Dear MMS Families,

As we approach the end of the school year, I'd like to share one of my favorite "Montessori Moments" with you.

Several weeks ago, I noticed a cymbal and mallets in the lower elementary hallway here at school. I was puzzled, but carried on with my work, assuming it must have a purpose. I continued to see the cymbal day after day and I noticed also that it was left in place by the children as they walked to and from classes, through the hallway to lockers and to the playground, and during arrival and dismissal. No one seemed tempted to crash or even touch the cymbal or the mallets!

Finally, one day during Plus, I heard the sound of the cymbal and hurried downstairs to investigate. There it was - being skillfully played by one of our second year students as he accompanied his classmates singing an original song (written by Susie Newhouse and arranged by Alasha Al-Qudwah) about friendship.

The cymbal had been simply "resting" in the hallway so it would be available for talent show rehearsals!

I am continually amazed by these "Montessori Moments" - times when children show such respect toward their classmates and the entire school community. They knew that cymbal had a purpose.

I look forward to seeing you all at our many upcoming events - it's been a wonderful year but there are many more Montessori moments in store in the weeks ahead!

Best wishes,