Your Midweek TLC | September 25, 2024 | |
Youth Book Sale–New Titles This Sunday
Donations continue to come in, so even if you visited us last Sunday, please stop in this week to see what is new. The sale will be conclude on September 29. We will be in the Administrative Building between services. Proceeds will be used to help send the youth to the 2025 LCMS National Youth Gathering!
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Fifth Sunday Potluck
This Sunday after late service
Join us for food and fellowship as we share some of our favorite dishes. Please bring your dish to share and whatever utensils are needed to serve it. Help setting up after church ends and cleaning up before we leave is always welcome! Please contact with any questions.
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Video on Sunday September 29
Please be aware that we will be photographing and recording portions of this upcoming Sunday's worship services, Bible studies, and potluck. This will enable us to present an accurate representation of Life Together at Trinity for our website and other marketing materials and to help guide those seeking a church home to visit us in person and experience all that is Trinity Lutheran Church. Please ignore the cameras and just act normal (it's what makes Trinity awesome after all). If you do not wish for your image to appear in any of our marketing materials, please contact the church at or 225-272-3110 to let us know.
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New Stand in the Narthex
Don Blevins made and donated a stand to hold flyers about items and information about our church. The flyer about the Jesus Statue history is in the stand now to look at or take home. We are planning on making flyers for the Eternal Candle, Trinity Lutheran School, Altar items, Luther's Rose, and the building and history of the Florida church, and our church here. Thank you, Don!
If you would be interested on researching and helping make a flyer please contact Trinity Trustees.
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Volunteer at the Pumpkin Patch
The online sign-up is here!!
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We have regular volunteers shifts and will be adding specialty shifts as events are determined. Check the Narthex this Sunday for the paper sign-up sheets.
Face Painting
If you have some basic artistic skills, we would love your help with Face Painting. We have stencil designs but would welcome experienced painters that can do something more elaborate. This is one of our guest's favorite things to do when they visit! Sign up using the button above or on the sheets in the Narthex.
What else can you do?
We will begin collecting donations for our concessions on Sunday, September 15. Here are some things we will need:
- Snack-sized bags of chips
- Individually-wrapped snack cakes
- Wrapped candy
- 12-oz cans of Coca-Cola products
- Bottled water
- or, monetary donations are also welcome! You can place them in the offering plate (please place in an envelope marked "Pumpkin Patch" or write "Pumpkin Patch" in the memo line of your check), give them to the checkout person at the Pumpkin Patch, or donate online through Vanco (please put "Pumpkin Patch" in the Note section). An account is not required to donate online.
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The Pumpkins are Coming
Save the date–October 5 at 9 a.m.
Cool breezes and warm drinks are on the way, and so is our annual Pumpkin Patch! The truck will arrive at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 5. There is a paper sign up list in the Narthex or you can use the volunteer button above to let us know you can help. Thank you!
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Breakfast Burritos for the Youth
Join us on October 6 for some breakfast before heading over to the Pumpkin Patch! The Youth will be selling breakfast burritos from 9:30 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Proceeds will benefit our Youth attending the 2025 National Youth Gathering in New Orleans.
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LWML Lutheran Women in Mission
Southern Zone Fall Rally
Saturday, October 12 at St. James Lutheran, Gonzales
Join us for Bible study- Ephesians 4:32 God’s Forgiveness Brings Kindness & Compassion, fellowship and fun. Gifts From the Heart in gathering are non-perishable food items for a Gonzales Emergency Food Bank.
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The purple tub in the Trinity narthex will be there until October 10 for any food donations. | |
Flag Poles Available
Two new flag poles were donated to replace the one at the end of the driveway by the church and the one in front of the preschool. If you would like one of the old adjustable height flag poles with a plastic ground mounting sleeve that were removed, please email or call the church office at 225-272-3110.
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Stephen Ministers Provide Support
Our Stephen Ministers are trained caregivers who will walk with you, listen to you, and provide confidential one-to-one care, as you search through the pieces and find what is truly in your heart.
To learn more about what Stephen Ministry can do for you, talk to one of our Stephen Leaders, Lisa Miller, Gordon Schamber, or Kathy Schamber. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to care for you! Email
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Sermon Series
This series has its own page on the website, so you can keep up even if you cannot attend worship. All weekly previews and sermons will be linked, from most recent to the very first preview, so you never have to miss out! Visit to check it out.
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Revelation, Week 18 Preview
The New Heaven and the New Earth
Chapter 21 moves us into the final vision that looks beyond the millennium to heaven. After the resurrection of the dead and judgment (Rev. 20), God is going to make “all things new” so that He might dwell with His children forever and ever.
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This Week's Verses: Isaiah 65:17-25, Psalm 46, Rev. 21:1-8, John 1:1-14 | |
Flowers this weekend are given by Donna and Kim Davis to the glory of God and in loving memory of our husband and father, Dean, on the anniversary of his being called home to be with our Lord and Savior on September 29, 2020.
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8:30 am | Sunday
11:00 am | Monday
6:30 pm |
TOTAL | 145 | 95 | 22 | 262 | 23 | 6 |
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For the week ended September 22, 2024 | |
Budgeted Offerings | YTD Offerings | $95,418 | $101,373 | Over/(Under) Budget | Weekly Offerings | $5,956 | $11,496 | Loan Balance as of 9/04/24 | $937,357 | Total Loan Principal Donations | $49,935 | | |
Has Anything Changed?
If you have a new email address or name change that only affects your Trinity emails, you can update your Constant Contact profile using the Update Profile link at the bottom of this email. To update your information in our Trinity Directory, please email or call 225-272-3110. These databases are independent because many people use different email addresses for general online purposes than they use for personal contacts.
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