Your Midweek TLC | June 7, 2023

VBS 2023

June 12–16, 2023 | 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

One Week. One Mission. Shine Jesus’ Light!

It’s not too late to volunteer!!

June 12–16, 2023 | 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

WE NEED HELP! We have already exceeded last year’s number of children registered for VBS! If you are available next week, please consider signing up to help us celebrate Jesus with the more than sixty children who have signed up to spend the week with us. Many of these children are not part of our Trinity family and it is a fantastic way for us to let other families in the Baton Rouge community know what Life Together at Trinity is all about.

It's also not too late to sign your child up to attend! Our form will remain open through Friday, but you can still get registered, even the morning of VBS! Just email or arrive at the Narthex Monday morning, a little before 9:00 a.m.

Most importantly, please remember our volunteers, youth helpers, and participants in your prayers this upcoming week as we embark on our mission to Shine Jesus’ Light!



New this year is the Cosmic Cookout, a celebration at the end of VBS on Friday for all of our hard-working volunteers, VBS participants, their families, and our whole Trinity congregation. Come see what we’ve been doing all week, have lunch, and maybe enjoy one of Jupiter Jones’ favorite snacks! Who is Jupiter Jones? Come up at noon on Friday to find out! RSVP by next Wednesday using the button below.

RSVP Cosmic Cookout
The-Maples-logo image

Join Us in our VBS 2023 Stellar Mission Gathering

The Maples | Helping adolescent women in Baton Rouge |

The Maples is a local residential treatment facility for girls ages 13-18 who are living with mental health disorders. This treatment facility is staffed with mental health professionals whose goals are to provide therapies that treat the whole person and set them on the road to recovery.

In their effort to treat the whole person, The Maples offers a variety of behavioral and addiction therapies as well as equine therapy, art and music therapy, yoga, mindfulness training and family therapy sessions. They also employ an Educational Director that facilitates an online school program by coordinating with each resident’s school.

Our VBS mission is to help support their programs by donating art supplies and snacks. Throughout VBS week we will be collecting the following: 

Art Supplies

Small canvas panels and small stretched canvases

Construction paper

Sharpie markers, fine tip markers, brush markers

Oil pastel paint

A variety of brushes

Air dry clay

KingArt gel sticks

Snacks (individually wrapped packages)

Goldfish and/or Cheez-Its'

Little Debbie cakes, Rice Krispie treats

Pretzels, chips 

Fruit gummies

Any snack you might put in your child’s school lunch

You can help support these young ladies on their road to wellness by dropping off supplies in the sanctuary today or next week in the mornings.

Summer Sermon Series

Have you ever found yourself looking for an exit ramp? Well, mark your calendars! Beginning June 11th, we are going to open our Bibles to Exodus 1:1 and enter into the greatest exodus story ever told! At first blush, you might be thinking that this is just history, old news, has nothing to do with me. But this story is far more than history. This story is not just the story of the Hebrews, it is in reality, our story. This story is also not just the story of the giving of the Law, it is in reality, the story of the giving of the Gospel. Exodus is often referred to as "The Law of Moses." However, in Hebrew the word is actually Torah, which does mean law in the narrow sense, but in the broader sense it means instruction. In Exodus, we see how God saved the people before He even gave them the law, and instructing them on what it means to be His people! Ultimately, we see to what extent God was willing to go to make a people His own, in giving His own Son, Jesus Christ. If you are looking for that exit ramp, come and let's take a look at the burning bush as we follow Jesus together.

No Youth Sunday School this Sunday

No Youth Sunday School classes will be held on Sunday, May 28 and Sunday, June 4.

Summer Schedule:

Sunday School available for the following age groups in the Modular buildings, beginning June 11:

Childrens Sunday School (ages 3-5th grade)

Middle School (6th-8th)

High School

No Sunday School on June 4, August 6, September 3.


Flowers on the altar are given in honor of Nels and Mary Jo Kjeldsen on this day celebrating their 62nd wedding anniversary.

This Week's Readings

Gen. 46:1-4, (47:4-6); Ex. 1:1-7, Ps 105:23-25, Heb. 11:21-22, Matt. 2:13-15

Trinity by the Numbers


June 4-5, 2023

Sunday 8:30 a.m.

Sunday 11:00 a.m.

Monday 6:30 p.m.






Online 20

Online 6


For the week ended June 4, 2023

Budgeted Offerings

YTD Offerings



Over/(Under) Budget

Weekly Offerings



Loan Balance as of 5/5/23

$ 2,209,527

TLS Annual Appeal Total To Date

$ 13,699

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