Staff Corner

This academic year wrapped up with our Annual Member Meeting. If you missed it you can catch up by watching the video on YouTube. We are delighted to welcome three new board members: Anne Werner, Deb Spero and Noreen Quill. We also are grateful to members who left the board this month: Charlie Hallahan, Eileen Janas and Kathy LaPier. Volunteers do all of the legwork to provide all of the substantive quality classes, clubs and events that you enjoy. Thank you to each and every one of you - board members, instructors, class aides, committee members, club coordinators, and Special Event speakers.

Many of our committees are seeking volunteers, please be sure to check out our volunteer information and let us know if you want to join a committee.

This past year we enjoyed seeing you in person at classes at Mason or at a park, or online. Over the past year we have shared 66 classes and 49 Special Events together. We hosted some clubs to make your participation possible. We love reading your feedback in the course and event evaluations.

We are busy working on the Fall Catalog and we know you will be excited to see it in August too. Over the summer staff will have less frequent hours, but be assured we will respond to your inquiries.

Our staff has some upcoming transitions, Vivian Gray will be leaving us in June to start a new full-time position. We are grateful for her commitment to Encore Learning over the past 15 months. She launched our new website, hosted many classes both virtually and in person at Mason, and kept our communications and Encore Learning Presents on track. Thank you to Vivian for your many contributions to Encore Learning.

Enjoy your summer, we'll see you online at a Special Event or club, and we look forward to seeing you in person at our 20th Anniversary Celebration on September 12.

~ Lora 
Lora Pollari-Welbes, Executive Director