Your Monthly Minute
June 2017
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We can help! We'll work with your IT department so we can share AIA's news on your intranet.

Contact Communications Coordinator Courtney DeLaura, at to make it happen!
Over 2,000 Canadians share their views...
...on car repair and maintenance in AIA's upcoming report.

AIA's upcoming report presents the results of surveying over 2,000 Canadian car owners in order to understand how they approach the question of maintenance and repair of their vehicle.

The report unravels pertinent questions about car owners such as: do they prefer independent repair shops or dealerships? what do they look for in a repair shop? do they follow a maintenance schedule? and how much do they trust their technician?

Find out for yourself by signing up to our mailing list.
ATTENTION: Front Line Mechanical & Collision Employees/Employers
We would love to hear from you. Surveys are coming!
On May 17, 2017, Jean-François Champagne and France Daviault appeared before the Senate Standing Committee on Transport and Communications to deliver testimony on the committee's current study on the regulatory and technical issues related to the deployment of connected and autonomous vehicles. The Senators were visibly interested in the aftermarket as is evident in the number of enthusiastic questions that were directed at them. Take the time to watch the video of the presentation. Their opening remarks are around the 18:58:25 mark.
  • In April, transportation was the most lobbied subject on Parliament Hill (The Lobby Monitor, May 19, 2017).
  • The three jurisdictions with the highest electric vehicle adoption in the world are Norway, the Netherlands and California (Policy Options)
Automation will lead to a "systemic labour market shock." To mitigate the impacts of an increasing number of unemployed workers, Ontario plans to pilot a guaranteed minimum income program this spring. (iPolitics)
"We are on the cusp of one of the fastest, deepest, most consequential disruptions of transportation in history" (Tony Seba, Stanford University Economist).

Check out Tony's thesis that the end of big oil and big auto is eight years away.
Interested in learning more about government relations at AIA? Are there issues happening in your region that impact the aftermarket that we should know about? 

Reach out to Erin Chreptyk at
AIA gifts Skills Canada Champion with
I-CAR ® Training
Image of Vyolain Dujmovic Skills Canada Auto Body Repair Champion
Photo courtesy of: CollisionWeek
AIA Canada is proud to join other industry partners in supporting 2016 Skills CanadaChampion (Autobody Repair) Vyolaine Dujmovic on her road to the 2017 WorldSkills Competition this coming October 14-17 in Abu Dhabi.

In light of her recent accomplishments and with the full support of her employer, Fix Auto Henri-Bourrassa, Ms. Dujmovic is going after another career goal, achieving I-CAR® Platinum Recognition status. Staff at AIA Canada wanted to help her reach her goal by providing Vyolaine with I-CAR® training free of charge.

Read more here.
AIA Elects New Board of Directors
AIA Canada announced the election of three new directors, along with other changes to its Board at the 75th Annual General Meeting held in Mississauga, Ontario on May 16, 2017. The new members are Rick Orser from 3M Canada Company, Tony Del Vasto from Vast-Auto Distribution and Steve Leal from Fix Auto World.

Click here to read more.
Congrats to our Award Recipients
Congratulations to this year's Distinguished Service Award
recipient, John Maslack, and Young Leader of the Year Award recipient, Jason Best.

On May 16th, members of AIA Canada celebrated the 2017 Young Leader of the Year Award recipient, Jason Best, Executive Vice President, Aftermarket of Spectra Premium Industries, along with AIA Distinguished Service Award recipient, John Maslack, founder and president of Maslack Supply.

Read more about our two award recipients who are truly admired by the automotive aftermarket industry:

AIA Committee and Council Meeting Updates
Automotive Service Provider (ASP) Council Meeting
The first ever in-person meeting of the AIA ASP Council was held on May 16th. Chaired by Ron Tremblay, the Council discussed future developments of 'Right to Repair,' reviewed research proposals presented for review and feedback, and discussed the potential of developing a Canadian shop accreditation program for the industry. Good discussions ensued and feedback from Council members was overwhelmingly positive.
Government Relations Committee Meeting
On May 15th, members of the AIA Government Relations Committee met to discuss key issues of importance that need to be actively pursued with government. Chaired by Steve Gushie of CARQUEST, the committee identified priorities as 'Right to Repair', NAFTA, and the recruitment of skilled labour. In addition, the Committee agreed that future GR activities should include more 'issues focused' activities that aim to bring together stakeholders on an important overall industry issue. As a result, a NAFTA Industry Cluster was formed and is having a first meeting via conference call on June 12th.
Division Chairs Meeting
On May 15th, the AIA Divisions Chairs held their second annual in-person meeting in Toronto ahead of the AIA AGM. They came together to identify their priorities for the upcoming year, and to share updates on what is happening in each region. Divisions Chairs expressed a keen interest in the outcomes of the ASP Council, and participated in discussions surrounding government relations priorities by division. Division events were also discussed and it was concluded that the AIA Knowledge Exchange Series would be held in other regions, with Alberta first on the agenda in September. 
AIA High Fives for Kids and the Saskatchewan Division
Mark Millard, Chair of AIA Canada's Saskatchewan division presented Saskatoon Crisis Nursery with a donation from members and the High Fives for Kids Foundation.

"Ray Wilson and I had the honour to present a cheque to the Saskatoon Crisis Nursery for $3000. A big thank you to the Saskatchewan Division, Ottawa and the High Fives For Kids Foundation for making this possible. After the cheque presentation, Lisa Welter-Mills took us on a tour of the home. It was both humbling and emotional. The work they do is phenomenal and it cannot be emphasized enough how fortunate we are that such a place exists."

Check out the great work the Foundation is doing on behalf of the aftermarket for the local communities here. 

Want to make a donation or interested in applying for funding? Contact us! 

Park'n Fly revises its Discount Savings program
Please be advised that Park'n Fly's corporate discount rates have been revised effective June 1st, 2017.

These rates continue to offer your organization superior savings over Park'n Fly's regular posted rates. The savings will vary depending on the market.

If you are an AIA member, please login to your account to access plan details and instructions located at the BOTTOM of the Benefits page.
Celebrating AIA Canada's 75th Anniversary
As part of AIA Canada's 75th Anniversary celebrations, Jobber News and Newcom Automotive Group will be producing a "75th Anniversary Commemorative Anniversary" edition and video for debut at the Gala Celebration taking place on November 24th in Ottawa.  Following the Gala, this commemorative edition will also be distributed across Canada through Newcom's distribution channel.

If your company is interested in being part of this special edition, click here for more information or contact your Newcom representative.
Upcoming Monthly Minutes
For the months of July and August, the 'Monthly Minute' will be taking a summer vacation and will be released again in September.

You can continue to stay up-to-date on aftermarket news by visiting AIA's website or social media channels. 

Happy Summer!
In This Issue
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Your Industry Knowledge Centre
Access the latest in market research and industry data. 

Latest Research 
The Changing Automotive Landscape: An Introduction

E-tailing: Online Shopping Habits of Canadian Car Owners

Coming soon

Consumer Series: Repair & Maintenance Views of 2,000 Canadians

Consumer Series: Telematics & the Canadian Consumer

Innovation in the Aftermarket: What's on the radar?

N.B. Member login required to download free reports. Non-members can purchase reports online.

Industry Job Board

N.B. Free member benefit.
Did you know that AIA offers a member plaque replacement program free of charge?

Upcoming Events

June 2017

15 - Women's Conference (Collingwood, ON)

See more...
2017 Golf Tournaments
September 2017

7 - Ontario Division Golf Tournament

7 - Manitoba Division Golf Tournament

7 - Northern Alberta Division Golf Tournament

14 - Southern Alberta Division Golf Tournament

Industry Events
June 2017

18 - CARSP Conference 2017

July 2017

26 - NACE Automechanika Chicago
75th Anniversary Gala - Join the Celebration!
Taking place at the Westin Hotel in Ottawa, Ontario on Friday November 24th, join us for the AIA event of the decade.

Enjoy an evening full of great food, dazzling entertainment and warm camaraderie.