
Your Midweek TLC | January 29, 2025

Fellowship Night

Thursday, February 6 from 7:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m.

Join us for an evening of snacks and board games followed by the Evening Prayer devotion from the Hymnal.

College and Careers (CnC) is a group for college-age adults and those early in their careers. We hold weekly Bible Study on Sundays at 3:00 p.m. in the Administration Building.

For more information, email collegeandcareers@tlcbr.org.

The Flock is Coming...

Look for Trinity's flock this weekend, brought to you by our Trinity Youth! Want to join in the fun?

Learn more...

Phil's Friends Service Project

Saturday, February 22 from 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.

Join mission-minded ladies who are coming together at Trinity to work on projects for care boxes to be sent to cancer patients through Phil's Friends. Bring a bag lunch and drink and come for the day, or just come for part of the day. We could also use some help on Friday and Saturday getting ready. Email lwml@tlcbr.org if you are able to help set up.

Learn more about Phil's Friends...

You may have an interest, are skilled in any of those areas or want to learn how to do them. No matter what skill level you have, there is a task for everyone in every area. Some of you may be willing to teach others to knit, crochet or sew. That would be welcomed. This is a great fellowship event while making items for cancer patients. Invite interested friends!

Any questions, contact Rhonda Jackson at rlsj1021@gmail.com.

Projects to be worked on:

• Sewing/quilting: Bring your machine, sewing tools, ironing pads, rotary cutting tools and other items needed for quilting. Some fabric for quilts will be available or bring your own. Batting is not furnished; bring your own. All finished quilts need to be 40"x50" and can be any design.

• Knitted or crocheted hats: Bring your needles, hat patterns, and yarn. Please choose soft yarns for the hats. Patterns and ideas can be shared.

• Journal decorating: Covered composition books will be decorated with encouraging messages and embellishments to be used as journals by the cancer patients. Materials are furnished. However, if you have

Aleene's glue, you may bring it, as that is the glue that works the best for these books.

• Encouragement cards: Materials will be available to make them.

• Fleece tie blankets: Bring your own fleece—2 pieces of 54-60" wide fleece, (1 1/4 yards of fleece with a design and 1 1/4 yards of coordinating plain colored fleece). Directions for tying the fleece blankets will be available. Some fleece will be provided. Finished size needs to be 40"x50".

Trinity Women in Mission Update

Thank you to everyone who attended our planning meeting last weekend. The minutes and meeting materials can be viewed HERE.

Important Dates:

February 22–Trinity hosts Phil's Friends mission project

March 22–Spring Garden Party

May 2–4–Christian Life Retreat

June 26–29–LWML National Convention, Omaha, Nebraska

August 2025–Fall Retreat, email hwagner@tlcbr.org to volunteer

What's going on in our Louisiana-Mississippi district? Click to read the Winter 2025 Mission Voice newsletter.

This Week's Verses:

Jer. 1:4–10, Psalm 71:1–6, 1 Cor. 12:31b—13:13, Luke 4:31–44


Flowers this week are given by Lou and Mary Heuchert to the glory of God.

Trinity by the Numbers


January 26–27, 2025


8:30 am


11:00 am


6:30 pm







For the week ended January 19, 2025

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For the week ended January 26, 2025

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