Dear Encore Learning Member,
Welcome to The Inside Scoop, our electronic newsletter for members only. Please enjoy this issue, and share your feedback by email. We always look forward to hearing from you. This is the March edition of The Inside Scoop.
Welcome to Encore Learning Club Highlights
This month we want to recognize our variety of engaging clubs! We have multiple clubs you can join year-round, and here is more info about clubs that have met recently.
Non-Fiction Book Club
The Non-Fiction Book Club met virtually on March 14 to discuss The Splendid and the Vile. There was unanimous consensus that this was a well written, interesting, and highly engaging story of Winston Churchill’s first year in office during World War II. From The New Yorker: “Erik Larson, in his suspenseful new book, The Splendid and the Vile, captures the foreboding that settled on London leading up to the bombardment, as well as Churchill’s determination not to give in... Plus, there is Larson’s reliable, cinematic writing and his intimate portrayal of Churchill.” The Club will meet next on May 9 in person, conditions permitting, at the central branch of the Arlington Library to discuss The Johnstown Flood by David McCullough. - Club coordinator Ed Rader
The Bridge Club
The Encore Learning Bridge Club had our first 2022 Bridge game on March 14 at Janice Yeadon's house. We had two tables (eight players) for lunch and Bridge. It was so nice for us to get back together as we were not able to meet but once or twice during the past two years because of COVID--we're an in-person-only Bridge group. Lee Cooper will be hosting our April meeting with three tables (12 players) at her home on April 18. Sharon Bisdee and Joan Carter, club coordinators, are planning a larger game in May or June when we can rent a room large enough to have up to five/six tables. The Club started many years ago with only about 10 people, but we now have 33 players on our list. Anyone interested in joining us should contact the Encore Learning Office, Joan Carter or Sharon Bisdee - Club coordinator Joan Carter
Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club returned to La Madeleine the first week in March after spending more than two months on Zoom. We have it set up so that a Zoom feed is also available, and our founder, Bruce Britton, who now lives in California, has been taking advantage of it, getting up at 5:00 PST to join us. Our attendance has been good since we've been back to in-person gatherings, and we hope we'll be able to continue with them. - Club coordinator Ron Wise
Mindfulness Club
Encore Learning’s Mindfulness Club continues to meet weekly by Zoom at Noon on Wednesdays. The one-hour meeting always includes a 20-minute guided meditation as well as a brief talk on mindfulness practice or something related, and discussion among attendees. If you wish to receive the weekly Club emails, please contact the Encore Learning staff, who will forward your request to the Club Coordinator. - Club coordinator Dwight Rodgers
We currently have nine clubs that promote lifelong learning, personal growth, physical activity and social engagement. Club membership is open to all current Encore Learning members.
If you wish to join a club or become a coordinator, contact the office at 703-228-2144 or send an email to to let us know which club you want to join.
Open Spring Courses - Sign Up Now!
We still have some space available in classes which haven't started yet. Continue creating your Spring schedule with us and check these courses out.
The Fall 2022 Semester schedule is being developed. Know that we will offer a variety of virtual and in-person classes, including a few that will be entirely outside. The Fall 2022 Semester catalog will be announced in August.
Recognizing Member Marty Suydam
Member Marty Suydam was nominated by Encore Learning for a COVID-19 Hero Award, this award sought nominations for individuals, community groups, and businesses that made a difference in the fight of the effects of the pandemic.
Marty received an Outstanding Individual Service Award which acknowledges supporting others throughout the difficulty of the pandemic.
As Co-Chair of the IT Committee and a long-time instructor, he helped Encore Learning establish our Zoom Accounts as well as transition our most popular in-person courses online to Zoom during the first months of the pandemic. This helped our organization stay afloat throughout that tough time.
Not only did Marty jump into offering Zoom classes but he also created training videos, hosted training sessions, met with volunteers and instructors to help them with any IT issues. Several of his training videos are available on this YouTube playlist. Since then he has continued to help us every semester and we couldn’t do it without him. A big thank you to Marty from all of Encore Learning and congratulations on your much deserved award!
Special Event Tours Visit Space and Los Angeles
Encore Learning members were treated to a virtual tour of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, pictured left. Goddard is involved in nearly every NASA science mission involving: Earth science, planetary science, heliophysics (the study of the Sun and our local space environment) and astrophysics. This interesting and informative tour included an overview of Goddard’s involvement in all four areas. -Ed Rader
Encore Learning members were treated virtually to an Art 101 tour. This is the first of a four-part series offered by Lee Rubenstein, a docent at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles. Using an interactive format, Lee introduced us to some common (and less common) art terms, using wonderful examples from the Getty Museum to illustrate the terms. Art 101: Part 2-An Exploration of Color will be offered as an Encore Learning Special Event on Thursday, March 31. Lee will notify us when the remaining two parts of her series are available. Stay tuned for the opportunity to sign up for this additional enrichment.- Michelle Trahan
In-Person and Virtual Class Updates
In-person and virtual classes are in full swing! Here are some comments we love from taking classes so far:
“Would be hard to improve on outstanding. Best art appreciation class I have ever taken!”
"One of the best Encore Learning classes in more than 15 years of classes for me."
"I think it was excellent as is. Terrific class, with good choice of materials."
Want to give us feedback on your courses? On the last day of your class you will receive an evaluation survey link in an email from Encore Learning. Complete the survey after your last class session. We use this feedback to help ensure that you are getting the experience you deserve.
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered and signed up to be in-person Class Aides. We couldn't do it without you! Just as a reminder for in-person classes, here is a link to our website which states all of the COVID protocols that we take when we attend in-person classes, including information about in-person classes at various locations.
Call for Nominations for the
Encore Learning Board of Directors
The Encore Learning Nominating Committee recommends candidates for our Board of Directors, including officers and committee chairs, for our annual election ballot. Members serving on the 2022 Nominating Committee include Marilyn Marton (Chair), Mary Crosby, Richard Juhnke, Ellen Marcus, Ed Rader, and Kathy Sheehan.
Encore Learning members are invited to make suggestions to the Nominating Committee for possible candidates. If you have nominations, please contact our office via email at on or before April 8, 2022. The current Board of Directors is listed on our website.
Once the slate has been established by the Nominating Committee, the Encore Learning by-laws provide an alternative method for board nominations (article 6, B.2(b)). The deadline is noon on April 18, 2022, for receipt of written alternative nominations submitted by email to In accordance with the by-laws, nominations may not be made from the floor at the Annual Meeting.
All members will have the opportunity to vote on the slate of nominees via on-line absentee ballot before the Annual Meeting. The virtual Annual Meeting will be held on May 26 at 10:00 AM.
Audience Interaction Creates Thought Provoking Event
Encore Learning Presents took an in-depth look at how and why people’s trust in government has declined and what can be done to reverse the trend. Author and University of Maine Professor Amy Fried drew examples from her book At War with Government: How Conservatives Weaponized Distrust from Goldwater to Trump.
Insightful questions and comments from the audience helped to elucidate the topic. Highlighting the achievements of “hero” civil servants was one interesting audience suggestion for elevating the positive side of government activities. You can watch the full presentation and many other Encore Learning Presents on the Encore Learning YouTube channel. -David Tate, Special Events Committee
Staff Corner
In March we welcomed our new staff member, Kerry Fraatz, as our Academic Course Coordinator. Kerry manages our courses and works with instructors and Class Aides. She arrived just in time to help us launch the Spring Semester. You'll see her online or at Mason sometime soon!
We have 35 courses and nearly 1200 enrollments with this robust offering. To be responsive to members who have challenges accessing course media we hosted a member hangout to provide personalize assistance. We now have a training video to assist any member who has challenges accessing their course media (i.e., login instructions, instructor presentations, readings).
With classes being from four to ten weeks in length, some of you may already be done taking classes and others just beginning. If you have time in your calendar, sign-up for another class or join a club.
This month we also shared information about collaborating with LLI/NOVA. You will see us sharing information about some of their events that may be of interest to you.
While we are planning our 20th Anniversary, our partner George Mason University is celebrating their 50th Anniversary. Congratulations! Please know Encore Learning members are welcome at many of their events. You can learn about upcoming events at Mason here.
With so much to offer, don't you want to tell a friend about Encore Learning? Maybe you know someone who is retiring and you would like to gift them a membership. If you have any questions about membership or registration, please be sure to contact us at and we will respond promptly.
~ Lora
Lora Pollari-Welbes, Executive Director
Calendar Announcements
- Member Annual Meeting, Thursday, May 26 at 10:00 AM on Zoom
Welcome New Members
In February 2022, the following new members joined Encore Learning. Please be sure to give these folks a warm welcome.
- Carol Bursik
- Sandra Heijl
- Sarah Horsey
- Barbara Moore
- Scot Renn
- Richard Robison
- Joyce Wilcox
THANK YOU to all of you who kindly refer friends. Thank you to the Membership Committee for their efforts to spread the word about Encore Learning. Tell a friend about Encore Learning so you can see your name here!
Remember that many of our virtual Encore Learning Presents events are recorded and may be found on our YouTube channel.
We hope you enjoyed this edition of The Inside Scoop. If you would like to submit an article or share some photos of members participating in Encore Learning activities, please email us at
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Lifelong Learning For Those Over 50