You are a God who grieves and a God who liberates,
Show us your ways, so we can more fully nurture
the Divine seed that is planted deeply in our souls.
You are a God who suffers with those
dispossessed by war, famine, and sickness.
You are a God who grieves with all those in pain in our world.
You are a God who wails at the hate that divides people
and shrouds our capacity for healing.
Teach us to grieve so that in grieving
we may praise what and who we have lost.
Teach us to grieve so that we may also have eyes
to see that which still beautifully exists among us.
Through your powerful Spirit, remind us
that you always have been the God of the oppressed.
Remind us of how you freed the enslaved Hebrew people
and defeated the slaveholders.
Remind us of how you made a way through the wilderness
and provided sustenance for weary people.
Remind of us of your prophets who declared judgement
on leaders who exploited their power.
Remind of us of your Son, who was a poor person, born among poor people,
and who ignited a movement of poor people to create the kindom of God.
Remind of us of Jesus' words that pronounce blessings on the poor,
on the mourning
, on the reviled, and on all those
who hunger and thirst for righteousness.
Remind us that righteousness at it's core is justice.
May we trust in you oh Lord, the God who hears
the cries of the enslaved and delivers them.
The God who grieves deeply.
The God who is ever beckoning us
to create the kindo
m of God in this time and in this place.