It's not too late!
Have you ever made a New Year's resolution to read the Bible in a year and only made it a couple of months? Yeah, who hasn't. If you just open up the Good Book to Genesis 1 and try and read it straight through, it's easy to get bogged down around Numbers—if you even made it out of Leviticus—and give up. This is where having a good reading plan can make a difference.
Each year, I tweak my reading plan to try and make it a little better. But last year's worked so well for me that I'm going to do it again. The plan consists of four different readings each day: Old Testament (chronologically), a Proverb, the New Testament (chronologically), and a Gospel segment. Being in the Gospels all year long is just life giving. Whether this is your first attempt or your tenth time through, I think you will find it AWESOME!
If you are interested in this journey, please head over to and click "Ask to join" to sign up. Read the Bible together with your Trinity family this year!