November 3, 2024
We will remember our loved ones who passed between November 1, 2023–November 1, 2024 at services on November 3. If you still need to submit a loved one, please call the church office by tomorrow at 225-272-3110. We need the full name, birthday and date of passing.
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Soup-to-Go, Craft and Bake Sale | |
November 10
Sale will be held in the Preschool building. Soups this year are taco and potato, and as always, are free to our Veterans. Proceeds will go to support our TLC National Youth Gathering fund and Mission Grants for LA-MS District and National LWML. Payment by cash or check.
| Calling all cooks and crafters! | The LWML needs your baked goods, jams, snacks and crafts for our November 10 sale! Drop off is Saturday, November 9 from 9 a.m. to noon in the preschool. | Proceeds benefit Mission Grants for LA-MS District and National LWML and our TLC National Youth Gathering fund. | |
November 10
Ready to Serve. Special mite box offering for District and National LWML Mission Grants. Ladies, wear your purple! We still need volunteers to greet, read, and collect offering at the services. If you are interested in participating, email Liz at
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Trinity Veterans Recognition |
November 10
Deadline to submit information November 3
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On Sunday, November 10, the LWML would like to feature veterans in our congregation, living or deceased, in the pre-service slideshow. If you or a member of your immediate family has served our country and you would like them to be included, please fill out the form below or email for instructions. If you submitted a veteran last year, you do not need to re-submit their information—they will continue to be included this year unless you request otherwise. All submissions or requests for removal must be received by November 3, 2024.
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A Message from the Pastor | |
Dear Trinity,
There simply are not enough words to express how "appreciated" Beth and I feel right now. Your generosity and kind words went so far beyond anything we could ever have imagined. Thank you again for blessing us so much. We feel so loved and do so love it here!
Pastor Bill
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A big thank you to all of the volunteers and youth that helped out throughout this month, as well as our church families that visited our patch and attended our events. The pumpkin patch would not have been successful without your support!
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- Since opening, our patch has had over 1,500 visitors!
- Our gross sales have now reached almost $13,000, with almost $11,000 of that being pumpkins.
- God has blessed us with a beautiful month for the Pumpkin Patch!
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Congratulations to Brad Burns and Tom Jones, our inaugural Fall Fest Cornhole Champions!
Our Gourdzilla and Candy Corn winners will be in next week's Midweek TLC, but if you can't wait, check out our Facebook page. We will post the winners there as soon as they have been contacted.
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Save the Date! Voters Meeting |
December 8, 2024 Immediately following late service.
More information will be provided as the meeting date approaches.
Who is a voting member?
Trinity's Constitution and Bylaws define a voting member as a communicant member of Trinity, 18 years of age or older, who has read and signed our Constitution and Bylaws, has been approved by the voters at a Voters Meeting, and has not missed Voters Meetings for a full year without an excused absence.
If you are interested in becoming a voter before the next meeting, please email before November 8, 2024.
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Stephen Ministers Provide Support |
Our Stephen Ministers are trained caregivers who will walk with you, listen to you, and provide confidential one-to-one care, as you search through the pieces and find what is truly in your heart.
To learn more about what Stephen Ministry can do for you, talk to one of our Stephen Leaders, Lisa Miller, Gordon Schamber, or Kathy Schamber. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to care for you! Email
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Set Your Clock Back Saturday Night
Or you may find yourself EXTRA early for worship this weekend!
Daylight Savings Time ends on November 3 this year.
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Rev. 7:(2–8) 9– 17, Psalm 149, 1 John 3:1–3, Matt. 5:1–12 | |
Flowers this weekend are given by John and Jan Intres to the glory of God and for our 57th wedding anniversary as well as our children Jason and Justin's birthdays. | |
8:30 am | Sunday
11:00 am | Monday
6:30 pm |
TOTAL | 169 | 105 | 22 | 296 | 21 | 5 |
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For the week ended October 27, 2024 | |
Budgeted Offerings | YTD Offerings | $162,104 | $159,597 | Over/(Under) Budget | Weekly Offerings | ($2,508) | $14,215 | Loan Balance as of 10/03/24 | $929,079 | Total Loan Principal Donations | $50,790 | | | | | |