Your Midweek TLC | February 21, 2024

Lenten Worship

Lenten midweek services will be at noon and 6:30 p.m. today and continue Wednesdays throughout Lent. We will not have meals before any Lenten service this year.

Show Your Love to Our Youth

Visit the tree in the narthex

Choose a heart from the tree. Each heart has a suggested donation amount, but any amount is welcome! You do not need to return the heart.

Take an envelope from the basket by the tree.

Inside the envelope, you will find a prayer card as a reminder to pray for our youth. You keep this card. Complete the donation card and return it in the envelope with your donation.

Place your completed envelope in the box next to the tree or the offering plate, or bring it to the administrative office.

Thank you for your support of our youth! All proceeds benefit them as they raise funds to attend the 2025 LCMS National Youth Gathering.

All Trinity Ladies - Young, Old & In Between

You are invited to the Spring Gathering of the Southern Zone LWML

Saturday, March 16, here at Trinity!

Registration & Refreshments 9:00 - 9:30 a.m.

Faith is Trusting God's Plan  Romans 8:28

Enjoy Fellowship, Bible Study & Food with our sisters in Christ from throughout our district!

Gifts From the Heart Ingatherings:

Southeast Ministries non-perishable food items or cash donations

Shoes - new or used, to benefit our TLC Youth Shoe Drive (see ad above)

Read LA-MS District's Newsletter, The Mission Voice Winter Issue.

District Convention Delegates

Any Trinity woman who is interested in attending the district convention and would like to serve as a delegate or alternate from Trinity, please contact Liz Slothower at [email protected] by February 29. The delegates will be choosing new Louisiana - Mississippi District officers and the Mite Mission Grants for 2024-2026.

Registration forms and hotel information are available in the Narthex or can be found here.

Seeking TLS Principal Candidates

Trinity Lutheran School is searching for a principal/teacher for the 2024-2025 school year.  A master’s degree is required.  Previous administrative experience as well as a membership in a Missouri Synod Lutheran Church is preferred.  If you or someone you know may be interested, please contact the chairperson of the search committee, Gordon Schamber, at [email protected] or 225-266-1431.

TLS Auction Tickets and Donations

Enjoy a Louisiana Saturday Night, March 9th! Tickets are now on sale for $45 each, call the school office at 225-272-1288 to get yours by March 3. Price after March 3 is $55 each.

Donations are being accepted through the end of the month and are greatly appreciated! Popular items are jewelry, men’s tools, outdoor furniture and decor, children’s items, and wine or food baskets. A donation bin is located in the Narthex or items can be delivered to the Administrative Building during regular hours. Don't forget to fill out your donation form!

New Member Class

It's not too late to join us!

February 18–March 24, 2024

Are you interested in becoming a member of our congregation? Pastor Crowe will be starting a 6-week new member class during the Education Hour (9:45 a.m.) Classes will begin the first Sunday in Lent and conclude with the acceptance of new members into the congregation on Palm Sunday. Contact Pastor Crowe at [email protected] to get more information or join him on Sunday, February 18, in the first Preschool classroom on the right. *Note: the regular Sunday study in the sanctuary will continue during this period with a guest leader.

This Week's Readings


Psalm 25:1-11, 16-18, Eph. 4:25-32, Matt. 6:7-15


Gen. 17:1–7, 15–16, Psalm 22:23–31, Rom. 5:1–11, Mark 8:27–38


Flowers are not displayed behind the altar during the season of Lent. Orders for Easter Lilies will be taken soon.

Trinity by the Numbers


Ash Wednesday, February 14, 2024


6:30 pm





February 18–19, 2024


8:30 am


11:00 am


6:30 pm






Online 17

Online 9


For the week ended February 11, 2024

Budgeted Offerings

YTD Offerings



Over/(Under) Budget

Weekly Offerings



For the week ended February 18, 2024

Budgeted Offerings

YTD Offerings



Over/(Under) Budget

Weekly Offerings



Loan Balance as of 2/15/24


YTD Loan Principal Donations


TLS 2023 Annual Appeal


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