Your Monthly Minute
April 2017
Are You Putting Together the Pieces of the Consumer Puzzle Yet?
There are four reports in total in the Consumer Behaviour Series that provide you with a comprehensive picture of Canadian car owners' attitudes towards vehicle maintenance and repair. Two reports from the series - 'E-tailing: Online Shopping Habits of Canadian Car Owners' and 'Car Care Information: What Media Channels Are Canadians Using?' have been released so far and we are already hearing how useful they are from businesses!

If you haven't downloaded your copy yet, you're missing out! AIA Canada members can grab their free copy from our website, while non-members can purchase them for only $199 each

Click here to access the reports.

Additionally, you can join our mailing list to get a heads up when we release the remaining two reports in the Series later this year.

For more information, please contact Communications at:
180 Elgin Street, Suite 1400 Ottawa, ON K2P 2K3
1-800-808-2920, ext. 233
ALMI Project Making Great Headway
AIA Canada is making great headway in the research stages of the Aftermarket Labour Market Intelligence (ALMI) project. So far we have consulted with industry representatives and other stakeholders on the labour market information that they use in their workplaces.
What's next?

An industry-wide survey will be conducted, so stay tuned! For more information on the project and to participate in the various stages please contact Nermin Ibrahim
Great Lobby Day on the Hill: April 4th
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AIA hosted its Day on the Hill on April 4th. Some highlights of the day included meetings with key Senators, Members of Parliament and policy staff of various ministries. Specifically exciting was AIA's exposure to a number of Senators who sit on the Senate Standing Committee on Transport and Communications and are currently conducting a study on the regulatory and technical issues related to the development of connected and automated vehicles.
During the exchanges, members of the Senate Committee agreed that the aftermarket must be a part of immediate discussion, and that the vehicle repair aspect has been neglected until now. It was also a shared understanding among all Members of Parliament and Senators that the aftermarket must continue to have access to repair and service information and that the Canadian automotive service sector must remain fair - with consumer choice at the center. 
Members of ASP Council attend AIA's Day on Parliament Hill
On April 4th, 5 members of the AIA Automotive Service Provider Council attended lobby day on Parliament Hill. Ben Lalonde, Rudy Graf, Diane Freeman, Darryl Croft and Doug Moody all attended various meetings with Senators, Members of Parliament and policy staff to discuss the importance of ensuring that the aftermarket is included in conversations surrounding innovation of connected and automated vehicles. ASP council members were able to advocate directly on behalf of the service and repair industry with key Canadian decision makers. 
France Daviault AIA Canada, Senator Terry Mercer, Member of the Senate Standing Committee on Transport and Communications, Ben Lalonde ASP Council Member, Diane Freeman ASP Council Member
Budget 2017 and the Aftermarket
As Minister Morneau painted the town "green" with the release of Budget 2017 on March 22, gender-equality supporters and innovation enthusiasts found plenty to cheer on. AIA Canada had its eyes set on the budget and analysed how it impacts our $21 billion sector. Here's our take on the key areas that will directly affect the aftermarket.

Read the full analysis here.
While the Trans-Pacific Partnership is being referred to as "dead in the water," Canada is pushing through with the Canada-European Trade Agreement (CETA). What does the CETA mean for the automotive industry? One impact sure to be felt will be the removal of EU tariffs on all Canadian auto parts.

Learn more here.

Innovation was the buzzword of the federal government's Budget 2017- in fact, innovation has been the buzzword of the Liberal government. It should be no surprise that Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, is the most lobbied minister on the Hill.

Despite the prominent role that innovation plays in the government's narrative, Canada lags behind other advanced economies in innovation. The following National Post article looks at why Canada is filled with low-innovation companies.

We keep hearing about the impact that automation will have on the global economy. This article looks at just how well prepared the federal government is for this fast-approaching reality.

Interested in learning more about government relations at AIA? Are there issues happening in your region that impact the aftermarket that we should know about? 

Reach out to Erin Chreptyk at
Don't Forget: 2017 AGM Proxy Form Filled by May 8th
Cannot make AIA Canada's Annual General Meeting & Network Reception on May 16th? 

All AIA members are encouraged to attend the Annual General Meeting. If you are the designated contact for your company and not able to attend, please complete a Proxy Form, assigning your vote to a specific individual. You must complete the form before May 8th.
The Success of Ontario's Knowledge Exchange Series
On March 29th, over 130 AIA members and automotive service providers attended the Ontario
Knowledge Exchange Series that took place at the Paramount Event Space. With a focus on change and disruptors in the automotive aftermarket, attendees heard about how they can prepare for the future.  Speakers included James Carter who presented on industry disruptors and Rick Nadeau from Quorus Research who presented on 'What's Driving Your Customers.'  Also presenting on behalf of AIA were Andrew Shepherd who provided information on AIA research conducted on shop performance benchmarks and France Daviault highlighted plans for the future direction of the association.
Feedback from attendees at this event was very positive with 98% of attendees rating this event as either good or excellent and 97% of attendees would recommend this event to a colleague or friend.
AIA will be taking this event across Canada.  Dates and locations will be announced shortly.
Thought-provoking 2017 YES Conference
Close to 70 aftermarket professionals joined together on March 28th to participate in the first AIA National event for 2017.  The theme for this year's YES Conference was "Change or Die."  The keynote speaker, Justin Kingsley, Brand Expert & Entrepreneur, shared real-life examples of businesses he has helped reinvent despite the challenging landscape. Following his keynote, Justin led the group through a thought-provoking workshop that asked attendees to focus on both the challenges and opportunities that they perceived would have an impact on the automotive aftermarket and their careers. 

Attendees also had the pleasure of hearing from industry mentor Ezer Mevorach, CEO of Mevotech LP, who described the journey of his career as his business went through many changes to become a Canadian success story that employs hundreds.  
Québec Division, Proud Partner of ÉMÉMM
Andr Latreille - Vyolaine Dujmovic
Photo : Autosphere
On Thursday, March 30th, the members of the Board of Directors of AIA Canada's Quebec Division gathered at the École des métiers de l'équipement motorisé de Montréal (ÉMÉMM) to celebrate a historic event.

The occasion was for the celebration  of  the 100th anniversary of the largest professional training school in the field of motorized equipment in Québec.

Read more on our blog.

AIA Canada's Alberta Focus in March
L to R: Art Wilderman, CIAA Executive Director; Ken McCormack, ARA Executive Director; Wayne Paulsen, CIAA Board Chair; Ron Tremblay, ARA Board Chair and ASP Council Chair; Rob Lang, President NATA (National Automotive Trades Association); JF Champagne, AIA; Doug Reevey, AIA

The week of March 20th was one  focusing on Alberta. AIA President JF Champagne, Board  Chair Doug Reevey and Senior Director of Stakeholder Relations France Daviault all spent the week meeting with members and stakeholders in Edmonton and Calgary, and a few places in between! AIA had the opportunity to meet with both Northern and Southern Alberta division members, staff from the Alberta Ministry of Labour, administrators from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT), regional service provider associations, Automotive Retailers Association (ARA), Canadian Independent Automotive Association (CIAA), and a number of automotive service providers in the region. 
L to R: France Daviault of AIA and Nancy Suranyi of Namao Automotive & RV Repair
L to R: France Daviault of AIA, Nancy Suranyi of Namao Automotive & RV Repair, Lisa Beaudry, Alberta Ministry of Labour, Pauline Andruik, Superior Automotive Repair
CCIAP Update: Corporation des carrossiers professionnels du Québec
In the spirit of cooperation, the Corporation des carrossiers professionnels du Québec met
Front row : Luc Fillion, Strategic Advisor, CCPQ; Andrew Shepherd, Senior Director, Industry Programs, AIA Canada and Executive Director, I-CAR Canada 
Back row : Roger Goudreau, Executive Director, Québec Division, AIA Canada; Caroline Lacasse, Chair of I-CAR Québec Committee; Rachel Leduc, Project Coordinator, Québec Division, AIA Canada
Absent from photo : Michel Bourbeau, Executive President, CCPQ
with representatives of AIA Canada and I-CAR to pave the way for its involvement in promoting the Canadian Collision Industry Accreditation Program (CCIAP).
AIA Signs Cooperation Agreement with China
The Automotive Industries Association (AIA) of Canada is pleased to announce the signing of a cooperation agreement with the China Automotive Maintenance and Repair Trades Association (CAMRA). The official event was held in Beijing at the AMR2017: Auto Maintenance and Repair Expo.

Mark Deroche, BCIT; Mubasher Faruki, BCIT; Desmond Chan, Fix Auto; Fengling Wang, CAMRA;  JF Champagne, AIA; Bob Kirstiuk, Fix Auto;  Frank Liu, CAMRA

In This Issue
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Knowledge Centre
Access the latest in market research and industry data. 

Latest Research 
The Changing Automotive Landscape: An Introduction

E-tailing: Online Shopping Habits of Canadian Car Owners

Coming soon

Consumer Series: Repair & Maintenance Views of 2,000 Canadians

Consumer Series: Telematics & the Canadian Consumer

Innovation in the Aftermarket: What's on the radar?

N.B. Member login required to download free reports. Non-members can purchase reports online.

Industry Job Board

N.B. Free member benefit.
Did you know that AIA offers a member plaque replacement program free of charge?

Upcoming Events
May 2017

16 - AIA Annual General Meeting & Network Reception

25 - CCIF Frederiction 2017

June 2017

15 - Women's Leadership Conference

See more...
2017 Golf Tournaments

June 2017

1 - Quebec Division Golf Tournament

September 2017

7 - Ontario Division Golf Tournament

7 - Manitoba Division Golf Tournament

7 - Northern Alberta Division Golf Tournament

14 - Southern Alberta Division Golf Tournament

Industry Events

April 2017

1 -  Federated Co-op Spring Buymart

19 - Lindertech Automotive Technical Training Conference

75th Anniversary Gala - Join the Celebration!
Taking place at the Westin Hotel in Ottawa, Ontario on Friday November 24th, join us for the AIA event of the decade.

Enjoy an evening full of great food, dazzling entertainment and warm camaraderie.