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The Human-Animal Studies Report

March 2023

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Welcome to the Animals & Society Institute's monthly Human-Animal Studies Report. 

The Human-Animal Studies (HAS) field is active and busy again this month. First, note the numerous opportunities for students, scholars, faculty, and those seeking employment in related areas in the Human-Animal Studies Funding and Opportunities section. Calls for proposals for conference presentations also have ramped up this month, as shown in the Calls for Papers: Conferences and Workshops section.

And speaking of conferences, three of us from ASI are just back from attending and presenting at the fifth Living with Animals/Living with Horses conferences at Eastern Kentucky University. ASI Board President, Kenneth Shapiro, spoke at the Living with Animals conference in the session “To be Deprived by Death: Grievability, Mourning and Disenfranchisement,” and ASI Board Member Thomas Aiello presented a paper, “Ferlinghetti’s ‘Dog” and Anthrozoological Reality.” And finally, in addition to organizing and co-chairing the two-day Living with Horses Conference, I participated in a roundtable discussion, “The Relational Horse Roundtable: Moving Equine Studies Forward to a Consideration of Equine Selves.” In that discussion, I highlighted just how important and valuable a Human-Animal Studies theoretical approach is to considering horse-human relationships in ways that allow both beings’ lived experiences and interests to be considered. The conferences were, as usual, collegial and friendly and the interdisciplinarity of the presenters and the attendees left us all with ideas and associations to carry forward!

Thank you for your ongoing support of our Human-Animal Studies efforts. Stay healthy and safe, and do what you can to protect those you can.



Editor’s note: The HAS e-newsletter is organized as follows: Jobs, grants, and calls are ordered chronologically by deadline dates, with the earliest first, and will continue to be posted until the deadlines expire. Books and articles include, where possible, links to access them directly from this email. Because publication reference styles vary by source, they might not always be consistent or pretty, but they will get you there. To read more about the topics discussed, click the bold hyperlinks for source material and additional information. 

Please send your comments, suggestions, and submissions to: [email protected], and if possible include a URL link to your project or announcement.


Join ASI this month for the latest online colloquium in the Animals & Society Colloquium Series featuring Lindsay Palmer presentation, “Kicking the Dog: The Endorsement of Hegemonic Masculinity Predicts the Endorsement of Aversive Training techniques.” Dr. Palmer will discuss her study examining the relationship between attitudes toward nonhuman animals, adherence to dog-training methods, and gender ideologies. The Animals & Society Colloquium Series is an ongoing collaboration between ASI and the American Sociological Association’s Animals and Society Section. Registration is free, and recorded sessions are available for those who cannot attend live. The upcoming online colloquium will take place March 24, 2023 at 9:00 am PT/12:00 pm ET.  Register here

ASI is pleased to make Free Access for a limited time the article by Richard Twine, Where Are the Nonhuman Animals in the Sociology of Climate Change?, from the latest issue of its managed journal, Society & Animals (also see below).

ASI Board President Kenneth Shapiro will be presenting on ASI's BARK Diversion Program at a "Lunch and Learn" session with Counseling for Change, in New York, April 5, 2023ASI offers a number of resources for professionals in law enforcement as well as social workers, mental health providers, and others interested in reducing violence towards animals and people to promote the human-animal bond. Find information on BARK (Behavior, Accountability, Responsibility, and Knowledge: An Intervention Program for Animal Maltreatment Offenders)™ and other resources from mental health practitioners here.


The latest issue of the ASI-managed journal Society & Animals, Volume 31(1), is now available with the following articles:

Emotions and Reactions regarding Use of Cemeteries/Crematoriums following Loss of a Companion Animal in Spain

José-Serafín Clemente-Ricolfe, Sergio González-Navarro 

Dogs Feared and Dogs Loved: Human-Dog Relations in the Late Ottoman Empire

Cihangir Gündoğdu 

Whose Best Friend? Muslims, Dogs, and the Making of American Humanity

Nadeen Kharputly 

“Let Me Take a Selfie”: Implications of Social Media for Public Perceptions of Wild Animals

Christian Lenzi, Siobhan Speiran, Chiara Grasso 

Love and Death: Theoretical and Practical Examination of Human-Animal Relations in Creating Wild Animal Osteobiography

Emily H. Hull 

Where Are the Nonhuman Animals in the Sociology of Climate Change?

Richard Twine 

Toward Inclusive Health and Environmental Policy

Charlotte E. Blattner

The March LINK-Letter about animal cruelty’s intersections with child, elder and domestic abuse covers, among other topics: The International Association of Chiefs of Police is calling for stronger animal cruelty law enforcement based on its Link to human violence. Introducing veterinary students to social work offers a unique way for veterinarians to help animals, people, and the environment. And legislation in New York, Connecticut and Iowa would improve cross-reporting of different forms of family violence. 

We Animals Media and the Galerie FAIT & CAUSE in Paris is hosting an exhibit of images from the book, HIDDEN – Animals in the Anthropocene. Through this exhibition, the gallery is trying to raise public and media awareness of animal suffering and intends to promote gradual change in our behaviour for a better, fairer world for animals that cannot defend themselves. The exhibition is currently on until April 15, 2023. 

The recently launched Association of Animal-Assisted Intervention Professionals (AAAIP), a sister-organization to Pet Partners, has been formed to help support the standardization of animal-assisted interventions (AAIs) in professionalized settings. The organization offers many resources including free research documents, templates, and online coursework.

A new online tool funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Reasonable Accommodation Requests for Assistance Animals in Housing, has recently been released. This interactive tool will provide persons with disabilities with information about their fair housing rights related to requests for assistance animals.

The Morris Animal Foundation announced it will be funding a new study out of the University of Giessen in Germany to help better understand how horses cope with stress. The study, conducted by Désirée Brucks, PhD, will take a closer look at why some horses react impulsively and struggle to adapt to a stressful situation while others adapt quickly and show flexible behavior.

The University of Exeter is inviting participants to partake in an online study titled, Embodying Care: Experiences of Breastfeeding for Mothers Against Dairy.


The University of Guelph, Ontario Veterinary College, is asking for respondents to a survey on Companion Rabbit Ownership Experiences.

HAS Funding and Opportunities

Carroll College invites applications for a one-year full-time Visiting Professor of Anthrozoology with a focus on canine science, canine behavior, and canine training, with an emphasis on learning theory to start August 2023. The successful applicant will be responsible for teaching classes in Canine Science and Canine Training and mentoring undergraduate students in the broader field of Anthrozoology. The deadline was March 1, but the position will remain open until filled.

My Dog is my Home’s 2023 virtual Co-Sheltering Conference on March 21 – 23, 2023 still has scholarships available for those needing financial support to attend. 

The African Parks Network is recruiting a Proposal and Report Writer – Community Specialist in Johannesburg that can lead on putting together compelling proposals and robust impact reports for funders. The ideal candidate will specialize in capturing African Parks’ community strategy, socio-economic impact, and work with the people living around or inside the protected areas under African Parks’ management. The deadline for applications has been extended to March 24, 2023

TEARS Animal Rescue in Cape Town, South Africa is currently recruiting for the following positions: (1) a fulltime Welfare Veterinarian, (2) a General Manager, (3) Marketing ManagerThe deadline for applications is March 31, 2023

We Animals Media is offering a one-of-a-kind opportunity for photojournalists to hone their craft through the Animal Photojournalism FellowshipThe deadline for applications is March 31, 2023

The Department of Social Anthropology at Stockholm University is seeking candidates for two PhD positions in Social Anthropology with a focus on biological diversity. The research project, BIOrdinary: Biodiversity Dilemmas in Ordinary, Places, will investigate biodiversity dilemmas with emphasis on species mobility, imperial histories, and place marked by human activity. Closing date is March 24, 2023.

The University of Denver’s Institute for Human-Animal Connection is hiring. Are you or someone you know looking to pursue a career in social science research or program evaluation in the human-animal-environment interactions field? IHAC's Research Fellowship may be the right fit. This is a two-year post-master's position with a summer start date, ideal for individuals with a demonstrated interest in research, project management, and human-animal-environment interactions. Information available here. Applications are due by March 31, 2023. 

Eckerd College invites applications for a visiting Assistant Professor position in Animal Studies to start in Fall 2023. This position is for one year, but there is the possibility a similar tenure track position will become available. Applications will be reviewed starting April 1, 2023, but the position will remain open until filled.

Nuremberg University of Music are happy to announce the new English-speaking Master’s program titled, "Interdisciplinary Music Research" (M.A). Students have the option to choose between two specializations: human-animal studies and artificial intelligence. Large parts of the program will be held online. The deadline for applications is April 15, 2023.  

The Special Collections Research Center (SCRC) at the North Carolina State University Libraries and the Culture & Animals Foundation (CAF) are offering the third annual Tom Regan Visiting Research Fellowship. The Fellowship supports the use of the SCRC’s Animal Rights Archive—the largest scholarly archive of animal rights collections in the country—and provides a $5,000 stipend for research complete in residence for a term of no less than four weeks to begin on or after July 1, 2023. The deadline for applications is April 30, 2023

Dr. Yamini Narayanan and the Australasian Animal Studies Association (AASA) seek a Research Assistant for work on her ARC project on urban animals in India. This role is only available for Australian citizens, residents, and visa-holders. To apply, a CV, a brief explanation of interest, and capacity for this role can be sent through to Dr. Narayanan at [email protected]No deadline given.

Canine Therapy Corps, Inc. is seeking an Executive Director to lead the organization into the next phase of services and growth, building on the incredible success and accomplishments of the past thirty years. No deadline given.

The Urban Resource Institute (URI) is seeking a PALS (People and Animals Living Safely) Program Coordinator who will be responsible for coordinating day-to-day operations of PALS, a groundbreaking program that offers a range of comprehensive services, including intervention, counseling, advocacy, education, and coordination to meet the human and animal welfare needs of domestic violence victims and their pets. No deadline given.

Podcasts, Webinars and Lectures

This section includes both upcoming live events, and past events that were recorded.

Join the Human Animal Support Services (HASS) on March 16, 2023 at 5 pm CT for the online webinar titled, ‘Pawsitively Thriving: Strategies for Work-Life Balance in Animal Welfare’. Attendees will learn strategies to create boundaries between their professional and personal lives, affording time for individualized self-care and wellness while still meeting the needs of the mission.

Defenders of Wildlife will host a virtual event titled, ‘The Silver Anniversary: 25 Years Coexisting with Mexican Gray Wolves’ on March 22, 2023 at 2 pm ET/12pm MT/11am PT to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Mexican gray wolf reintroduction. This special event will celebrate the recovery of this iconic species and showcase the successes and challenges along the path to restoration for Mexican gray wolves, and well as how we coexist to help them survive and thrive. 

The Animal Legal Defense Fund will hold a webinar title, Lobbying 101: How to Advocate for Animals, on March 30, 2023. In this event, Kathy Schatzmann, Senior Legislative Affairs Manager, will walk you through the basics of how to connect with your representatives and lobby for animal protection legislation. 

In Episode 211 of Knowing Animals, Professor Emerita Carol Gigliotti talks about her new book, The Creative Live of Animals

In Episode 212 of Knowing Animals, environmental historian, Dr. Troy Vettese, discusses his book, Half-Earth Socialism, which was co-authored with Drew Pendergrass and published by Verso in 2022.

New HAS Books and Monographs

Following are some recent books published of interest to the field of Human-Animal Studies.

Challenger, M. (2023). Animal Dignity: Philosophical Reflections on Non-Human Existence. Bloomsbury. 

Stephen Marcus Finn (2023). Farmed Animals on Film: A Manifesto for a New EthicSpringer.

Enxing, J., Horstmann, S., and Taxacher, G. (2022). Animate Theologies: An (im)possible project? Vol 1. WBG Academic. 

Deborah Lupton (2023). The Internet of Animals: Human-Animal Relationships in the Digital Age. Polity Press.

New HAS Articles and Book Chapters

Following are some recent articles and book chapters of interest to the field of Human-Animal Studies.

Bartosiewicz, L., Barcóczi-Szabó, M. and Gál, E. (2023). A Dog’s Life: Interpreting Migration Period Dog Burials from HungaryAnthropozoologica. 58(2), pp. 9-22. 

Clay, Anne Safiya (2022). Compassion on the Ark: Analyzing Discourses on the Relationship Between Individual Animal Welfare and Species Conservation in Zoos. Ph.D. Diss. George Mason University.

Sarah Dimaggio (2023). Kinship With Our Fellow Creatures: Korsgaard's Kantian Account of Animal Ethics and the Moral Weight of Kinship. Journal of Animal Ethics, 13(1), pp. 31-47.

Julianne Graper (2023). Bat/Man: echolocation, experimentation, and the question of the humanSound Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal. (preprint)

Mackay, E. L. M., Zulch, H. and Mills, D. S. (2023). Trait-Level Resilience in Pet Dogs—Development of the Lincoln Canine Adaptability Resilience Scale (L-CARS). Animals, 13(5), 859. 

Monsalve, S., Hammerschmidt, J., Ribeiro, M., Caleme, M., Marconcin, S., Filius, G., & Garcia, R. (2023). A One Welfare approach to identify socioeconomic vulnerability in families during investigations into companion animal abuse in Pinhais, BrazilAnimal Welfare, 32, E27. 

Nimmo, R. (2022). Posthumanist Praxis and the Paradoxes of Agency, Responsibility and Organization in the ‘Anthropocene.’ In L. Tallberg, & L. Hamilton (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Animal Organization Studies (OxfordHandbooks). Oxford University Press.

Nurse, A. (2023). Policing the Environment: The Prosecution of Wildlife and Environmental Crimes. In: Nelen, H., Siegel, D. (eds) Organized Crime in the 21st Century. Springer, Cham. 

Yen-Zhi Peng and, Hsin-I Sydney Yueh (2023). Sakura Shrimp as a hybrid spokes-character: How Japanese moe anthropomorphism promotes tourism in Taiwan. East Asian Journal of Popular Culture, 9, Issue Religion in Popular Global Culture, p. 25 – 43.

Simonds, C.H. (2023). Ethical Veganism as Moral Phenomenology: Engaging Buddhism with Animal EthicsJournal of Animal Ethics 13(1), 48-60.

Strugovshchikova, U. S. (forthcoming). Biosemiotics in the Epoch of Post-AnthropocentrismVox Philosophical Journal. (Russian with English summary)

Van Patter, L.E., Linares-Roake, J. & Breen, A.V. (2023). What does One Health want? Feminist, posthuman, and anti-colonial possibilitiesOne Health Outlook 5(4). 

Wrenn, Corey (2023). Animalizing Appalachia: A Critical Animals Studies Analysis of Early Sociological Surveys of Southern Appalachia. Journal of Appalachian Studies. (In press)

Calls for Papers: Journals and Chapters

Corey Wrenn invites submissions to an interdisciplinary Special Issue of the Journal of Appalachian Studies, Animals and Appalachia: Introducing Critical Appalachian Animal Studies. Submissions are that center Nonhuman Animal experiences, analyze intersectional relationships between humans and other animals, interrogate speciesism, or otherwise speak to the core principles of Critical Animal Studies in the context of Appalachian studies. Author information for submissions to the Journal of Appalachian Studies can be found here. Please submit a title and abstract (or brief description of topic area) to Corey Wrenn ([email protected]no later than April 16th, 2023.

The Plant and Animals in Latin American Cultures calls for abstract submissions. 

This volume edited strives to show the profound interspecies entanglements and especially welcomes proposals with a transhistorical and interdisciplinary approach to critical plant and animal studies. The deadline for submission is April 30, 2023

Frontiers invites abstract submissions for the edition One Health: A Framework to Cross Boundaries of Humanities and Social Sciences. The goal of this edition is to bring together practitioners and researchers who are working with and studying the role of the environment on interspecies interaction/relationships amid climate justice. The deadline for submission is April 30, 2023. 

MDPI is calling for submissions for the Special Issue of their journal, Animals, titled, Advances in Marine Mammal Cognition and Cognitive Welfare. For this Special Issue MDPIs welcome manuscripts that speak to issues regarding the cognitive abilities and/or cognitive well-being of any marine mammal species. The deadline for manuscript submissions is June 30, 2023. 

The new series Animate Theologies aims to gather contributions to a post-anthropocentric theology: insights from Human-Animal Studies or Critical Animal Studies and modern Ethology are to be systematically brought into productive conversation with the forms and norms of theological theorizing. Publications are possible in both English and German. Both languages ​​can be represented in anthologies. No deadline given.

A call is out for chapter contributions to a volume Reclaiming historically silenced voices of the natural world, Volume 2: Animals. This volume will be part of a five-volume series, “Gender, Colonialism, and Science: A Cross-Cultural Compendium of Primary Sources” (General Editors: Donald L. Opitz and Banu Subramaniam) from Routledge. Collectively, the volumes aim to offer a readily-accessible compendium of primary source materials that span geographies and cultural perspectives, during a period when understandings of nature by women, queer, non-binary, two-spirit and/or transgender persons, became increasingly visible and important, and yet all the more contested. More details on the project are available here. Submissions and questions go to volume editors Samantha Muka ([email protected]) and Ariehn Matamonasa ([email protected]). No deadline given.

Calls for Papers: Conferences

and Workshops

PATH International calls for abstracts for the 2023 annual conference in Charlotte, NC on October 26-28, 2023. The association is especially interested in receiving abstracts from presenters with information relevant to the field of equine-assisted services (EAS), describing innovative programs, research or other related information. The deadline for submission is March 22, 2023. 

The University of Liverpool calls for abstracts for the hybrid workshop, Animals, Streets, and Health. The workshop will be hybrid, with expenses covered for those attending in person from the UK. Papers will be considered for inclusion in a journal special issue. This interdisciplinary workshop will take place on June 15, 2023. The deadline for submission is March 31, 2023. 

The Center for Advance Studies at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is hosting an Animal Studies Summer Institute for graduate students and early career scholars, July 9-15, 2023. The institute is designed to support participants’ individual research in human-animal studies (HAS) as well as to promote interdisciplinary exchange. The deadline for applications is April 10, 2023.

Edge Hill University’s Centre for Human-Animal Studies calls for papers for the 2023 conference, Kinship in Crisis Research Symposium: What Connects Us? The conference will take place on June 7, 2023 in Liverpool, UK. The deadline for submission is April 21, 2023.

A call is open for the Critical Animal Studies Graduate conference, Zoopolitics of Life and Death, October 17-18 2023. Papers will be selected for publication after the conference closure. The conference has no registration fee, and will take place in person and online in Venice and in Lüneburg at the same time. Address inquiries to Chiara Stefanoni (Leuphana University) and Federica Timeto (Ca’ Foscari University) at [email protected]The deadline for submission is April 30, 2023. 

The University of Munich calls for abstract submissions for the online digital workshop, Animal Performances: A Global PerspectiveThe deadline for submission is April 30, 2023. 

The third (Un)Common Worlds conference on Human-Animal Studies calls for abstract submissions for the 2023 conference themed, Navigating and Inhabiting Biodiverse Anthropocenes. The conference will take place at the University of Oulu (Finland) and online from the University of Derby (UK) on October 4-6, 2023. The deadline for submission is May 31, 2023.

The sixth Anthrozoology Symposium, Multispecies Communities and Narratives, will take place online on November 2-4, 2023. This year’s Symposium focuses on both exploring the facts, the multispecies collectives that exist, or are being built, and the histories, namely the narratives that support them and teach us how we can or should envisage a multispecies future. The deadline is May 31, 2023.

The International Association of Vegan Sociologists calls for submissions for the 2023 online conference, Vegan Intersectionality. The conference will take place on October 7-8, 2023 and will showcase research related to veganism, animal rights, and theories of intersectionality. The deadline for submission is June 1, 2023.

The NYU Wild Animal Welfare Program invites graduate students and early-career faculty or researchers to submit current or recent work on this topic for the 2023 NYU Wild Animal Welfare WorkshopThe deadline for submission is June 15, 2023.

The Equine History Collective invites proposals for the fifth annual conference themed, Close Encounters of the Equine Kind. The conference will take place at Roger Williams University on September 29 – October 1, 2023. The deadline for submission is June 15, 2023

Conferences and Courses

My Dog is My Home’s Third Annual Co-Sheltering Conference will be held virtually on March 21-23, 2023. This year’s theme is “Changing Systems. Changing Lives. Creating a world with equitable access to homes for people and their animals.” 

The Animal Legal Education Initiative at The George Washington University Law School, the GW Law Environmental and Energy Law Program, and the GW Law chapter of the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF) will host their Inaugural Spring Symposium, Animals and the Anthropocene: A Legal Scholarship Symposium. The Symposium will take place on March 24, 2023.

The Association of Social Anthropologists will host An Unwell World? Anthropology in a Speculative Mode Conference at SOAS University of London on April 11-14, 2023.

The in-person Human-Animal Interaction Conference with the theme of Animal Assisted Services: Focus on the Animal will take place April 28-29, 2023.

The ISAZ organizing and host committee announces the program of the 32nd International Society for Anthrozoology Conference to be held in-person from June 15-18, 2023 in Edinburgh, Scotland. The ISAZ 2023 theme is “Anthrozoology: The Spectrum of Human-Animal Interactions and Relationships.” You can access the full ISAZ 2023 website here.

The Animal Advocacy Conference 2023 will take place in person, June 22-24, 2023, at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK. The conference will bring together researchers from different fields in the social and behavioural sciences, and animal activists and advocates from around the world. Campus accommodation is available to book during the registration process. An Early Bird Registration fee is available until April 30. 

Please Support Our

Human-Animal Studies Efforts

As you can see, ASI is promoting a tremendous amount of activity in the field of Human-Animal Studies. We always invite your input and participation.

Your donation to the Animals & Society Institute will enable us to continue to expand the field in many more ways and work in conjunction with others around the world who share these goals.

Thank you for supporting ASI's Human-Animal Studies efforts!

Gala Argent, PhD

Human-Animal Studies Program Director

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