Your Midweek TLC | May 24, 2023

Last week to sign up!

Sign up by May 28th for dinners starting in mid-June

Dinner for 8 is a great way to get to know your Trinity family! Group options have expanded to include family dinners and groups for those who prefer to dine out (see descriptions below.) If you would like to continue dining with your group from our first round, no need to sign up—just connect and schedule! If you'd like to also join a new group, didn't join a group last fall, or if your original group is no longer meeting, then sign up using the button below! Please email [email protected] with any questions.

Group options:

Traditional Dinner for 8 - If you thought Dinner for 8 was absolutely great the first time around, this group is for you. This is the traditional dinner style around a family table. You will be placed in a group with a variety of people (all ages and stages) to keep things interesting!

Kids' Krewe - This group is for families with children that want to connect with other families with kids. Your children can grow new friendships and parents can enjoy making friends, too! Make dinners easy and keep things simple by planning kid-friendly fare (for example: pizza, chicken, tacos, breakfast for dinner, etc.). Remember, these groups will likely have more than 8 people since the idea is to include children! 

Cafe Cruisers - If you like to go out to eat, this group is for you! No grocery stores or meal prep required. Participants will pick a day, time, and restaurant to go to together. Each participant will pay their own bill. We will try to keep these groups to 8 or less to allow for ease of making reservations around town.

Dinner for 8

Voter's Meeting

June 4, 2023

The voter's meeting to adopt the 23-24 budget and conduct regular church business will be held on June 4 after the 11 a.m. service, at noon. Links to the Board-approved budget and reports from department heads are now available using the buttons below. Prior meeting reports and financial data can be found at, under Resources (top left on home page)>Members (password required)>Financial Reports and Official Documents, or using the button below.

Department Reports
Proposed Budget

Summer Sermon Series

Have you ever found yourself looking for an exit ramp? Well, mark your calendars! Beginning June 11th, we are going to open our Bibles to Exodus 1:1 and enter into the greatest exodus story ever told! At first blush, you might be thinking that this is just history, old news, has nothing to do with me. But this story is far more than history. This story is not just the story of the Hebrews, it is in reality, our story. This story is also not just the story of the giving of the Law, it is in reality, the story of the giving of the Gospel. Exodus is often referred to as "The Law of Moses." However, in Hebrew the word is actually Torah, which does mean law in the narrow sense, but in the broader sense it means instruction. In Exodus, we see how God saved the people before He even gave them the law, and instructing them on what it means to be His people! Ultimately, we see to what extent God was willing to go to make a people His own, in giving His own Son, Jesus Christ. If you are looking for that exit ramp, come and let's take a look at the burning bush as we follow Jesus together.

VBS 2023

June 12–16, 2023 | 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

Adult and Youth Still Needed!

We are still in need of adult and youth crew leaders to help fulfill our mission—Shine Jesus' Light! Use the button below to sign up. Most families—adult and youth volunteers, as well as participants—will be able to register using just one form!! Sign up now to volunteer for this exciting week!

New this year is the Cosmic Cookout, a celebration at the end of VBS on Friday for all of our hard-working volunteers, VBS participants, their families, and our whole Trinity congregation. Even if you don't have a child involved, join us Friday to see how our children have focused on Shining Jesus' Light all week. Then join us for lunch! If you are interested in helping with this cookout, please use the button below to sign up.

Stay tuned for more details! Email [email protected] with any questions.

Donation Requests:

  • disposable table cloths, rectangle shape, any color
  • sidewalk chalk
  • bubbles at least 24 ounce bottles
  • paper towels
  • snacks for our volunteers

Donations can be delivered to Donna in the Admin Building front office.



No Youth Sunday School 5/28 and 6/4

No Youth Sunday School classes will be held on Sunday, May 28 and Sunday, June 4.

Summer Schedule:

Sunday School available for the following age groups in the Modular buildings, beginning June 11:

Childrens Sunday School (ages 3-5th grade)

Middle School (6th-8th)

High School

No Sunday School on June 4, August 6, September 3.


Flowers on the altar are given by Paul and Cheryl McManus to the glory of God and in celebration of their 48th wedding anniversary.

This Week's Readings

Num. 11:24–30, Psalm 25:1–15, Acts 2:1–21, John 7:37–39

Trinity by the Numbers


May 21–22, 2023

Sunday 8:30 a.m.

Sunday 11:00 a.m.

Monday 6:30 p.m.






Online 18

Online 4


For the week ended May 21, 2023

Budgeted Offerings

YTD Offerings



Over/(Under) Budget

Weekly Offerings



Loan Balance as of 5/5/23

$ 2,209,527

TLS Annual Appeal Total To Date

$ 13,699

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