giving in to their every whim.

Instead, it's all about honesty and maturity. Can you honesty say that when they're 20 or 30 or 40 or more, they'll recognize that you do what you do because you always want the best for them?

2. Am I acting like a parent?
You want to treat your kids like adults so they'll behave like adults--but kids by definition aren't adults. Yet, it seems a lot of parents, in the hope of respecting their kids' choices and encouraging them to make decisions, wind up stepping aside and meekly letting their children make adult decisions.

"It's not about the abdication of authority," says Sax, citing the example of parents he's seen who allow their 8-year-old children to make the final decision about what school they should attend. "I know of cases where the kid was clearly making the wrong decision and the parents knew it but nevertheless felt completely powerless to overrule their child. The child is the one who suffers."

Continue reading here: Raising Highly Successful Kids
Thank you to this month's Business Spotlight: