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Advancing Our Issues Through Advocating

On January 31, Oakdale Electric Cooperative Board of Directors and employees, along with other Wisconsin electric cooperative representatives, were in Madison to discuss important electric industry issues with our elected officials such as Right of First Refusal (ROFR) and Electric Vehicle (EV) legislation. Meeting with elected officials is important for several reasons:

  1. Representation: Elected officials are meant to represent the interests and concerns of their constituents. Meeting with them allows us to express our views, share our concerns, and ensure that our voice is heard in the decision-making process.
  2. Influence: While emails, letters, and phone calls are important, face-to-face meetings can be powerful tools for influencing policymakers. Personal interactions can help humanize issues and make a stronger impact than written communications.
  3. Policy Advocacy: Meeting with elected officials provides an opportunity to advocate for specific policies or changes in legislation. It allows us to present well-reasoned arguments, provide relevant information, and engage in direct dialogue that can help shape their understanding of the issues.
  4. Information Exchange: Elected officials often rely on information from various sources to make informed decisions. By meeting with them, we can provide firsthand knowledge, expertise, and data that may influence their decision-making process.


From Fire Station to Recreation Station, Youth S.T.E.M. Camp Coming to Tomah

Pictured: ORU Board Member Sandy Chroninger, Oakley Moser, Jenna Moser, and ORU Board Member Al Bernhardt. 

The Operation Round Up Board approved a $2,000 grant for the Tomah Parks and Recreation Department to use toward programming supplies for recreational enrichment programs to be held at the new Recreation Station.

Beginning the summer of 2024, a S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) camp will be offered for school-age children and taught by local high school physics teacher Oakley Moser. The students will benefit from a range of experiences including hands-on learning, real-world application, problem-solving skills, teamwork, and collaboration. The grant will be used to purchase wish-list supplies to enhance the program.

Some potential activities that attendees could see are building your own catapult, tallest tower, marble maze, and a rubber band-powered vehicle. “I am looking forward to bringing a S.T.E.M.-related offering to the Parks and Rec Summer Program with the goal of getting kids excited about science and engineering,” stated Moser.

Tomah Parks and Recreation Department’s Summer Supervisor Jenna Moser took the lead on this unique and valuable youth offering. “We are excited to have this new space to offer such programming going forward,” she said. The Parks and Recreation Department is looking forward to expanding their program offerings by utilizing the old Tomah Fire Station on Arthur Street.

Information to register will be posted to the Tomah Parks and Rec Facebook page in the coming weeks. Jenna concluded with, “We appreciate being selected to receive this grant and thank the Oakdale Electric Cooperative Operation Round Up Board and the members who donate to the fund.”

Voting for the 2024 Oakdale Electric Cooperative Director Election Options:

  1. Vote Online
  2. Vote by Mail
  3. SmartHub: Vote in app or online
  4. Vote in person at the Annual Meeting

Online voting information will be sent via email on March 25

Check your inbox or spam folder on March 25, 2024.

Stay up-to-date on the latest

co-op news by reading the March Wisconsin Energy Cooperative News.

March WECN

Do you know someone that goes above and beyond in their community? Would you like to recognize them for their efforts?

Nominations due March 15.

Nomination Form

Youth Essay Contest scholarships are available to current high school juniors. Students must attend Youth Leadership Conference that is fully funded by OEC.

Students can contact their school counselor or 608-372-4131 for more info.

Lineworker and At-Large/Non-Traditional scholarships are also awarded.

Oakdale Electric Cooperative
P.O. Box 40
Oakdale, WI 54649
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