September 11, 2023

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AGH Weekly eLert

in this issue.png
  • News & Notes: Your Monthly Message from President & CEO Don Owrey
  • Associate & Provider Engagement Survey
  • Incentive Point Opportunity: OC BikeFest Volunteers
  • Incentive Point Opportunity: Out of the Darkness Walk - Northside Park
  • Incentive Point Opportunity: Fall Golf Classic Volunteers
  • Incentive Point Opportunity: Run Wild for Autism - Assateague State Park
  • Congratulations to the Associates Giving Campaign Prize Winners!
  • Congratulations, Kelly Kline, CPhT-Adv!
  • 3rd Annual Puppy Penguin Swim & Yappy Hour
  • Infection Prevention: Weekly Quiz
  • Weekly Reflection

News & Notes

Your Monthly Message from President & CEO Don Owrey

And just like that, our summer months are now a memory. Schools are back in session, the summer crowds have slowly diminished, and the locals are beginning to reclaim all of the wonderful amenities and outdoor beauty our region has to offer. It is my hope that you had a remarkable summer that included time with family and friends.

As I stated in my last Leadership Update, we have entered a new year with new energy and an ambitious set of plans. The headwinds in healthcare continue to remain strong, but I am confident that we can weather the challenges that face Maryland hospitals as we navigate our future. Earlier this year, the Board of Trustees, Senior Leadership Team, and Medical Staff Leadership participated in a months-long exercise to carefully evaluate our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. We did a thorough review of Atlantic General Hospital ranging from our clinical operating performance, the health of our workforce and medical staff, the immediate and long term equipment and facility needs of the organization, and the financial performance over the past couple of years. The process was incredibly constructive and insightful for me as I embark on my second year leading AGH. The outcome was the formation of a 3-year strategic plan that focuses on 5 core themes and strategic imperatives. They are:

  • Strengthen Core Services
  • Improve the Performance of Atlantic General Health System
  • Nurture a Workforce Strategy that supports our Mission
  • Diversify Revenue and Cost Structure
  • Strive for High Reliability and Organizational Excellence

Strengthen Core Services

AGH seeks to provide improved operational efficiency and quality care in our core clinical services through a growth strategy in programs that are profitable to the organization. This requires that we pursue a focused strategy to strengthen the medical staff and support the assimilation of new providers recruited into our community. We believe we have the ability to further increase our market share in orthopedic surgery, women’s health, and other surgical services by stemming outmigration to competing hospitals. AGH was recently awarded a $250,000 grant to purchase new video equipment to support our minimally invasive surgery services. Advanced technology, including the Stryker MAKO robot, coupled with our outstanding team in Surgical Services positions AGH to offer our community the most advanced services with a staff that knows how to deliver patient-focused care, meaning patients should demand to have their surgery here. We are also focused on leveraging our information technology to fully support our work. The Sunrise 22.1 upgrade to occur later this month will provide enhancements to EHR and business applications. Technology must support our efforts in driving patient throughput and care efficiency. Reducing overall length of stay, reducing outpatient observation days, and expediting timely discharges sooner in the day are part of a robust strategy to improve and strengthen core services at AGH.

Improve the Performance of Atlantic General Health System

Our ambulatory and outpatient medical practices are an integral and incredibly important element of our organization. As we seek to reduce cost and avoid preventable hospital utilization, both major tenets to Maryland’s unique reimbursement structure, it is critical that we fully support the management of our practices, providing robust training to our front office staff, partnering with our providers to improve access for patients, and redesigning how we compensate providers to ensure that the individual and organizational goals are both achieved. Navigating health care can be overwhelming for patients as they experience silos, fragmentation, inconsistency in information, and on and on. Simply put, patients assume clinical competency in their health care provider. They are most interested in a more coordinated approach to their care. They desire as little friction as possible when scheduling an appointment, are in need of a test, or just inquiring about a billing statement, so working together across the organization to make it as easy as possible for our patients to interact with every aspect of our health system is a priority. Let’s commit to the golden rule of doing for others what we would like others to do for us.

Nurture a Workforce Strategy that Supports our Mission

It is often said that any organization’s most important asset is its people. That’s the case at AGH. Our strategic plan outlines a renewed commitment to investing in our people by maintaining competitive wages and employee benefits, including the introduction of new career ladders and leader development and training programs. We will also focus on the ongoing training and development needs of our associates, enhancing our HUGGS training program, and empowering all of our associates to share their voice on how we can further support and enhance AGH’s reputation as the preferred health care employer in the region. Working with the various training programs across the region, we will create avenues for emerging health care workers to join the excellent culture that exists at AGH.

Transform our Revenue and Cost Structure

Coming out of fiscal year 2023, hospitals and health systems across the country are experiencing a new set of financial challenges resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. Rather than lament the difficulty faced, I would rather focus on the opportunity. AGH will remain a highly relevant and incredibly valuable community asset. We will look to find opportunities to partner with other like-minded organizations that will to help support our mission of meeting the health needs of our growing community. Reducing unnecessary utilization, maximizing payer incentive programs, and innovating care management strategies to keep patients healthy and out of the hospital are imperatives. Pursuing aggressive cost saving strategies through our group purchasing agreements for costly medical and drug supplies enables us to redirect investments in our people. 

Strive for High Reliability and Organizational Excellence

Delivering a highly reliable experience to our patients is our highest aim. Preventing harm to our patients and optimizing their personal experience when dealing with any aspect of AGH has to be top of mind for each of us. We desire to be a learning organization so every incident reported provides us with the opportunity to ask what happened, why it happened, and how it could have been prevented. Taking a non-punitive approach to process improvement, AGH will create a culture of safety excellence as we pursue zero harm to our patients. If you see an opportunity to improve care and reduce the potential for harm, you are encouraged to share it. Quality and patient safety is everyone’s responsibility.

Beneath each pillar of our strategic plan is a comprehensive set of initiatives. I encourage you to speak with your manager or director on how your role supports these goals. 

Finally, I want to encourage you to take part in the 2023 Associate & Provider Engagement Survey. This survey opens today and runs through the next several weeks. Your voice matters and we want it to be heard. Please take a few minutes to complete the anonymous survey and share your thoughts and ideas about how we can improve AGH. Read the section below for more information.

As always, thank you for all that you do. Your work matters and our patients depend on it.

Onward and upward, together!

Associate & Provider Engagement Survey


On behalf of Atlantic General Hospital and Health System and the entire Leadership team, you are invited and encouraged to participate in the 2023 Associate & Provider Engagement Survey.

This morning, you should have received an email and text message inviting you to take the survey. This message provided further information and contained a unique link to the completely confidential survey.

Reminders will be sent out every Monday until the October 9, 2023, deadline.

The survey only takes a few minutes to complete and will provide valuable information on how we can improve associate engagement here at Atlantic General Hospital and Health System.

Once the survey is complete, be sure to print out your completion certificate. The certificate can be used as follows:

  • 5 points towards the Associates Incentive Plan, and:

  • Free breakfast sandwich in the cafeteria (hospital associates)
  • $5 Dunkin Donuts gift card (AGHS/offsite associates turn certificate in to department leader)

*All departments with 100% participation will be entered into a drawing for a pizza party!

Incentive Point Opportunity:

OC BikeFest Volunteers

Atlantic General is once again participating in this year's Ocean City BikeFest! We are in need of RN volunteers on the following days:

Friday, September 15 | 7pm - 11pm

Saturday, September 16 | 3pm - 11pm & 7pm - 11pm

All volunteers will receive incentive points, a 4-day pass to the events and parking on the evening they volunteer.

For more information and to sign up, please contact Alyce Marzola at

Incentive Point Opportunity: Out of the Darkness Walk - Northside Park

Atlantic General Hospital & Health System is participating in this year's Out of the Darkness Walk in Northside Park to support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention's ongoing efforts. Volunteers will hand out water, direct people where to go and assist with registration.

We currently need volunteers for the event as follows:

Saturday, September 23, 8am - 12pm (7 volunteers)

For more information and to sign up, please contact Alyce Marzola at

Incentive Point Opportunity: Fall Golf Classic Volunteers

Sign Up

Incentive Point Opportunity: Run Wild for Autism - Assateague State Park

Atlantic General Hospital & Health System is participating in this year's Run Wild for Autism - Assateague State Park event. Run Wild for Autism raises money for Pathfinders for Autism, which is Maryland’s largest organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with autism and their families. Volunteers will hand out water and direct people along the walking route.

We currently need volunteers for the event as follows:

Sunday, October 1, 8am - 12pm (7 volunteers)

For more information and to sign up, please contact Alyce Marzola at

Congratulations to the Associates Giving Campaign Prize Winners!


Thank you to all who donated to the 2023-2024 Associates Giving Campaign! This year's campaign raised a total of $11,620!

Below are the winners of the prize drawings:

Reason to Give Drawing (AGH Swag Bag): Jan Geiger, Materials Management

#3 Prize ($100 Gift Card to AGH Store): Sarah Yonker, Marketing

#2 Prize (8 Hours of PTO): Dianne Peterson Price, Medical Records/HIM

#1 Prize (Hotel Stay): Jill McGuire, RCCC

#1 Prize 2 (Parking Space):Ingrid Cathell, Medical Staff Services

Congratulations, Kelly Kline, CPhT-Adv!

Kelly Kline, CPhT-Adv, was recently invited to and attended the NPPA’s (National Pharmacy Purchasing Association) annual conference in Las Vegas on August 15-17. In addition to continuing education and networking with buyers from all over the country, Kelly was among 8 nationwide nominated for buyer of the year.

Congratulations on this achievement, Kelly!

3rd Annual Puppy Penguin Swim

& Yappy Hour

Register Now!

Infection Prevention: Weekly Quiz

Question of the Week:

Surgical Site Infections

Surgical site infection (SSI) is defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as infection related to an operative procedure that occurs at or near the surgical incision within 30 days of the procedure, or within 90 days if prosthetic material is implanted at surgery.

Smoking has been identified as a risk factor for wound complications across many surgical fields. This may be due to peripheral vasoconstriction caused by nicotine, which induces local tissue hypoxia.


QUESTION: What is another risk factor for wound complications and describe why?

Please send your answers to and

The first person with the correct answer wins a prize.

Last Week's Question:

If I already had COVID-19 and recovered, do I still need to get a COVID -19 vaccine? 

Answer: You should get a COVID-19 vaccine even if you already had COVID-19. Even after you recover from COVID-19 infection, the vaccine provides added protection against COVID-19. You may consider delaying the vaccine for 3 months from when your symptoms started, or if you had no symptoms, when you received your positive test.

Winner: Melody Ondo, BCBS Collections Specialist

Prize: Scentsy car circle, car coaster, pen and stickers

Weekly Reflection

Chaplains Gail, Wendy, Bruce & Eric are available to offer you support and words of encouragement. You may call us at 410-641-9725 or 410-629-6848 or send an email:,

Stay Strong & Power On!

Submit your eLert photos and articles